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  • Thread Starter TambelaLen


    I am new to this plugin. Thanks for your help,

    Thread Starter TambelaLen


    The reply to posts is working. We don’t have other plug-ins that generate email.

    Thread Starter TambelaLen


    That worked. Thanks!
    A nice feature for the future would be if the styling of the ‘across the web’ posts matched the ‘from my site’ posts.

    Thread Starter TambelaLen


    ps, I had a syntax error and moved the ‘;’ to the end of each line, but it didn’t help.

    Thread Starter TambelaLen


    that didn’t work- My spacing was compressed. The first item is each line is the result with a new posting. The second item is the result when I try to edit an existing posting.

    Thread Starter TambelaLen


    Petra- you are going to be sure I’m just making this stuff up. FYI, I’ve tried the related posts widget on 3 machines and 3 browsers:

    hopefully, this all lines up correctly-
    computer 1. Win7.
    Chrome: NewPosts: no widget EditPosts: no widget
    Firefox: **it works** widget, but no related posts
    IE: **it works** widget, but no related posts

    computer 2. Win7.
    Chrome: NewPosts: no widget EditPosts: no widget
    Firefox: **it works** **it works**
    IE: **it works** **it works**

    computer 3. Win8.
    Chrome: NewPosts:**it works** EditPosts:**it works**
    Firefox: **it works** widget, but no related posts
    IE: **it works** widget, but no related posts

    so with the right combination of computer and browser, we’re in good shape I guess, but thought you’d want to know.

    Thread Starter TambelaLen


    it is working with new posts only. It is displaying the widget when I try to edit older posts, but not finding related posts in the widget.

    Thread Starter TambelaLen


    Petra –> It is WORKING <–
    Just not in the Chrome browser. Firefox and IE are both displaying the related posts widget on the add posts page.
    The php errors still flash up on the customize page.
    So odd, but ok for now.

    One question: Since one of the files in wp-includes was edited, when there is an update, will I have to redo the edits?


    Thread Starter TambelaLen


    Good morning Petra –
    No change. The edit didn’t hurt anything, but the widget is still not visible and the error on the customize page is the same.
    I understand once you have to start picking through code logic that you’re responses back can’t be instantaneous. Thanks much for continuing the detective work.

    Thread Starter TambelaLen


    WordPress auto updated yesterday from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2

