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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Invoice - Web Invoice and Billing] [wp-invoice-history] Shortcode BugHi Anton,
I realize this about the Forum.
While I don’t mind paying for customizations (styling, enhancements etc.), paying to send bug reports and plugin errors to have reviewed/fixed isn’t logical; at least not to me. There doesn’t really appear to be another way for your users to submit bugs to have them acknowledged/looked at (without paying a fee) other than the forum (unless I missed it).
Perhaps opening a Usability Dynamics bug tracker/bug report section of the forums or alternatively maybe switching to a yearly support subscription (since your plugin is free) with access to an actual support forum would help alleviate some of the tension that seems to build from users in regards to the UD community forum. Just some suggestions. ??
Anyway, thanks for looking into this and glad to hear that it’s fixed. I look forward to Monday’s release.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] 404 Error for Cart and other WooCommerce pagesI’m not sure if this helps anyone but it was the source of my issues for some of the files not being found:
It’s possible that your webserver has outdated modsecurity rules and they are causing issues with files loading showing up properly.
The rule ID that appears to be the culprit is 950004 (or at least in my case).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] 404 Error for Cart and other WooCommerce pagesExact same issue here. I would like to add this was/is not happening on pre 2.0 WooCommerce installations.
I’m having an issue with NetworkError: 404 Not Found for core WooCommerce file: woocommerce/assets/js/jquery-cookie/jquery.cookie.min.js?ver=1.3.1
Settings are currently:
Settings >> Permalinks >> Common Settings = Custom Structure (/%category%/%postname%/)
Settings >> Permalinks >> Product permalink base = DefaultSetting Common Settings = Default is the ONLY way that the above mentioned core WooCommerce 2.0 file is getting detected. No other combination of Common/Product Permalink settings will resolve the 404 error.
This was not an issue prior to 2.0.
It also appears the above script from WooCommerce 2.0 (when running as Common Settings = Default permalink) is triggering Mod Security 406 Errors on some servers and gets blocked as a [tag “WEB_ATTACK/XSS”]; again doesn’t appear to be an issue prior to 2.0
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Importer] "Failure to import" and "Invalid post type" errorsUPDATE: WORKAROUND FOR FAILED TO IMPORT
Anyone having the issue where author’s are NOT being recognized or the XML import data is failing…
I am not certain if this is something missing on the certain servers or if it’s the plugin itself is buggy as this it works for me on some server and not others using identical environments.
If your import is failing try the following (this method resolved this issue for me):
1) Download and Install 7zip.
2) Right click on your .XML file -> 7zip -> Add to Archive
3) Change the “Archive format” to gzip and hit “OK”
4) Try to import the file again (using the .gz you just created) and it should work.I also had to bump up the following settings in my php.ini (these settings might be a bit excessive but my importer step 2 was going to a “page not found” front end error until I did this):
memory_limit = 64M
default_socket_timeout = 600
pfpro.defaulttimeout = 600Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Importer] "Failure to import" and "Invalid post type" errorsJust to update I’ve tried changing a server (with the issue) from suPHP to FCGI with no luck. I’ve tried comparing PHP settings etc. they all look similar.
Modules installed on the servers are all similar.
Is there a specific module/variable in PHP or Apache etc. that we might be missing.
Not only does it fail to import the data from the .xml files but it’s completely not recognizing any author’s etc. It’s like it will upload but not process any data; author’s don’t load and if you continue past that point in the import all data fails.
If anyone has any tips on what variables/modules to change/implement please share.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Importer] "Failure to import" and "Invalid post type" errorsI’ve tried several identical demo setups across multiple server’s and it honestly looks like it’s a server issue; possibly Apache. Some server’s it will work, some it will not
Responses here seem few and far between from support but if I find a setting that I change that makes it work I’ll post it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Importer] "Failure to import" and "Invalid post type" errorsThis issue appears to be related to server settings.
Tested this on a few different servers using the exact same theme/plugins/setup some servers it worked on, others it didn’t. In each instance the XML file does show that it uploads as it then loads the “Assign Authors” options.
