Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Our Team by WooThemes] "Read More" Link – SolutionThe most recent version of “Our Team” does appear to honour the “More” tag. However, there is no “Read More” link associated with it. The text appears to just cut off with […] as the ending.
I tried using the above posted snippet and it doesn’t appear to work any longer either. :/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin Notes] Feature request: text formatting editor controlsIs this update still being worked on?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Our Team by WooThemes] Pagination and LayoutHey guys,
From my understanding pagination doesn’t work out of the box in the Woo plugins (features, our team, testimonials, etc.) even though there is a shortcode option for it.
Matty from Woo added a comment to a thread where he said:
“The “pagination” option is intended for users who with to use JavaScript to fade/slide between testimonials. It may also be used in a future plugin version.”
So unless you can code it in yourself I don’t believe your pagination will work properly at this point.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Our Team by WooThemes] Learn more link under each profile on the main pageAfter you added the snippet to your functions.php file did you go into each profile entry and use the <!–more–> tag?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Partial PaymentWebatix seems to have something along these lines: Woo Deposits
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Testimonials by WooThemes] Widget needs option to limit textIf using this in the widget the <!–more–> tag as mentioned above should work.
However, if using the <!–more–> and calling the testimonial content via the shortcode on any page it will not work.
To get around this you might be able to do the following as mentioned in this post on the “Woothemes Our Team” support thread:
In the snippet given on that page (found in woothemes-testimonials-template.php) you would simply replace woothemes_our_team_content with woothemes_testimonials_content
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Our Team by WooThemes] category slug to something else?Hey Samantha,
This solution should work, just add the code to the fuctions.php of your theme:
/* Change 'Our Team' Single Slug */ function woothemes_our_team_custom_single_slug( $single_slug ) { $new_single_slug = _x( 'yoga-instructor', 'single post url slug', 'our-team-by-woothemes' ); return $new_single_slug; } add_filter( 'woothemes_our_team_single_slug', 'woothemes_our_team_custom_single_slug' );
The default archive slug to view all team members is “team-members”. Additionally add the following snippet to adjust your archive slug.
*Note: If you already have a page with a slug that uses “yoga-instructors” that you are trying to display team members on via the shortcode you might run into a bit of conflict with the archive slug listed below. If so then change the archive slug from yoga-instructors to yoga-instructors-archive
/* Change 'Our Team' Archive Slug */ function woothemes_our_team_custom_archive_slug( $archive_slug ) { $new_archive_slug = _x( 'yoga-instructors', 'post archive url slug', 'our-team-by-woothemes' ); return $new_archive_slug; } add_filter( 'woothemes_our_team_archive_slug', 'woothemes_our_team_custom_archive_slug' );
After adding the snippets re-save your permalink settings to save your new slugs.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Our Team by WooThemes] ExcerptHey optimus203,
It sounds like you’re wanting to shorten the amount of content that the shortcode displays correct?
If so then a possible solution (no editing of the plugin code required) can be found here: “Read More” Link – Solution
The above essentially utilizes the
tag and a small snippet that you add to your themes functions.php file to allow control over the amount of Bio content displayed.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Our Team by WooThemes] Move Featured Image Below TitleNope, not theme related; it’s all from the plugin.
You can move the title (name/title) above the avatar/featured image by placing the following code snippet in your theme functions.php:
add_filter( 'woothemes_our_team_item_template', 'new_team_member_template' ); function new_team_member_template( $tpl ) { $tpl = '<div itemscope itemtype="" class="%%CLASS%%">%%TITLE%% %%AVATAR%% <div id="team-member-%%ID%%" class="team-member-text" itemprop="description">%%TEXT%% %%AUTHOR%%</div></div>'; return $tpl; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Our Team by WooThemes] Team Member Page – chose theme templateJust to be sure, you’re talking about the style for the post of individual members, right (i.e. team-member/joe)?
If so, the plugin itself doesn’t load a “single.php” file, that file is coming directly from your theme.
For single posts WordPress will check for the following files in your themes directory: single-{post-type}.php > single.php > index.php
Since there is likely no single-{post-type}.php file in your theme related to this plugin, WordPress is using the default single.php to style those individual team member posts.
If you want change the layout of the team member posts (i.e team-member/joe) you would need to create a single-{post-type}.php file. The easiest way to do this is to duplicate your theme’s existing single.php file and then rename it to single-team-member.php (team-member being the “Our Team” plugin post type).
Edit the single-team-member.php file you created to use the layout structure you want. Save and upload this file to your theme/child theme directory and you should be good to go.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Our Team by WooThemes] Team Member TemplateOh I see, you were talking about the individual team member post, not the content that the shortcode/template tag returns; sorry for the confusion. ??
You won’t need to make changes to the shortcode or use the function above. The styles for the inner team pages (i.e. /team-member/kevin) are being controlled by your theme’s single.php file.
Duplicate the single.php file in your theme and then rename the duplicate to single-team-member.php (team-member being the plugins post type); you should then be able to open that file and remove the portion that would display author content on the individual team member posts.
Upload the newly created single-team-member.php file to your theme/child theme directory and you should be good to go.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Our Team by WooThemes] Team Member TemplateHey kevinwasie,
You shouldn’t need to modify the template layout above to achieve your goal. On the “Other Notes” tab here in the repository there is a section that lists all the arguments that can be used with the shortcode or template tag. I believe the one that you’re looking for is:
'display_author' => true (whether or not to display the author information)
so change your shortcode to something like:
[woothemes_our_team limit="10" size="100" display_author="false"]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Our Team by WooThemes] Bio excerpt on team members pageCan’t edit my above post any longer. Boo!
Anyway, I created a thread with a possible solution to this issue here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Our Team by WooThemes] Learn more link under each profile on the main pageHey rockydude,
I created a thread with a possible solution to this issue here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Our Team by WooThemes] Bio excerpt on team members pageI’d like to know this as well.
Using the “More” tag has no effect on the shortcode and there is no “excerpt”.
Does anyone have an idea how to get the shortcode to display only part of the content (via “More”/the excerpt)?