     * API for creating dynamic sidebar without hardcoding functionality into
     * themes. Includes both internal WordPress routines and theme use routines.
     * This functionality was found in a plugin before WordPress 2.2 release which
     * included it in the core from that point on.
     * @link WordPress Widgets
     * @link Widgets API
     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage Widgets
     * This class must be extended for each widget and WP_Widget::widget(), WP_Widget::update()
     * and WP_Widget::form() need to be over-ridden.
     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage Widgets
     * @since 2.8.0
    class WP_Widget {
    	var $id_base;			// Root id for all widgets of this type.
    	var $name;				// Name for this widget type.
    	var $widget_options;	// Option array passed to wp_register_sidebar_widget()
    	var $control_options;	// Option array passed to wp_register_widget_control()
    	var $number = false;	// Unique ID number of the current instance.
    	var $id = false;		// Unique ID string of the current instance (id_base-number)
    	var $updated = false;	// Set true when we update the data after a POST submit - makes sure we don't do it twice.
    	// Member functions that you must over-ride.
    	/** Echo the widget content.
    	 * Subclasses should over-ride this function to generate their widget code.
    	 * @param array $args Display arguments including before_title, after_title, before_widget, and after_widget.
    	 * @param array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget
    	function widget($args, $instance) {
    		die('function WP_Widget::widget() must be over-ridden in a sub-class.');
    	/** Update a particular instance.
    	 * This function should check that $new_instance is set correctly.
    	 * The newly calculated value of $instance should be returned.
    	 * If "false" is returned, the instance won't be saved/updated.
    	 * @param array $new_instance New settings for this instance as input by the user via form()
    	 * @param array $old_instance Old settings for this instance
    	 * @return array Settings to save or bool false to cancel saving
    	function update($new_instance, $old_instance) {
    		return $new_instance;
    	/** Echo the settings update form
    	 * @param array $instance Current settings
    	function form($instance) {
    		echo '<p class="no-options-widget">' . __('There are no options for this widget.') . '</p>';
    		return 'noform';
    	// Functions you'll need to call.
    	 * PHP5 constructor
    	 * @param string $id_base Optional Base ID for the widget, lower case,
    	 * if left empty a portion of the widget's class name will be used. Has to be unique.
    	 * @param string $name Name for the widget displayed on the configuration page.
    	 * @param array $widget_options Optional Passed to wp_register_sidebar_widget()
    	 *	 - description: shown on the configuration page
    	 *	 - classname
    	 * @param array $control_options Optional Passed to wp_register_widget_control()
    	 *	 - width: required if more than 250px
    	 *	 - height: currently not used but may be needed in the future
    	function __construct( $id_base, $name, $widget_options = array(), $control_options = array() ) {
    		$this->id_base = empty($id_base) ? preg_replace( '/(wp_)?widget_/', '', strtolower(get_class($this)) ) : strtolower($id_base);
    		$this->name = $name;
    		$this->option_name = 'widget_' . $this->id_base;
    		$this->widget_options = wp_parse_args( $widget_options, array('classname' => $this->option_name) );
    		$this->control_options = wp_parse_args( $control_options, array('id_base' => $this->id_base) );
    	 * PHP4 constructor
    	function WP_Widget( $id_base, $name, $widget_options = array(), $control_options = array() ) {
    		WP_Widget::__construct( $id_base, $name, $widget_options, $control_options );
    	 * Constructs name attributes for use in form() fields
    	 * This function should be used in form() methods to create name attributes for fields to be saved by update()
    	 * @param string $field_name Field name
    	 * @return string Name attribute for $field_name
    	function get_field_name($field_name) {
    		return 'widget-' . $this->id_base . '[' . $this->number . '][' . $field_name . ']';
    	 * Constructs id attributes for use in form() fields
    	 * This function should be used in form() methods to create id attributes for fields to be saved by update()
    	 * @param string $field_name Field name
    	 * @return string ID attribute for $field_name
    	function get_field_id($field_name) {
    		return 'widget-' . $this->id_base . '-' . $this->number . '-' . $field_name;
    	// Private Functions. Don't worry about these.
    	function _register() {
    		$settings = $this->get_settings();
    		$empty = true;
    		if ( is_array($settings) ) {
    			foreach ( array_keys($settings) as $number ) {
    				if ( is_numeric($number) ) {
    					$empty = false;
    		if ( $empty ) {
    			// If there are none, we register the widget's existence with a
    			// generic template
    	function _set($number) {
    		$this->number = $number;
    		$this->id = $this->id_base . '-' . $number;
    	function _get_display_callback() {
    		return array($this, 'display_callback');
    	function _get_update_callback() {
    		return array($this, 'update_callback');
    	function _get_form_callback() {
    		return array($this, 'form_callback');
    	 * Determine if we're in the Customizer; if true, then the object cache gets
    	 * suspended and widgets should check this to decide whether they should
    	 * store anything persistently to the object cache, to transients, or
    	 * anywhere else.
    	 * @since 3.9.0
    	 * @return bool True if Customizer is on, false if not.
    	function is_preview() {
    		global $wp_customize;
    		return ( isset( $wp_customize ) && $wp_customize->is_preview() ) ;
    	/** Generate the actual widget content.
    	 *	Just finds the instance and calls widget().
    	 *	Do NOT over-ride this function. */
    	function display_callback( $args, $widget_args = 1 ) {
    		if ( is_numeric($widget_args) )
    			$widget_args = array( 'number' => $widget_args );
    		$widget_args = wp_parse_args( $widget_args, array( 'number' => -1 ) );
    		$this->_set( $widget_args['number'] );
    		$instance = $this->get_settings();
    		if ( array_key_exists( $this->number, $instance ) ) {
    			$instance = $instance[$this->number];
    			 * Filter the settings for a particular widget instance.
    			 * Returning false will effectively short-circuit display of the widget.
    			 * @since 2.8.0
    			 * @param array     $instance The current widget instance's settings.
    			 * @param WP_Widget $this     The current widget instance.
    			 * @param array     $args     An array of default widget arguments.
    			$instance = apply_filters( 'widget_display_callback', $instance, $this, $args );
    			if ( false === $instance ) {
    			$was_cache_addition_suspended = wp_suspend_cache_addition();
    			if ( $this->is_preview() && ! $was_cache_addition_suspended ) {
    				wp_suspend_cache_addition( true );
    			$this->widget( $args, $instance );
    			if ( $this->is_preview() ) {
    				wp_suspend_cache_addition( $was_cache_addition_suspended );
    	 * Deal with changed settings.
    	 * Do NOT over-ride this function.
    	 * @param mixed $deprecated Not used.
    	function update_callback( $deprecated = 1 ) {
    		global $wp_registered_widgets;
    		$all_instances = $this->get_settings();
    		// We need to update the data
    		if ( $this->updated )
    		$sidebars_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets();
    		if ( isset($_POST['delete_widget']) && $_POST['delete_widget'] ) {
    			// Delete the settings for this instance of the widget
