I found out how to change, so I’m going to share the information.
First, the theme I’m using is Platform free version from PageLines. Sorry about the confusion.
If you want to add text below the logo (above the navigation), go to your cpanel and open the file folder. Go to this directory /public_html/wp-content/themes/platform/includes/library.functions.php and you can add a function code at the end.
The problem is my php file got reset and I had no idea what code I was putting on (I’m sorry I’m not professional in CSS or HTML).
Instead of doing that, I put
<div class=”header_text”><p>text</p></div>
<?php if(pagelines(‘rsslink’)):?>
on template.branding.php file on wordpress appearance editor.
I hope this will help someone.
Also, I would like to know what code I can put in on cpanel php file. Hopefully some one can help!