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  • Syrehn


    Ack! I just saw this message as well.

    I don’t particularly want to use Download Manager. Mike, is there any way the community could convince you to keep this going!

    I use this on several sites and it’s always worked like a charm but now I’m worried about it not working with future WP updates. @_@

    Thread Starter Syrehn


    Ok clearly my brain is out to lunch today and I just realized that modifying the plugin is not necessary. Disregard previous posts.

    Simply add the following to your functions.php or plugin:

    add_post_type_support( ‘my_custom_post_type_name’, ‘woosidebars’ );

    Thread Starter Syrehn


    I modified the plugin for the time being to accommodate for my custom post types.

    To do this I opened the class-woo-sidebars.php files and found the following (approx. line 115):
    add_post_type_support( ‘post’, ‘woosidebars’ );

    Beneath that I added the following:

    add_post_type_support( ‘my_custom_post_type_name’, ‘woosidebars’ );

    Then I found the following section (approx. line 134 – 141):

    public function register_post_type_columns () {
    		$post_type = get_post_type();
    		if ( $post_type != '' && post_type_supports( $post_type, 'woosidebars' ) ) {
    			add_filter( 'manage_edit-' . $post_type . '_columns', array( &$this, 'add_post_column_headings' ), 10, 1 );
    			add_action( 'manage_posts_custom_column', array( &$this, 'add_post_column_data' ), 10, 2 );
    			add_action( 'manage_pages_custom_column', array( &$this, 'add_post_column_data' ), 10, 2 );

    Beneath that I added:

    $custom_post_type = get_post_type('my_custom_post_type_name');
    		if ( $custom_post_type != '' && post_type_supports( $custom_post_type, 'woosidebars' ) ) {
    			add_filter( 'manage_edit-' . $custom_post_type . '_columns', array( &$this, 'add_post_column_headings' ), 10, 1 );
    			add_action( 'manage_posts_custom_column', array( &$this, 'add_post_column_data' ), 10, 2 );
    			add_action( 'manage_pages_custom_column', array( &$this, 'add_post_column_data' ), 10, 2 );

    I am now able to select my individual custom post type entries to be included in the WooSidebars Widget Areas.

    It would be great to see this somehow added in by default so that users don’t need to manually hack the core plugin code.


    Thread Starter Syrehn



    I did some poking around/Googling and found that the Posts tab DOES appear when you click on the Checkmark found in the Custom Sidebars column of the Post listings page.

    However, this doesn’t appear to work for Custom Post Types. Any way to get that checkmark feature to be compatible with custom post types?

    Thread Starter Syrehn


    I resolved this by adding the following in my .htaccess under my RewriteEngine On:

    RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^(demo|demo2)\.creativecollab\.com$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

    That successfully excluded my subdomains from loading the https url.

    I’d vote for a stripe feature if I could get the plugin to stop triggering page errors and SQL Injection Attacks in my Apache logs every time I try to save wp-invoice settings. @_@

    Does Usability Dynamics have a development roadmap anywhere?

    I want to chime in here. I just installed this tonight and the error appears to be coming from the plugin trying to save the settings in the Business Process tab/section.

    I reviewed their forum and found 1 topic that was posted last year in regards to the issue. I posted my comments as well.

    I own my server and host sites off it so I went in directly to my apache logs after I got the error from WP-Invoice (upon trying to save from only the Business Process page). The following were my results:

    ModSecurity: Access denied with code 406 (phase 2). Pattern match “long line of code” at REQUEST_HEADERS:Cookie. [file "usr/local/apache/conf/modsec2.user.conf"] [line "98"] [msg "SQL Injection Attack"] [severity "CRITICAL"] [tag "WEB_ATTACK/SQL_INJECTION"] {hostname “”] {uri “/wp-admin/admin.php”]

    It appears my server is stopping the WP Invoice plugin (or I’m assuming the Invoice plugin) while trying to save something that the server is considering a Web SQL Injection Attack. Yay server security!

    I’m waiting for a response on their official website regarding this. Jayseventwo and klynam, since you’re also having the same issue, it could be the same problem. Do you have access to your apache logs right after getting the error?

    Thread Starter Syrehn


    The github version solved the issue. ??

    Thread Starter Syrehn


    Hi Tareq,

    Doh! You’re right, the Recent Comments widget on the front end was showing comments because I had the plugin turned off. My bad.

    However, I’m still having the issue that no comments (normal page/post comments) are showing up on the dashboard in the recent comments meta box while PM is active, disabling the plugin allows for the viewing of all regular comments again. Odd that you’re saying that doesn’t occur for you, I can send you screenshots if you’d like?

    Thread Starter Syrehn


    Just thought I’d give you a heads up. It appears that the changes you made to preventing PM comments from appearing in the Recent Comments meta is affecting ALL comments. With PM activated 0 comments show up, when de-activated, normal recent comments show up.