    			if ( isset($_POST['the-widget-id']) )
    				$del_id = $_POST['the-widget-id'];
    			if ( isset($wp_registered_widgets[$del_id]['params'][0]['number']) ) {
    				$number = $wp_registered_widgets[$del_id]['params'][0]['number'];
    				if ( $this->id_base . '-' . $number == $del_id )
    		} else {
    			if ( isset($_POST['widget-' . $this->id_base]) && is_array($_POST['widget-' . $this->id_base]) ) {
    				$settings = $_POST['widget-' . $this->id_base];
    			} elseif ( isset($_POST['id_base']) && $_POST['id_base'] == $this->id_base ) {
    				$num = $_POST['multi_number'] ? (int) $_POST['multi_number'] : (int) $_POST['widget_number'];
    				$settings = array( $num => array() );
    			} else {
    			foreach ( $settings as $number => $new_instance ) {
    				$new_instance = stripslashes_deep($new_instance);
    				$old_instance = isset($all_instances[$number]) ? $all_instances[$number] : array();
    				$was_cache_addition_suspended = wp_suspend_cache_addition();
    				if ( $this->is_preview() && ! $was_cache_addition_suspended ) {
    					wp_suspend_cache_addition( true );
    				$instance = $this->update( $new_instance, $old_instance );
    				if ( $this->is_preview() ) {
    					wp_suspend_cache_addition( $was_cache_addition_suspended );
    				 * Filter a widget's settings before saving.
    				 * Returning false will effectively short-circuit the widget's ability
    				 * to update settings.
    				 * @since 2.8.0
    				 * @param array     $instance     The current widget instance's settings.
    				 * @param array     $new_instance Array of new widget settings.
    				 * @param array     $old_instance Array of old widget settings.
    				 * @param WP_Widget $this         The current widget instance.
    				$instance = apply_filters( 'widget_update_callback', $instance, $new_instance, $old_instance, $this );
    				if ( false !== $instance ) {
    					$all_instances[$number] = $instance;
    				break; // run only once
    		$this->updated = true;
    	 * Generate the control form.
    	 * Do NOT over-ride this function.
    	function form_callback( $widget_args = 1 ) {
    		if ( is_numeric($widget_args) )
    			$widget_args = array( 'number' => $widget_args );
    		$widget_args = wp_parse_args( $widget_args, array( 'number' => -1 ) );
    		$all_instances = $this->get_settings();
    		if ( -1 == $widget_args['number'] ) {
    			// We echo out a form where 'number' can be set later
    			$instance = array();
    		} else {
    			$instance = $all_instances[ $widget_args['number'] ];
    		 * Filter the widget instance's settings before displaying the control form.
    		 * Returning false effectively short-circuits display of the control form.
    		 * @since 2.8.0
    		 * @param array     $instance The current widget instance's settings.
    		 * @param WP_Widget $this     The current widget instance.
    		$instance = apply_filters( 'widget_form_callback', $instance, $this );
    		$return = null;
    		if ( false !== $instance ) {
    			$return = $this->form($instance);
    			 * Fires at the end of the widget control form.
    			 * Use this hook to add extra fields to the widget form. The hook
    			 * is only fired if the value passed to the 'widget_form_callback'
    			 * hook is not false.
    			 * Note: If the widget has no form, the text echoed from the default
    			 * form method can be hidden using CSS.
    			 * @since 2.8.0
    			 * @param WP_Widget $this     The widget instance, passed by reference.
    			 * @param null      $return   Return null if new fields are added.
    			 * @param array     $instance An array of the widget's settings.
    			do_action_ref_array( 'in_widget_form', array( &$this, &$return, $instance ) );
    		return $return;
    	/** Helper function: Registers a single instance. */
    	function _register_one($number = -1) {
    		wp_register_sidebar_widget(	$this->id, $this->name,	$this->_get_display_callback(), $this->widget_options, array( 'number' => $number ) );
    		_register_widget_update_callback( $this->id_base, $this->_get_update_callback(), $this->control_options, array( 'number' => -1 ) );
    		_register_widget_form_callback(	$this->id, $this->name,	$this->_get_form_callback(), $this->control_options, array( 'number' => $number ) );
    	function save_settings($settings) {
    		$settings['_multiwidget'] = 1;
    		update_option( $this->option_name, $settings );
    	function get_settings() {
    		$settings = get_option($this->option_name);
    		if ( false === $settings && isset($this->alt_option_name) )
    			$settings = get_option($this->alt_option_name);
    		if ( !is_array($settings) )
    			$settings = array();
    		if ( !empty($settings) && !array_key_exists('_multiwidget', $settings) ) {
    			// old format, convert if single widget
    			$settings = wp_convert_widget_settings($this->id_base, $this->option_name, $settings);
    		unset($settings['_multiwidget'], $settings['__i__']);
    		return $settings;
     * Singleton that registers and instantiates WP_Widget classes.
     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage Widgets
     * @since 2.8.0
    class WP_Widget_Factory {
    	var $widgets = array();
    	function WP_Widget_Factory() {
    		add_action( 'widgets_init', array( $this, '_register_widgets' ), 100 );
    	function register($widget_class) {
    		$this->widgets[$widget_class] = new $widget_class();
    	function unregister($widget_class) {
    		if ( isset($this->widgets[$widget_class]) )
    	function _register_widgets() {
    		global $wp_registered_widgets;
    		$keys = array_keys($this->widgets);
    		$registered = array_keys($wp_registered_widgets);
    		$registered = array_map('_get_widget_id_base', $registered);
    		foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
    			// don't register new widget if old widget with the same id is already registered
    			if ( in_array($this->widgets[$key]->id_base, $registered, true) ) {
    /* Global Variables */
    /** @ignore */
    global $wp_registered_sidebars, $wp_registered_widgets, $wp_registered_widget_controls, $wp_registered_widget_updates;
     * Stores the sidebars, since many themes can have more than one.
     * @global array $wp_registered_sidebars
     * @since 2.2.0
    $wp_registered_sidebars = array();
     * Stores the registered widgets.
     * @global array $wp_registered_widgets
     * @since 2.2.0
    $wp_registered_widgets = array();
     * Stores the registered widget control (options).
     * @global array $wp_registered_widget_controls
     * @since 2.2.0
    $wp_registered_widget_controls = array();
    $wp_registered_widget_updates = array();
     * Private
    $_wp_sidebars_widgets = array();
     * Private
    $GLOBALS['_wp_deprecated_widgets_callbacks'] = array(
    /* Template tags & API functions */
     * Register a widget
     * Registers a WP_Widget widget
     * @since 2.8.0
     * @see WP_Widget
     * @see WP_Widget_Factory
     * @uses WP_Widget_Factory
     * @param string $widget_class The name of a class that extends WP_Widget
    function register_widget($widget_class) {
    	global $wp_widget_factory;
     * Unregister a widget
     * Unregisters a WP_Widget widget. Useful for unregistering default widgets.
     * Run within a function hooked to the widgets_init action.
     * @since 2.8.0
     * @see WP_Widget
     * @see WP_Widget_Factory
     * @uses WP_Widget_Factory
     * @param string $widget_class The name of a class that extends WP_Widget
    function unregister_widget($widget_class) {
    	global $wp_widget_factory;
     * Creates multiple sidebars.
     * If you wanted to quickly create multiple sidebars for a theme or internally.
     * This function will allow you to do so. If you don't pass the 'name' and/or
     * 'id' in $args, then they will be built for you.
