Hey @raamdev sure you can see on https://tradewatch.com.au and https://tradewatch.com.au/charts-analysis/weekly-gold-analysis-2020-01-06/ – I use the same gallery image in the card on the home page and for the avatar on post pages. On home page you will see the image looks fine as theme requests the original image (https://tradewatch.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/tradewatch-forex-CFD-crypto-analysis-icon.png), but displays it smaller. On the post page however, the theme specifically requests a 100×100 version (https://tradewatch.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/tradewatch-forex-CFD-crypto-analysis-icon-100×100.png).
This all made perfect sense back in the day – can’t notice the difference on a 1600 x 800 laptop and obvious quality/size/load-speed trade offs, but with retina displays on even the cheapest modern phones, the blur from over optimization really stands out.