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Hi, yeah, we are aware that the server that the site sits on, is really in need of a PHP upgrade… and this is probably connected. We are currently running with the specific plugin deactivated until some internal decision is made about the wordpress hosting overall.
Thanks for the reply.
For the moment, the specific plugin has been disabled and the site seems to run as normal.
Hi, I haven’t (yet) had chance to try the suggested testing… The site is a “live” business site and switching the theme and turning off all other plugins is tricky on a “live” site. I’m not personally the site’s main actual *Admin* so the ability to create a clone for testing isn’t something I can personally do either.
Another thing I’ve now noticed too, seems to be involving adding ReCaptcha to some of the forms. Those using the ReCaptcha V3 Action seem to be constantly giving a “ReCAPTCHA validation failed. Please try again later” message. I don’t know if the two are related?
Hi, Just have done – thank you.
@geoffbel – Sadly adding Option 2 to my child theme functions file, simply brought up an error message when trying to view the Events page.
Equally sadly, I’m unsure as to what Knowledge Base Article we’re supposed to be looking at, if we’re using Yoast SEO. So that’s not gonna help.
And I’ve installed the Events Calendar Tweaks Extension. I’ve ticked the Hide “Archive” and sadly that’s done nothing either.
I understand this is more an issue with WordPress in general, that the calendar is an “Archive” file type and as such apparently doesn’t have an actual title, so the theme just goes with “Archive”. But it really does seem like an issue that’s been around YEARS and ought to be put to bed by now.
are you wanting to use the Lazy Images module, or are you OK without it?
Obviously, the ideal solution would be to have Lazy Images working too, but it’s not a deal-breaker.
If you’d like us to work further with you on this, could you please post your site URL here so that we can have a look?
I’ll use the contact form, thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Image Hotspot by DevVN] Compatability with WP version 6?Currently, I’m not sure *what* the conflict is
Seems it’s specifically the Lazy-Image module of JetPack. Still can’t say why, but it narrows it down.
Hi again,
I deactivated all 10, then turned them back on individually – 1 through to 10.
6) Lazy Images – broke both elements I’d flagged.
Running 1-5 and 7-10 as active, the two issues disappear.
Thanks for the reply.
I’ve followed your URL suggestion and chosen to just view only the active elements
(bear in mind we’re on the free-package)
The ones I see listed are:
1) Asset CDN
2) Brute force protection
3) Enhanced Distribution
4) Image CDN
6) Lazy Images
7) Monitor
8) Notifications
9) Sharing
10) Site Statsm.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Image Hotspot by DevVN] Compatability with WP version 6?It would appear that the issue I am seeing on my site is a conflict with the JetPack plugin.
Deactivating JetPack means that Image Hotspot works again.
Currently, I’m not sure *what* the conflict is, as I’d still like to keep JetPack running. It’s possible it might be affecting the shortcode placing the hotspot map – rather than the map itself?
Oh! My apologies – I assumed this was for Ninja Forms
I have now manually (via FTP) installed an older version of the JetPack plugin… V10.1 and once again, the site works as expected.
Obviously, I don’t know exactly where the incompatibility lies – whether the theme files need amending to work with 10.2.1 of JetPack or if there’s actually an issue within 10.2.1, but for the moment, the site is working again.
I class this a s a temporary fix.
I’ll point out that currently JetPack is turned off on the website, so that we at least have no pages stating “critical error” on a live site, despite the fact that having JetPack turned off, means that accessing actual Product Pages isn’t currently possible.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] WordPress Error with version 16.1Hi, thanks for the reply. I have cleared the CDN cache and have now updated to 16.1.1.
Since we hadn’t actually seen any errors or issues, we will assume that all is fine.
Hi Chad,
Thank you very much for your reply. Great to hear that it’s do-able.
I will be honest, my actual hard-core coding skills, within WordPress’s back-end, isn’t as knowledgable as it ought to be and “hooking a custom function” in this manner is going to be tricky.
Is there some way (paid, if need be) that I could have assistance with this, hopefully increasing my own abilities along the way?
It’s worth pointing out that the number of Membership Products (and thus the list for the dropdown too) will grow over time – and thus the code we’re discussing would need to be written in a way that extra “options” could be easily added.