     * The default for the name is "Sidebar #", with '#' being replaced with the
     * number the sidebar is currently when greater than one. If first sidebar, the
     * name will be just "Sidebar". The default for id is "sidebar-" followed by the
     * number the sidebar creation is currently at. If the id is provided, and multiple
     * sidebars are being defined, the id will have "-2" appended, and so on.
     * @since 2.2.0
     * @see register_sidebar() The second parameter is documented by register_sidebar() and is the same here.
     * @uses parse_str() Converts a string to an array to be used in the rest of the function.
     * @uses register_sidebar() Sends single sidebar information [name, id] to this
     *	function to handle building the sidebar.
     * @param int $number Number of sidebars to create.
     * @param string|array $args Builds Sidebar based off of 'name' and 'id' values.
    function register_sidebars($number = 1, $args = array()) {
    	global $wp_registered_sidebars;
    	$number = (int) $number;
    	if ( is_string($args) )
    		parse_str($args, $args);
    	for ( $i = 1; $i <= $number; $i++ ) {
    		$_args = $args;
    		if ( $number > 1 )
    			$_args['name'] = isset($args['name']) ? sprintf($args['name'], $i) : sprintf(__('Sidebar %d'), $i);
    			$_args['name'] = isset($args['name']) ? $args['name'] : __('Sidebar');
    		// Custom specified ID's are suffixed if they exist already.
    		// Automatically generated sidebar names need to be suffixed regardless starting at -0
    		if ( isset($args['id']) ) {
    			$_args['id'] = $args['id'];
    			$n = 2; // Start at -2 for conflicting custom ID's
    			while ( isset($wp_registered_sidebars[$_args['id']]) )
    				$_args['id'] = $args['id'] . '-' . $n++;
    		} else {
    			$n = count($wp_registered_sidebars);
    			do {
    				$_args['id'] = 'sidebar-' . ++$n;
    			} while ( isset($wp_registered_sidebars[$_args['id']]) );
     * Builds the definition for a single sidebar and returns the ID.
     * Accepts either a string or an array and then parses that against a set
     * of default arguments for the new sidebar. WordPress will automatically
     * generate a sidebar ID and name based on the current number of registered
     * sidebars if those arguments are not included.
     * When allowing for automatic generation of the name and ID parameters, keep
     * in mind that the incrementor for your sidebar can change over time depending
     * on what other plugins and themes are installed.
     * If theme support for 'widgets' has not yet been added when this function is
     * called, it will be automatically enabled through the use of add_theme_support()
     * Arguments passed as a string should be separated by '&':
     *     e.g. 'name=Sidebar&id=my_prefix_sidebar'
     * The same arguments passed as an array:
     *     array(
     *         'name' => 'Sidebar',
     *         'id'   => 'my_prefix_sidebar',
     *     )
     * Arguments:
     *     name          - The name or title of the sidebar displayed in the admin dashboard.
     *     id            - The unique identifier by which the sidebar will be called.
     *     before_widget - HTML content that will be prepended to each widget's HTML output
     *                     when assigned to this sidebar.
     *     after_widget  - HTML content that will be appended to each widget's HTML output
     *                     when assigned to this sidebar.
     *     before_title  - HTML content that will be prepended to the sidebar title when displayed.
     *     after_title   - HTML content that will be appended to the sidebar title when displayed.
     * @since 2.2.0
     * @uses $wp_registered_sidebars Stores the new sidebar in this array by sidebar ID.
     * @uses add_theme_support() to ensure widget support has been added.
     * @param string|array $args Arguments for the sidebar being registered.
     * @return string Sidebar ID added to $wp_registered_sidebars global.
    function register_sidebar($args = array()) {
    	global $wp_registered_sidebars;
    	$i = count($wp_registered_sidebars) + 1;
    	$defaults = array(
    		'name' => sprintf(__('Sidebar %d'), $i ),
    		'id' => "sidebar-$i",
    		'description' => '',
    		'class' => '',
    		'before_widget' => '<li id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
    		'after_widget' => "</li>\n",
    		'before_title' => '<h2 class="widgettitle">',
    		'after_title' => "</h2>\n",
    	$sidebar = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
    	$wp_registered_sidebars[$sidebar['id']] = $sidebar;
    	 * Fires once a sidebar has been registered.
    	 * @since 3.0.0
    	 * @param array $sidebar Parsed arguments for the registered sidebar.
    	do_action( 'register_sidebar', $sidebar );
    	return $sidebar['id'];
     * Removes a sidebar from the list.
     * @since 2.2.0
     * @uses $wp_registered_sidebars Stores the new sidebar in this array by sidebar ID.
     * @param string $name The ID of the sidebar when it was added.
    function unregister_sidebar( $name ) {
    	global $wp_registered_sidebars;
    	if ( isset( $wp_registered_sidebars[$name] ) )
    		unset( $wp_registered_sidebars[$name] );
     * Register widget for use in sidebars.
     * The default widget option is 'classname' that can be override.
     * The function can also be used to unregister widgets when $output_callback
     * parameter is an empty string.
     * @since 2.2.0
     * @uses $wp_registered_widgets Uses stored registered widgets.
     * @uses $wp_register_widget_defaults Retrieves widget defaults.
     * @param int|string $id Widget ID.
     * @param string $name Widget display title.
     * @param callback $output_callback Run when widget is called.
     * @param array|string $options Optional. Widget Options.
     * @param mixed $params,... Widget parameters to add to widget.
     * @return null Will return if $output_callback is empty after removing widget.
    function wp_register_sidebar_widget($id, $name, $output_callback, $options = array()) {
    	global $wp_registered_widgets, $wp_registered_widget_controls, $wp_registered_widget_updates, $_wp_deprecated_widgets_callbacks;
    	$id = strtolower($id);
    	if ( empty($output_callback) ) {
    	$id_base = _get_widget_id_base($id);
    	if ( in_array($output_callback, $_wp_deprecated_widgets_callbacks, true) && !is_callable($output_callback) ) {
    		if ( isset($wp_registered_widget_controls[$id]) )
    		if ( isset($wp_registered_widget_updates[$id_base]) )
    	$defaults = array('classname' => $output_callback);
    	$options = wp_parse_args($options, $defaults);
    	$widget = array(
    		'name' => $name,
    		'id' => $id,
    		'callback' => $output_callback,
    		'params' => array_slice(func_get_args(), 4)
    	$widget = array_merge($widget, $options);
    	if ( is_callable($output_callback) && ( !isset($wp_registered_widgets[$id]) || did_action( 'widgets_init' ) ) ) {
    		 * Fires once for each registered widget.
    		 * @since 3.0.0
    		 * @param array $widget An array of default widget arguments.
    		do_action( 'wp_register_sidebar_widget', $widget );
    		$wp_registered_widgets[$id] = $widget;
     * Retrieve description for widget.
     * When registering widgets, the options can also include 'description' that
     * describes the widget for display on the widget administration panel or
     * in the theme.
     * @since 2.5.0
     * @param int|string $id Widget ID.
     * @return string Widget description, if available. Null on failure to retrieve description.
    function wp_widget_description( $id ) {
    	if ( !is_scalar($id) )
    	global $wp_registered_widgets;
    	if ( isset($wp_registered_widgets[$id]['description']) )
    		return esc_html( $wp_registered_widgets[$id]['description'] );
     * Retrieve description for a sidebar.
