Forum Replies Created
Nevermind I found a workaround.
The RSS feed importer that I use has the option to make the posts from any author I choose. So I created a user for my Tumblr posts, just for that feed.
Then I just didn’t click the “allow all users to publicize” option within the publicize jetpack so that it doesn’t publish when Tumblr does.
Its not a “fix” but it works for now.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Coral Dark] Post Excerpt Doubling in Post PageI figured out how to fix it.
To remove the featured image from only the Individual Post’s Page, but not from the Excerpt in the Blog/Home page, I inserted the following CSS to the stylesheet:
.single-post .post-thumbnail { display: none; }
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Customize & Live Preview not workingOk…. I just tried it again from another browser (microsoft edge) and it tried to load, gave a “website not responding” error, then reloaded on its own, and began working! WTF??!!.
So there must be an error that Chrome can’t fight beyond but Edge can? Now I am even more confused.
Can this be a browser issue? Is chrome incompatible with wordpress or is there a load error that chrome just can’t fight past??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Customization and Live Preview not working..Oh, ok. Sorry, usually if it is marked resolved then the topic is closed for future replies…
I began my own topic as suggested. Thanks.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Customization and Live Preview not working..Please help me. I am having this issue as well, customizer & live preview aren’t working, and I have already tried the above mentioned solutions:
`”– deactivating all plugins to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).
– switching to the default theme to rule out any theme-specific problems.
– resetting the plugins folder by FTP or PhpMyAdmin. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.
– re-uploading all files & folders – except the wp-content folder and wp-config.php & root .htaccess files – from a fresh download of WordPress.”`Nothing has worked.
I am not sure what is wrong and its driving me nuts! I also tried cleaning my database and tried WP-Sweep plugin to catch any files I may have missed.
Please, are there any other solutions that I am missing?
IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to your reply, and help from another feed, I am up back and running.
Also thank goodness for phpMyAdmin. I was able to manually fix my role back to “administrator” via mysql through my host. ((Very glad that this is a back-end capability))
Thank you for your fast response. I truly appreciate it. It isn’t super common to get a fast reply. Sad but true.
SUGGESTION: The admin/owner should never be able to be downgraded… and if not that- maybe a popup warming? I really didn’t realize what I was doing, I thought it would migrate all of my standing user roles over.. but instead it changed ALL USERS to the “member” role which is only a Subscriber.
So, yea. But it is fixed, no harm done thankfully. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I was downgraded from admin to a subscriber on my own website!IT WORKED!!!
Thank you so much!! What a relief.
I really appreciate it! ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I was downgraded from admin to a subscriber on my own website!Ohmygoodness! Thanks for the quick reply, I will try that – and update afterward.
Thank you for replying so fast! Yes i did delete the whole plugin.. but I think that the problem is that it changed my user admin role to subscriber so it doesn’t seem to matter…
There are no admins on my website now…
I will look at that link and try to create a user (or fix my admin user) via mysql (which is exactly what I was hoping to find out). I will update afterward.
Thank you again for replying quickly… I was freaking out. lol
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Help Please: Page Background Color ChangeThere are a few different codes that can change background depending on your theme. These have all worked for me in various success in the past:
#main, .body, .widget, .widget-title, .post, .post-title, #secondary, .content, .post-content { background-color: #333333 !important; }
^^ not sure which color you were going for… ??
should change the whole area,
changes page content area,
.Post, .content, .post-content
these change individual post backgrounds on the blog feed page, depending on which are used in the coding.
changes each widget background individually,
can change the whole sidebar area,
does individual post title areas on post pages.
does individual widget title in the sidebars, footers, etc.?For transparent or semi transparent, use the rbga color coding. For black, it would be (below). The 4th value is the transparency. .3 for very light, .8 for darker semi transparent, etc. RGBA Color picker tools are available online to help you get the code for your exact shade.
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.8);
?Also, to round the borders, you will add a border radius:
border-radius: 25px;
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Lonely Road] Where to add social icons?I was able to do some changes but I am missing a step or two please help!
