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  • Thread Starter tagliamax


    Hi Paul,

    for me, the problem is resolved. Now, we’re waiting for the “official” 3.2.5 version ??

    Thank you



    Thread Starter tagliamax


    Hi Paul,

    thank you very much. With the last release all seems to work well.

    I’m going to do more tests, then I’ll mark this issue as resolved.

    Have a great day!


    Thread Starter tagliamax


    There are similar errors also in setup and settings sections of the plugin in WP back end.


    Thread Starter tagliamax


    Thank you, Paul,

    I’ve tried the release candidate of your plugin and I can say that the problem about different IDs tracking code is now solved.

    By the way, in the WP back end, when I try to edit an article, I see this error from Amazon Plugin:

    Fatal error: Call to a member function get_aws_info() on a non-object in <path to my wp site>/wp-content/plugins/amazon-link/include/insertForm.php on line 85

    This error prevents WP content editor from showing the content. I can only see a blank text area…

    Thank you for your support

    Great news! Thanks

    Version 1.6.5
    In bm-custom-login.php file, lines 133-140, there is this function:

    function custom_login_url ($url) {
    	if ($url == '') {
    		$url = bloginfo ('url');
    	return $url;

    If you change line 136 in this way:
    $url = get_bloginfo ('url');
    the site link on the top left corner should disapper, because bloginfo() function displays the value directly to the browser, while get_bloginfo() function simply assigns the value without displaying anything.

    I hope this could help and I hope this will be resolved in future versions of the plugin

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Against Spam Flood
    Thread Starter tagliamax


    Thank you very much, piepiepie! I loss bracket during “cut and paste”…
    Here is the code corrected (with bracket on the first switch() and without
    in is_valid_comment function)
    If you have problem with spam flood, try this:
    Open wp-comments.php file and find:

    <input name="submit" type="submit" tabindex="5" value="<?php _e("Say It!"); ?>" />

    Put this code before those lines
    $fattori = array('two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine');
    $i = rand(0,7);
    $j = rand(0,7);
    $fatt1 = $fattori[$i];
    $fatt2 = $fattori[$j];
    Warning! To be sure that the comment
    doesn't come from an automatic mechanism, please answer to this simple question:
    How much is <?php echo $fatt1; ?> X <?php
    echo $fatt2; ?>
    <input name="fatt1" type="hidden" value="<?php echo
    $fatt1; ?>" />
    <input name="fatt2" type="hidden" value="<?php echo
    $fatt2; ?>" />
    <input name="prodotto" type="text" tabindex="5" maxlength="100"
    size="2" value="" />

    It’s advisable to update the value of tabindex attribute in the submit field
    as follow:
    <input name="submit" type="submit" tabindex="6"
    value="<?php _e("Say It!"); ?>" />

    Ok, now open wp-comments-post.php file and find:
    // Simple flood-protection
    $lasttime = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT comment_date FROM $tablecomments
    WHERE comment_author_IP = '$user_ip' ORDER BY comment_date DESC LIMIT 1");

    Put this code before those lines:
    if(!isset($_POST['prodotto']) || ($_POST['prodotto']=="") ||
    !isset($_POST['fatt1']) || !isset($_POST['fatt2'])) {
    die("Sorry, the comment cannot be accepted. It could be spam!");
    $prodotto = $_POST['prodotto'];
    $fatt1 = $_POST['fatt1'];
    $fatt2 = $_POST['fatt2'];
    switch ($fatt1) {
    case "two":
    $fattore1 = 2;
    case "three":
    $fattore1 = 3;
    case "four":
    $fattore1 = 4;
    case "five":
    $fattore1 = 5;
    case "six":
    $fattore1 = 6;
    case "seven":
    $fattore1 = 7;
    case "eight":
    $fattore1 = 8;
    case "nine":
    $fattore1 = 9;
    $fattore1 = rand(1,100);
    switch ($fatt2) {
    case "two":
    $fattore2 = 2;
    case "three":
    $fattore2 = 3;
    case "four":
    $fattore2 = 4;
    case "five":
    $fattore2 = 5;
    case "six":
    $fattore2 = 6;
    case "seven":
    $fattore2 = 7;
    case "eight":
    $fattore2 = 8;
    case "nine":
    $fattore2 = 9;
    $fattore2 = rand(1,100);
    function is_valid_comment($f1,$f2,$prod) {
    $prod_v = $f1*$f2;
    if($prod != $prod_v)
    return false;
    return true;
    if(!is_valid_comment($fattore1,$fattore2,$prodotto)) {
    die("Sorry, the comment cannot be accepted. It could be spam, or your computation
    is wrong");

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Against Spam Flood
    Thread Starter tagliamax


    Yes, this could be a limit, but consider that these operations are very elementary

    boxers_almighty – I suggest you to look at this address where a similar problem is treated:

    Thanks for your interest. As soon as possible I’ll post my solution. Now my main problem is to write in an understandable English… ??

    OK, this is correct. My friend’s site was attacked from the same spamming system. I found a good solution to stop the flood. See
    In this site I added a simple question to which Users must answer correctly before submitting the comment, e.g. the result of an arithmetical operation (very simple). I added a text field to be filled with the right value. If the field passes an empty string, or a wrong value, the comment is refused. I put a bit of code to process this data in wp-comments-post.php. If you like this solution, I’ll give you all details

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