     * When registering sidebars a 'description' parameter can be included that
     * describes the sidebar for display on the widget administration panel.
     * @since 2.9.0
     * @param int|string $id sidebar ID.
     * @return string Sidebar description, if available. Null on failure to retrieve description.
    function wp_sidebar_description( $id ) {
    	if ( !is_scalar($id) )
    	global $wp_registered_sidebars;
    	if ( isset($wp_registered_sidebars[$id]['description']) )
    		return esc_html( $wp_registered_sidebars[$id]['description'] );
     * Remove widget from sidebar.
     * @since 2.2.0
     * @param int|string $id Widget ID.
    function wp_unregister_sidebar_widget($id) {
    	 * Fires just before a widget is removed from a sidebar.
    	 * @since 3.0.0
    	 * @param int $id The widget ID.
    	do_action( 'wp_unregister_sidebar_widget', $id );
    	wp_register_sidebar_widget($id, '', '');
     * Registers widget control callback for customizing options.
     * The options contains the 'height', 'width', and 'id_base' keys. The 'height'
     * option is never used. The 'width' option is the width of the fully expanded
     * control form, but try hard to use the default width. The 'id_base' is for
     * multi-widgets (widgets which allow multiple instances such as the text
     * widget), an id_base must be provided. The widget id will end up looking like
     * {$id_base}-{$unique_number}.
     * @since 2.2.0
     * @param int|string $id Sidebar ID.
     * @param string $name Sidebar display name.
     * @param callback $control_callback Run when sidebar is displayed.
     * @param array|string $options Optional. Widget options. See above long description.
     * @param mixed $params,... Optional. Additional parameters to add to widget.
    function wp_register_widget_control($id, $name, $control_callback, $options = array()) {
    	global $wp_registered_widget_controls, $wp_registered_widget_updates, $wp_registered_widgets, $_wp_deprecated_widgets_callbacks;
    	$id = strtolower($id);
    	$id_base = _get_widget_id_base($id);
    	if ( empty($control_callback) ) {
    	if ( in_array($control_callback, $_wp_deprecated_widgets_callbacks, true) && !is_callable($control_callback) ) {
    		if ( isset($wp_registered_widgets[$id]) )
    	if ( isset($wp_registered_widget_controls[$id]) && !did_action( 'widgets_init' ) )
    	$defaults = array('width' => 250, 'height' => 200 ); // height is never used
    	$options = wp_parse_args($options, $defaults);
    	$options['width'] = (int) $options['width'];
    	$options['height'] = (int) $options['height'];
    	$widget = array(
    		'name' => $name,
    		'id' => $id,
    		'callback' => $control_callback,
    		'params' => array_slice(func_get_args(), 4)
    	$widget = array_merge($widget, $options);
    	$wp_registered_widget_controls[$id] = $widget;
    	if ( isset($wp_registered_widget_updates[$id_base]) )
    	if ( isset($widget['params'][0]['number']) )
    		$widget['params'][0]['number'] = -1;
    	unset($widget['width'], $widget['height'], $widget['name'], $widget['id']);
    	$wp_registered_widget_updates[$id_base] = $widget;
    function _register_widget_update_callback($id_base, $update_callback, $options = array()) {
    	global $wp_registered_widget_updates;
    	if ( isset($wp_registered_widget_updates[$id_base]) ) {
    		if ( empty($update_callback) )
    	$widget = array(
    		'callback' => $update_callback,
    		'params' => array_slice(func_get_args(), 3)
    	$widget = array_merge($widget, $options);
    	$wp_registered_widget_updates[$id_base] = $widget;
    function _register_widget_form_callback($id, $name, $form_callback, $options = array()) {
    	global $wp_registered_widget_controls;
    	$id = strtolower($id);
    	if ( empty($form_callback) ) {
    	if ( isset($wp_registered_widget_controls[$id]) && !did_action( 'widgets_init' ) )
    	$defaults = array('width' => 250, 'height' => 200 );
    	$options = wp_parse_args($options, $defaults);
    	$options['width'] = (int) $options['width'];
    	$options['height'] = (int) $options['height'];
    	$widget = array(
    		'name' => $name,
    		'id' => $id,
    		'callback' => $form_callback,
    		'params' => array_slice(func_get_args(), 4)
    	$widget = array_merge($widget, $options);
    	$wp_registered_widget_controls[$id] = $widget;
     * Remove control callback for widget.
     * @since 2.2.0
     * @uses wp_register_widget_control() Unregisters by using empty callback.
     * @param int|string $id Widget ID.
    function wp_unregister_widget_control($id) {
    	return wp_register_widget_control($id, '', '');
     * Display dynamic sidebar.
     * By default this displays the default sidebar or 'sidebar-1'. If your theme specifies the 'id' or
     * 'name' parameter for its registered sidebars you can pass an id or name as the $index parameter.
     * Otherwise, you can pass in a numerical index to display the sidebar at that index.
     * @since 2.2.0
     * @param int|string $index Optional, default is 1. Index, name or ID of dynamic sidebar.
     * @return bool True, if widget sidebar was found and called. False if not found or not called.
    function dynamic_sidebar($index = 1) {
    	global $wp_registered_sidebars, $wp_registered_widgets;
    	if ( is_int($index) ) {
    		$index = "sidebar-$index";
    	} else {
    		$index = sanitize_title($index);
    		foreach ( (array) $wp_registered_sidebars as $key => $value ) {
    			if ( sanitize_title($value['name']) == $index ) {
    				$index = $key;
    	$sidebars_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets();
    	if ( empty( $wp_registered_sidebars[ $index ] ) || empty( $sidebars_widgets[ $index ] ) || ! is_array( $sidebars_widgets[ $index ] ) ) {
    		/** This action is documented in wp-includes/widgets.php */
    		do_action( 'dynamic_sidebar_before', $index, false );
    		/** This action is documented in wp-includes/widgets.php */
    		do_action( 'dynamic_sidebar_after',  $index, false );
    		/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/widgets.php */
    		return apply_filters( 'dynamic_sidebar_has_widgets', false, $index );
    	 * Fires before widgets are rendered in a dynamic sidebar.
    	 * Note: The action also fires for empty sidebars, and on both the front-end
    	 * and back-end, including the Inactive Widgets sidebar on the Widgets screen.
    	 * @since 3.9.0
    	 * @param int|string $index       Index, name, or ID of the dynamic sidebar.
    	 * @param bool       $has_widgets Whether the sidebar is populated with widgets.
    	 *                                Default true.
    	do_action( 'dynamic_sidebar_before', $index, true );
    	$sidebar = $wp_registered_sidebars[$index];
    	$did_one = false;
    	foreach ( (array) $sidebars_widgets[$index] as $id ) {
    		if ( !isset($wp_registered_widgets[$id]) ) continue;
    		$params = array_merge(
    			array( array_merge( $sidebar, array('widget_id' => $id, 'widget_name' => $wp_registered_widgets[$id]['name']) ) ),
    			(array) $wp_registered_widgets[$id]['params']
    		// Substitute HTML id and class attributes into before_widget
    		$classname_ = '';
    		foreach ( (array) $wp_registered_widgets[$id]['classname'] as $cn ) {
    			if ( is_string($cn) )
    				$classname_ .= '_' . $cn;
    			elseif ( is_object($cn) )
    				$classname_ .= '_' . get_class($cn);
    		$classname_ = ltrim($classname_, '_');
    		$params[0]['before_widget'] = sprintf($params[0]['before_widget'], $id, $classname_);
    		 * Filter the parameters passed to a widget's display callback.
    		 * Note: The filter is evaluated on both the front-end and back-end,
    		 * including for the Inactive Widgets sidebar on the Widgets screen.
    		 * @since 2.5.0
    		 * @see register_sidebar()
    		 * @param array $params {
    		 *     @type array $args  {
    		 *         An array of widget display arguments.