On server’s where the import works it lists the “Assign Authors” options similar to this (I was specifically trying to import WooThemes data hence the authors):
1.Import author: WooThemes (wooadmin)
or create new user with login name:
or assign posts to an existing user:2.Import author: WooThemes (wooteam)
or create new user with login name:
or assign posts to an existing user:The server’s where it didn’t work would simply just display:
1. Import author: ()
or create new user with login name:
or assign posts to an existing user:Anyone have any suggestions of what settings to check on the server’s to make sure this works properly?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Importer] "Failure to import" and "Invalid post type" errorsIs there any news on this?
I tried to contact the theme provider and they were unable to duplicate the issue. However this occurs on any 3.5.1 site that I try to import data to.
Is there a server setting I should be looking for?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Importer] "Failure to import" and "Invalid post type" errorsI’m also getting this. It’s incredibly annoying.
Fresh WP install. No pages/content/other plugins. Went to import the data, it uploads fine, I get the “Assign Authors” and “Import Attachments” options but as soon as I click “Submit” on that page BAM “Failed to Import” message.
How the heck are we supposed to import any of our data?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Testimonials by WooThemes] Testimonial fields not being recognized?Resolved:
This can be accomplished via Gravity Forms by using “Custom Field” and “New Custom Field Name”.
The keys that need to be entered are _gravatar_email, _byline and _url (as shown when checking the DB for reference) and not just gravatar_email, byline, and url.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress prettyPhoto] Sample of how to use your WordPress prettyPhotoo_O Talk about a blonde moment; this is a sign that working at 3am is bad. I didn’t even realize that jQuery was not being included in Twenty Twelve I just assumed it was.
Derp! Enqueued jQuery in the Twenty Twelve functions and all is good now. ??
As a side note, after a bit of googling if anyone else wants to use your plugin with galleries they can use the following in their functions.php (courtesy of Remi Corson):
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ADD PRETTYPHOTO REL ATTRIBUTE FOR LIGHTBOX */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ add_filter('wp_get_attachment_link', 'rc_add_rel_attribute'); function rc_add_rel_attribute($link) { global $post; return str_replace('<a href', '<a rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]" href', $link); }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress prettyPhoto] Sample of how to use your WordPress prettyPhotoIt actually seems to be not working at all for any image.
If you see the following url you can see that even though your plugin is active and the rel=prettyPhoto is applied it’s not working: Test
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress prettyPhoto] Sample of how to use your WordPress prettyPhotoI’m unable to add rel=”prettyphoto” to images that are embeded using the default WP Gallery feature. Galleries are added via a shortcode. How can I get your plugin to work with the default WP Galleries?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Testimonials by WooThemes] Need help with stylingI agree, the styling documentation seems lacking. If you want it to look like Definition you can try the following:
Go to the Definition demo and right click on the page. Select View Frame Source. Look for the links wp-content/themes/definition/style.css and layout.css.
Right click each one and “open in new tab” or “window” you can then do a search for the keyword “testimonial” in each of those stylesheets to find reference to how their testimonials were styled on that theme.
I believe they use the Testimonials plugin in their themes now so the css structure for the shortcode/widgets should follow mostly the same class’s/id’s that they use.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Testimonials by WooThemes] archive page – base premalinkI just discovered this as well and it was driving me bonkers @_@
I’m not a huge advocate of editing core code (as updates will break your modifications), however, the line ‘has_archive’ => ‘testimonials’, appears to be the issue:
(found in testimonials-by-woothemes/classes/class-woothemes-testimonials.php)$args = array( 'labels' => $labels, 'public' => true, 'publicly_queryable' => true, 'show_ui' => true, 'show_in_menu' => true, 'query_var' => true, 'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'testimonial' ), 'capability_type' => 'post', 'has_archive' => 'testimonials', 'hierarchical' => false, 'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'page-attributes' ), 'menu_position' => 5, 'menu_icon' => ''
I temporarily commented out the line ‘has_archive’ => ‘testimonials’, by changing it to: /*’has_archive’ => ‘testimonials’,*/
I then re-saved my permalink structure and viola I am now able to use the page ‘testimonials’.