    Odd quirk (not sure if it’s a bug or something just went odd) after first upgrading to WP 3.5 today, the recent comment meta box appeared to generate a DB error in the comment meta which disappeared when I de-activated/re-activated the PM plugin. Since then I get the above mentioned issue.

    It also appears that they are still showing up in the recent comments widget as well; just noticed this while looking at the new 2012 theme (even when PM is de-activated).

    Thread Starter Syrehn


    Ack, can’t edit the original post anymore…

    The portion about files should read like this:

    Also, is there a way to prevent files from being seen by individuals outside the Project? Right now if someone has a direct link to a file from a project then anyone could access it since it’s uploaded via the standard WP Media Uploader to the wp-content/uploads folder; dangerous if you’re working on confidential files. Perhaps having files uploaded to a PM specific folder (i.e pm-files)outside of the wp-content/uploads folder with additional file restrictions (possibly via .htaccess) would resolve this. Just a thought. ??

    Thread Starter Syrehn


    Hi Tareq,

    I actually have a Basecamp account but don’t use it often. I’m a big fan of self-hosted solutions personally which is why I was excited to find your plugin.

    I liked CollabPress while it was an actively developed plugin. It seems like it’s dead in the water now though.

    In terms of Project Manager vs. CollabPress, I think when you get under the hood, they have pretty similar features just different layouts (PM has that very easy to use Basecamp style).

    The thing I did like about CollabPress right off the bat was the dashboard. I really liked how they had a central dashboard where a user could see meta’s for “Recent Activities”, “Calendar”, “Projects”, “Users”, “Overview” as well as Add a Project right on that one central page. Project Manager does this too in it’s own different style. For me, Project Manager Dashboard feels a bit bare; but I only have 1 or 2 test Projects so as it fills up it might not be so bad.

    I do like that you can attach files to projects in CollabPress. As far as I can tell in Project Manager it only allows you to attach your files to comments in a project. My suggestion here would be to allow “add files” option under the Files tab, where a user can add a file to a project in addition to listing any files added via comments.

    The Calendar View that Collabpress has is also a very handy visual tool. I don’t think I saw anything like this in Project Manager.

    One other thing that I like in CollabPress is that if you select a User (from the Users meta) it loads an activity page based on just that users activities; this makes for quick activity filtering. In Project Manager, no matter what user you click on in a project, it loads the project activities from all users.

    In Project Manager, once you select a project there is a small “Project Info” section in the upper right. I almost always miss looking at it. One thing I have noticed is that other plugins yellow nag notifications overlap it which makes me look over at it. Maybe if you put a yellow nag like box around the items under “Project Info” it would call more attention to the items listed there.

    Once I get into Project Manager (aside from the main dashboard) I like the feel of Project Manager better. I like that you used tabs inside a project vs. the meta box style in CollabPress. I like the layout of content displayed under those tabs as well. Everything seems to flow much smoother and is very straightforward and easy to use.

    From all that I have seen and tested so far, I would recommend Project Manager at this point to others looking for self hosted project management solution.

    If you ever choose to make a Premium version of your plugin or, premium additions to your plugin, I’d be on board with that, as long as it stayed active. ??

    Things I would love to see Project Manager do (features in the future):

    – Project Activities/Comments etc. not show up in the main Activities Meta on the WP Dashboard
    – Allow files to be uploaded to a project instead of just to comments etc. inside a project.
    – List only specific user’s project activities, not all project activities, when clicking on a user assigned to a project.
    – Calendar View
    – Allow a secure link that can be sent to the client to give them access (upon login or by password) to specific project files (this isn’t in CollabPress either)

    Thread Starter Syrehn


    Hi Tareq,

    Yeah I’m not sure why it won’t work on a local installation either, it’s a fresh WP local install so it was really odd.

    I would be perfect, as mentioned before, if project activities could be hidden from the default Recent Comments widget and given their own dashboard widget.

    All in all I’m very pleased with the testing I’ve done with this project so far. Essentially your plugin seems to do all of the things that Collabpress does. Thumbs up so far. ??

    Thread Starter Syrehn


    Let me amend my last post.

    The editorial metadata does not work if the document visibility is set to Private. It has to be either Public or PW Protected in order to allow the Edit Flow metadata to change the “Status:” of the document. If it’s on private it will always say “Status: Privately Published” even if you can select from the Edit Flow metadata dropdown and click ok.

    Is there any way around this with keeping the Visibility as private?

    In all that testing, the Calendar function still does not work. It doesn’t display the document on the calendar at all.

    [No bumping. If it’s that urgent, consider hiring someone or or asking on the #wordpress IRC Channel.]

    I’d like to chime in and say that I’m also having the same issue. Blank popup when using WP 3.4 and DM (same as amigoaldo).

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