    		 *         @type string $name          Name of the sidebar the widget is assigned to.
    		 *         @type string $id            ID of the sidebar the widget is assigned to.
    		 *         @type string $description   The sidebar description.
    		 *         @type string $class         CSS class applied to the sidebar container.
    		 *         @type string $before_widget HTML markup to prepend to each widget in the sidebar.
    		 *         @type string $after_widget  HTML markup to append to each widget in the sidebar.
    		 *         @type string $before_title  HTML markup to prepend to the widget title when displayed.
    		 *         @type string $after_title   HTML markup to append to the widget title when displayed.
    		 *         @type string $widget_id     ID of the widget.
    		 *         @type string $widget_name   Name of the widget.
    		 *     }
    		 *     @type array $widget_args {
    		 *         An array of multi-widget arguments.
    		 *         @type int $number Number increment used for multiples of the same widget.
    		 *     }
    		 * }
    		$params = apply_filters( 'dynamic_sidebar_params', $params );
    		$callback = $wp_registered_widgets[$id]['callback'];
    		 * Fires before a widget's display callback is called.
    		 * Note: The action fires on both the front-end and back-end, including
    		 * for widgets in the Inactive Widgets sidebar on the Widgets screen.
    		 * The action is not fired for empty sidebars.
    		 * @since 3.0.0
    		 * @param array $widget_id {
    		 *     An associative array of widget arguments.
    		 *     @type string $name                Name of the widget.
    		 *     @type string $id                  Widget ID.
    		 *     @type array|callback $callback    When the hook is fired on the front-end, $callback is an array
    		 *                                       containing the widget object. Fired on the back-end, $callback
    		 *                                       is 'wp_widget_control', see $_callback.
    		 *     @type array          $params      An associative array of multi-widget arguments.
    		 *     @type string         $classname   CSS class applied to the widget container.
    		 *     @type string         $description The widget description.
    		 *     @type array          $_callback   When the hook is fired on the back-end, $_callback is populated
    		 *                                       with an array containing the widget object, see $callback.
    		 * }
    		do_action( 'dynamic_sidebar', $wp_registered_widgets[ $id ] );
    		if ( is_callable($callback) ) {
    			call_user_func_array($callback, $params);
    			$did_one = true;
    	 * Fires after widgets are rendered in a dynamic sidebar.
    	 * Note: The action also fires for empty sidebars, and on both the front-end
    	 * and back-end, including the Inactive Widgets sidebar on the Widgets screen.
    	 * @since 3.9.0
    	 * @param int|string $index       Index, name, or ID of the dynamic sidebar.
    	 * @param bool       $has_widgets Whether the sidebar is populated with widgets.
    	 *                                Default true.
    	do_action( 'dynamic_sidebar_after', $index, true );
    	 * Filter whether a sidebar has widgets.
    	 * Note: The filter is also evaluated for empty sidebars, and on both the front-end
    	 * and back-end, including the Inactive Widgets sidebar on the Widgets screen.
    	 * @since 3.9.0
    	 * @param bool       $did_one Whether at least one widget was rendered in the sidebar.
    	 *                            Default false.
    	 * @param int|string $index   Index, name, or ID of the dynamic sidebar.
    	$did_one = apply_filters( 'dynamic_sidebar_has_widgets', $did_one, $index );
    	return $did_one;
     * Whether widget is displayed on the front-end.
     * Either $callback or $id_base can be used
     * $id_base is the first argument when extending WP_Widget class
     * Without the optional $widget_id parameter, returns the ID of the first sidebar
     * in which the first instance of the widget with the given callback or $id_base is found.
     * With the $widget_id parameter, returns the ID of the sidebar where
     * the widget with that callback/$id_base AND that ID is found.
     * NOTE: $widget_id and $id_base are the same for single widgets. To be effective
     * this function has to run after widgets have initialized, at action 'init' or later.
     * @since 2.2.0
     * @param string $callback Optional, Widget callback to check.
     * @param int $widget_id Optional, but needed for checking. Widget ID.
     * @param string $id_base Optional, the base ID of a widget created by extending WP_Widget.
     * @param bool $skip_inactive Optional, whether to check in 'wp_inactive_widgets'.
     * @return mixed false if widget is not active or id of sidebar in which the widget is active.
    function is_active_widget($callback = false, $widget_id = false, $id_base = false, $skip_inactive = true) {
    	global $wp_registered_widgets;
    	$sidebars_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets();
    	if ( is_array($sidebars_widgets) ) {
    		foreach ( $sidebars_widgets as $sidebar => $widgets ) {
    			if ( $skip_inactive && 'wp_inactive_widgets' == $sidebar )
    			if ( is_array($widgets) ) {
    				foreach ( $widgets as $widget ) {
    					if ( ( $callback && isset($wp_registered_widgets[$widget]['callback']) && $wp_registered_widgets[$widget]['callback'] == $callback ) || ( $id_base && _get_widget_id_base($widget) == $id_base ) ) {
    						if ( !$widget_id || $widget_id == $wp_registered_widgets[$widget]['id'] )
    							return $sidebar;
    	return false;
     * Whether the dynamic sidebar is enabled and used by theme.
     * @since 2.2.0
     * @return bool True, if using widgets. False, if not using widgets.
    function is_dynamic_sidebar() {
    	global $wp_registered_widgets, $wp_registered_sidebars;
    	$sidebars_widgets = get_option('sidebars_widgets');
    	foreach ( (array) $wp_registered_sidebars as $index => $sidebar ) {
    		if ( count($sidebars_widgets[$index]) ) {
    			foreach ( (array) $sidebars_widgets[$index] as $widget )
    				if ( array_key_exists($widget, $wp_registered_widgets) )
    					return true;
    	return false;
     * Whether a sidebar is in use.
     * @since 2.8.0
     * @param mixed $index Sidebar name, id or number to check.
     * @return bool true if the sidebar is in use, false otherwise.
    function is_active_sidebar( $index ) {
    	$index = ( is_int($index) ) ? "sidebar-$index" : sanitize_title($index);
    	$sidebars_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets();
    	$is_active_sidebar = ! empty( $sidebars_widgets[$index] );
    	 * Filter whether a dynamic sidebar is considered "active".
    	 * @since 3.9.0
    	 * @param bool       $is_active_sidebar Whether or not the sidebar should be considered "active".
    	 *                                      In other words, whether the sidebar contains any widgets.
    	 * @param int|string $index             Index, name, or ID of the dynamic sidebar.
    	return apply_filters( 'is_active_sidebar', $is_active_sidebar, $index );
    /* Internal Functions */
     * Retrieve full list of sidebars and their widgets.
     * Will upgrade sidebar widget list, if needed. Will also save updated list, if
     * needed.
     * @since 2.2.0
     * @access private
     * @param bool $deprecated Not used (deprecated).
     * @return array Upgraded list of widgets to version 3 array format when called from the admin.
    function wp_get_sidebars_widgets($deprecated = true) {
    	if ( $deprecated !== true )
    		_deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '2.8.1' );
    	global $_wp_sidebars_widgets, $sidebars_widgets;
    	// If loading from front page, consult $_wp_sidebars_widgets rather than options