I installed the icon-font that I want to use (which has the goodreads and xbox icons, plus all others) in the fonts folder in my child-theme. Then I altered the social.css file to reflect the change as below:
@font-face { font-family: "socicon"; src: url('wp-content/themes/lonely-road-child/fonts/socicon.eot'); src: url('wp-content/themes/lonely-road-child/fonts/socicon.eot') format('embedded-opentype'), url('wp-content/themes/lonely-road-child/fonts/socicon.woff') format('woff'), url('wp-content/themes/lonely-road-child/fonts/socicon.ttf') format('truetype'), url('wp-content/themes/lonely-road-child/fonts/socicon.svg') format('svg'); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; }
Then (also in the social.css) I added the additional social codes (xbox & goodreads) to the code (and added the new font ‘\code’):
/*goodreads*/.social-goodreads:before { content: '\e014'; } /* '' */ /*xbox*/.social-xbox:before {content: '\e038'} /*youtube*/.social-youtube:before {content: '\e051'} .social-github:before { content: '\e030'; } /* '' */ .social-vimeo:before { content: '\e052'; } /* '' */ .social-twitter:before { content: '\e040'; } /* '' */ .social-facebook:before { content: '\e041'; } /* '' */ .social-googleplus:before { content: '\e042'; } /* '' */ .social-pinterest:before { content: '\e043'; } /* '' */ .social-tumblr:before { content: '\e059'; } /* '' */ .social-linkedin:before { content: '\e049'; } /* '' */ .social-lastfm:before { content: '\e050'; } /* '' */ .social-flickr:before { content: '\e055'; } /* '' */ .social-rss:before { content: '\e00b'; } /* '' */ .social-rdio:before { content: '\e014'; } /* '' */ .social-spotify:before { content: '\e04e'; } /* '' */ .social-instagram:before { content: '\e057'; } /* '' */ .social-skype:before { content: '\e046'; } /* '' */ .social-soundcloud:before { content: '\e04d'; } .social-behance:before { content: '\e027'; }
Next, I went in to the Customizer.php and added the new social links so they would appear in “Customize”:
// Social Icons $wp_customize->add_section( 'lonely_road_social' , array( 'title' => __( 'Social Icons', 'lonely-road' ), 'priority' => 100 ) ); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'goodreads', 'Goodreads URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'Xbox', 'Xbox Live Profile URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'youtube', 'Youtube URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'facebook', 'Facebook URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'twitter', 'Twitter URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'googleplus', 'Google Plus URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'pinterest', 'Pinterest URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'linkedin', 'LinkedIn URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'instagram', 'Instagram URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'behance', 'Behance URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'github', 'GitHub URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'vimeo', 'Vimeo URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'tumblr', 'Tumblr URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'soundcloud', 'SoundCloud URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'spotify', 'Spotify URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'flickr', 'Flickr URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'lastfm', 'Last.fm URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'rdio', 'Rdio URL'); lonely_road_add_social( $wp_customize, 'skype', 'Skype URL'); // RSS
They are there in customize, and everything else seems to be in place… but the social icons are just missing from the header. I am obviously missing a step… but I don’t know what and I can’t find it.
Please help!
I am currently using the old font so that the social icons appear but I really would love to fix my code so that the new font and new icons appear. Anyone who can assist, please let me know.
So… nothing, huh? I really hoped someone would know how to fix this.
Wow I can’t believe I forgot about the !important code… thank you that totally worked. ??
You know what, I figured it out on my own. The info in your guides were no help put I found a way to export the current database SQL info into my PHP then created a backup, reloaded the site, and had my htaccess file repaired by my host.
None of my stuff had been deleted, like I suspected, I just didn’t know how to find the SQL info in my FTP to save it.. which if I had reverted my site as you had suggested would have been lost.
Thanks anyway
Omg, you keep assuming that I don’t understand. Yes. I know that the database files are separate. That is actually why I am so frustrated. If i could just view and backup my pages and posts because they were all laid out in front of me then I would have done that. Since they are not, since they are database files, then i need to backup my database! Since i have no access to my database because i have no access to my wp-admin, I have asked for assistance…detailed in the last comment I made.
Please read past the line that you admit to stopping at.