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  • Well…i like the overall look, i think, on it. I use Chrome, btw. However, one thing that might keep people from..connecting to it, is that plugin you have for oneallsocial login. I frankly..found that intrusive that your website was trying to get my email and personal data… If i see “connect with” I thought I was going to go to your google+ page or your facebook page and it was instead trying to get me to login..and give your site access…which aint happenin.’

    Try a dif plugin that allows people to actually connect to your sites without the overbearing privacy issues. (some themes have them built in). I know you want people to log in to rack up their points, but you already have a button above for registration…

    I just found it misleading to have those buttons not lead to your FB/Google websites, but to have you login with them.

    Just a suggestion.

    you can pay godaddy to do the privacy thing for your’s entirely up to you. However, if someone does a website whois lookup on your site, it will tell them your personal information..just your name/address and phone number. Basically, what your registration data when you purchased the website domain. I just looked yours up and it told me your name, email addy, registration date, etc.

    I pay for it on mine because i don’t want to be spammed to death….and frankly, if someone wants to stalk me, i don’t want them having an easy time of it.

    For facebook, if you have your own profile, it’s really easy to setup a page for it. (facebook doesn’t want businesses to create individual profiles for websites/etc). There are some plugins that will allow you to publish your posts right over to your facebook page. It’ll be a link like this: (totally not trying to spam my website, just giving an example). You can have it display yourself as the featured page owner or have it so it doesn’t show that you are the admin.

    Umm…they are rather tiny..I didn’t realize. :/ (sorry!)

    I’m so sorry i did not respond before now! I didn’t visit the forums for the past bit.
    Okay here’s the screenshots from Chrome:

    Not sure if it’s just me, but on Chrome it took a REALLY long time to load and when it finally did some of the formatting was wonky. Like..the google ad was covering your numbers at the bottom. So i opened firefox, which my adblocker ate all your ads, loaded a little bit faster and the formatting seems okay without the advertisments. Maybe it has something to do with load times? (your logo is a bit tiny as well, but i’m just picky that way..mine is prob too big. ??

    Side note: Your homepage isn’t listing your updated recent articles..last one shown is from Nov 1st, but I notice in your slidebar that there are more recent ones hidden.

    Thread Starter Synfidie


    I’ve tried disabling the plugin and even after it’s been disabled/removed entirely, it still shows up. I think i’m stuck with it. :/ I did find the code for it and could remove it manually off every single post one by one, but that is frustratingly annoying.

    I did check off the “manually add the button to your theme or posts” and it still wouldn’t go away.

    I think i’m stuck with it until I up my knowledge on the code.

    Hi, i am a new blogger myself (well besides Tumblr) and I checked out your site. So this is coming from a non-techie perspective, but as an average viewer who might stumble across your page.

    I like the images next to the there a way to stretch the images just a tiny bit so they fill the whole white box to the left of the text?
    Also, i know you want to watermark your pictures, but the watermark itself is a little distracting..maybe sticking it as a lighter shade or putting it in the bottom corner or something. For example, your header image has a gigantuan watermark on it and when the little box pops up with the text on top of it, the watermark shows through the text and makes the text unreadable in the box. (hope that makes sense)

    Thread Starter Synfidie


    Ah, found the link finally for it. Nvm on this question, i’m a noob.

    Thread Starter Synfidie


    (side note: I did go through’s information and it routed me over here to since i have my own hosting, etc)

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