    	// to see if wp_convert_widget_settings() has made manipulations in memory.
    	if ( !is_admin() ) {
    		if ( empty($_wp_sidebars_widgets) )
    			$_wp_sidebars_widgets = get_option('sidebars_widgets', array());
    		$sidebars_widgets = $_wp_sidebars_widgets;
    	} else {
    		$sidebars_widgets = get_option('sidebars_widgets', array());
    	if ( is_array( $sidebars_widgets ) && isset($sidebars_widgets['array_version']) )
    	 * Filter the list of sidebars and their widgets.
    	 * @since 2.7.0
    	 * @param array $sidebars_widgets An associative array of sidebars and their widgets.
    	$sidebars_widgets = apply_filters( 'sidebars_widgets', $sidebars_widgets );
    	return $sidebars_widgets;
     * Set the sidebar widget option to update sidebars.
     * @since 2.2.0
     * @access private
     * @param array $sidebars_widgets Sidebar widgets and their settings.
    function wp_set_sidebars_widgets( $sidebars_widgets ) {
    	if ( !isset( $sidebars_widgets['array_version'] ) )
    		$sidebars_widgets['array_version'] = 3;
    	update_option( 'sidebars_widgets', $sidebars_widgets );
     * Retrieve default registered sidebars list.
     * @since 2.2.0
     * @access private
     * @return array
    function wp_get_widget_defaults() {
    	global $wp_registered_sidebars;
    	$defaults = array();
    	foreach ( (array) $wp_registered_sidebars as $index => $sidebar )
    		$defaults[$index] = array();
    	return $defaults;
     * Convert the widget settings from single to multi-widget format.
     * @since 2.8.0
     * @return array
    function wp_convert_widget_settings($base_name, $option_name, $settings) {
    	// This test may need expanding.
    	$single = $changed = false;
    	if ( empty($settings) ) {
    		$single = true;
    	} else {
    		foreach ( array_keys($settings) as $number ) {
    			if ( 'number' == $number )
    			if ( !is_numeric($number) ) {
    				$single = true;
    	if ( $single ) {
    		$settings = array( 2 => $settings );
    		// If loading from the front page, update sidebar in memory but don't save to options
    		if ( is_admin() ) {
    			$sidebars_widgets = get_option('sidebars_widgets');
    		} else {
    			if ( empty($GLOBALS['_wp_sidebars_widgets']) )
    				$GLOBALS['_wp_sidebars_widgets'] = get_option('sidebars_widgets', array());
    			$sidebars_widgets = &$GLOBALS['_wp_sidebars_widgets'];
    		foreach ( (array) $sidebars_widgets as $index => $sidebar ) {
    			if ( is_array($sidebar) ) {
    				foreach ( $sidebar as $i => $name ) {
    					if ( $base_name == $name ) {
    						$sidebars_widgets[$index][$i] = "$name-2";
    						$changed = true;
    						break 2;
    		if ( is_admin() && $changed )
    			update_option('sidebars_widgets', $sidebars_widgets);
    	$settings['_multiwidget'] = 1;
    	if ( is_admin() )
    		update_option( $option_name, $settings );
    	return $settings;
     * Output an arbitrary widget as a template tag.
     * @since 2.8.0
     * @param string $widget the widget's PHP class name (see default-widgets.php)
     * @param array $instance the widget's instance settings
     * @param array $args the widget's sidebar args
     * @return void
    function the_widget($widget, $instance = array(), $args = array()) {
    	global $wp_widget_factory;
    	$widget_obj = $wp_widget_factory->widgets[$widget];
    	if ( !is_a($widget_obj, 'WP_Widget') )
    	$before_widget = sprintf('<div class="widget %s">', $widget_obj->widget_options['classname'] );
    	$default_args = array( 'before_widget' => $before_widget, 'after_widget' => "</div>", 'before_title' => '<h2 class="widgettitle">', 'after_title' => '</h2>' );
    	$args = wp_parse_args($args, $default_args);
    	$instance = wp_parse_args($instance);
    	 * Fires before rendering the requested widget.
    	 * @since 3.0.0
    	 * @param string $widget   The widget's class name.
    	 * @param array  $instance The current widget instance's settings.
    	 * @param array  $args     An array of the widget's sidebar arguments.
    	do_action( 'the_widget', $widget, $instance, $args );
    	$widget_obj->widget($args, $instance);
     * Private
    function _get_widget_id_base($id) {
    	return preg_replace( '/-[0-9]+$/', '', $id );
     * Handle sidebars config after theme change
     * @access private
     * @since 3.3.0
    function _wp_sidebars_changed() {
    	global $sidebars_widgets;
    	if ( ! is_array( $sidebars_widgets ) )
    		$sidebars_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets();
     * Look for "lost" widgets, this has to run at least on each theme change.
     * @since 2.8.0
     * @param mixed $theme_changed Whether the theme was changed as a boolean. A value
     *                             of 'customize' defers updates for the customizer.
     * @return array
    function retrieve_widgets( $theme_changed = false ) {
    	global $wp_registered_sidebars, $sidebars_widgets, $wp_registered_widgets;
    	$registered_sidebar_keys = array_keys( $wp_registered_sidebars );
    	$orphaned = 0;
    	$old_sidebars_widgets = get_theme_mod( 'sidebars_widgets' );
    	if ( is_array( $old_sidebars_widgets ) ) {
    		// time() that sidebars were stored is in $old_sidebars_widgets['time']
    		$_sidebars_widgets = $old_sidebars_widgets['data'];
    		if ( 'customize' !== $theme_changed ) {
    			remove_theme_mod( 'sidebars_widgets' );
    		foreach ( $_sidebars_widgets as $sidebar => $widgets ) {
    			if ( 'wp_inactive_widgets' == $sidebar || 'orphaned_widgets' == substr( $sidebar, 0, 16 ) )
    			if ( !in_array( $sidebar, $registered_sidebar_keys ) ) {
    				$_sidebars_widgets['orphaned_widgets_' . ++$orphaned] = $widgets;
    				unset( $_sidebars_widgets[$sidebar] );
    	} else {
    		if ( empty( $sidebars_widgets ) )
    		unset( $sidebars_widgets['array_version'] );
    		$old = array_keys($sidebars_widgets);
    		if ( $old == $registered_sidebar_keys )
    		$_sidebars_widgets = array(
    			'wp_inactive_widgets' => !empty( $sidebars_widgets['wp_inactive_widgets'] ) ? $sidebars_widgets['wp_inactive_widgets'] : array()
    		unset( $sidebars_widgets['wp_inactive_widgets'] );
    		foreach ( $wp_registered_sidebars as $id => $settings ) {
    			if ( $theme_changed ) {
    				$_sidebars_widgets[$id] = array_shift( $sidebars_widgets );
    			} else {
    				// no theme change, grab only sidebars that are currently registered
    				if ( isset( $sidebars_widgets[$id] ) ) {
    					$_sidebars_widgets[$id] = $sidebars_widgets[$id];
    					unset( $sidebars_widgets[$id] );
    		foreach ( $sidebars_widgets as $val ) {
    			if ( is_array($val) && ! empty( $val ) )
    				$_sidebars_widgets['orphaned_widgets_' . ++$orphaned] = $val;
    	// discard invalid, theme-specific widgets from sidebars
    	$shown_widgets = array();
    	foreach ( $_sidebars_widgets as $sidebar => $widgets ) {
    		if ( !is_array($widgets) )
    		$_widgets = array();
    		foreach ( $widgets as $widget ) {
    			if ( isset($wp_registered_widgets[$widget]) )
    				$_widgets[] = $widget;
    		$_sidebars_widgets[$sidebar] = $_widgets;
    		$shown_widgets = array_merge($shown_widgets, $_widgets);
    	$sidebars_widgets = $_sidebars_widgets;
    	unset($_sidebars_widgets, $_widgets);
    	// find hidden/lost multi-widget instances
    	$lost_widgets = array();
    	foreach ( $wp_registered_widgets as $key => $val ) {
    		if ( in_array($key, $shown_widgets, true) )
    		$number = preg_replace('/.+?-([0-9]+)$/', '$1', $key);
    		if ( 2 > (int) $number )
    		$lost_widgets[] = $key;
    	$sidebars_widgets['wp_inactive_widgets'] = array_merge($lost_widgets, (array) $sidebars_widgets['wp_inactive_widgets']);
    	if ( 'customize' !== $theme_changed ) {
    		wp_set_sidebars_widgets( $sidebars_widgets );
    	return $sidebars_widgets;
    Thread Starter TambelaLen


    Petra –
    uninstall WPRP
    Update 20-12 theme
    install WPRP
    errors on activation:
    WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name ‘post_id’]
    ALTER TABLE wp_wp_rp_tags ADD INDEX post_id (post_id)

    WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name ‘label’]
    ALTER TABLE wp_wp_rp_tags ADD INDEX label (label)

    I have seen these before (sorry if you’re getting important info from me piecemeal – this error hadn’t appeared since restoring the backup)

    Also class-wp-customize-widgets.php errors as before also on customize page.

    There was also a WP All-In-One Security update available this morning, so after trying the above, I deleted WPRP again, updated WP Security plugin, and reinstalled. The problems remained.

    Here’s the snippets from class-wp-customize-widgets.php surrounded the lines in the error message:
    // ** Lines 565-582:
    // ** line 568 is $width

    public function is_wide_widget( $widget_id ) {
    		global $wp_registered_widget_controls;
    		$parsed_widget_id = $this->parse_widget_id( $widget_id );
    		$width            = $wp_registered_widget_controls[$widget_id]['width'];
    		$is_core          = in_array( $parsed_widget_id['id_base'], $this->core_widget_id_bases );
    		$is_wide          = ( $width > 250 && ! $is_core );
    		 * Filter whether the given widget is considered "wide".
    		 * @since 3.9.0
    		 * @param bool   $is_wide   Whether the widget is wide, Default false.
    		 * @param string $widget_id Widget ID.
    		return apply_filters( 'is_wide_widget_in_customizer', $is_wide, $widget_id );

    // ** Lines 900 – 912 within function get_available_widgets()
    // ** line 909 is ‘width’, 910 is ‘height’

    // The properties here are mapped to the Backbone Widget model.
    			$available_widget = array_merge( $available_widget, array(
    				'temp_id'      => isset( $args['_temp_id'] ) ? $args['_temp_id'] : null,
    				'is_multi'     => $is_multi_widget,
    				'control_tpl'  => $control_tpl,
    				'multi_number' => ( $args['_add'] === 'multi' ) ? $args['_multi_num'] : false,
    				'is_disabled'  => $is_disabled,
    				'id_base'      => $id_base,
    				'transport'    => 'refresh',
    				'width'        => $wp_registered_widget_controls[$widget['id']]['width'],
    				'height'       => $wp_registered_widget_controls[$widget['id']]['height'],
    				'is_wide'      => $this->is_wide_widget( $widget['id'] ),
    			) );

    Again, thank you for your continued help!

    Thread Starter TambelaLen


    hmmm, so one other note: My theme (Twenty Twelve) has an update available, but I’ve been waiting to deal with this issue first. In writing out my trials in the previous email, I now remember that I had updated the theme prior to the original activation of WP Related Posts and lost the update when I restored my week old backups.
    So the question is do I wait to update the theme or do I try deleting Related Posts, updating the theme, and reinstalling?

    Thread Starter TambelaLen


    Oh and when I delete the WP Related Post plugin, the error does not persist.

    Thread Starter TambelaLen


    Petra –
    Yes, it did work for an evening and sorry I didn’t mention it, but I’ve been asking myself the same questions about what changed…
    The longer story is I first noticed the issue after making a change on the Customize page (Sidebar, Archives, selected dropdown checkbox) and adding a class to my style.css. Though it seemed odd, I immediately deselected the dropdown option and restored the old style.css, but the problem persisted. Next I thought there may be a conflict with another plugin and started more-or-less systematically deactivating and then deleting recent plugins (notably WP All in One Security and WP SEO — I’ve restored WP Security, but waiting to restore SEO). While a plugin was deleted I would try WP Related Posts and when it didn’t work, deleted and reinstalled it several times. When that failed, I replaced my entire blog directory and database with my backups from a week ago. With this “clean” start, I reinstalled Related Posts. Still failed. Finally I posted to your forum.
    As an aside, let me say that I’ve looked at several related post plugins and the thing that makes me want this one to work is that you don’t select the ads that get displayed, we make that selection. I believe that means I can make more relevant selections that look like they belong with the blog rather than distracting from it.
    Thank you again,

    Thread Starter TambelaLen


    Thank you Petra.

    The site is

    I don’t see an attachment option on this web reply form, so I placed images here:
    Settings Page- top of page
    Settings Page- bottom of page
    New Post Page is missing widget
    Customize page gives error

    Thank you for your help,

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