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  • there are multiple occurrences of wp_get_attachment_image_src() in social-sharing-toolkit.php. be sure to apply vitcmo’s solution to the right one, located within the share() function

    very similar file not found errors here. Have tried reinstalling and updating plugin, etc.
    Have you had any luck?

    The standard response from timely seems to be “purchase the pro version and then ask us for help”

    It took a long time to get this calendar to work, and I couldn’t even style all of the links properly due to the fact that they are all over-written post-CSS processing with javascript.

    After a couple of months of usage, with links that could not be completely styled, all of the sudden it stopped functioning completely, with a message ON THE FRONT END telling me I must update the plugin! WTF!

    I updated the plugin, and now my next/prev month links aren’t even registering as links. Users can no longer go to other months than the current one. Can’t go back to the previous version because Timely cut it off, and now I’m stressed that I have to fix it again on a live site.

    I refuse to pay $70 for ‘pro’ support when this doesn’t work to the level of a simple plugin out of the box. Quite unhappy with my decision to go with this plugin at all when in the same amount of time spent on it I could have just written something from scratch to suit my needs. Not to mention the data that will need to be ported over to whatever solution I find.

    Will be happy to post any alternative solutions if and when I find them.

    Agreed … It took a long long time to get it to work, and I couldn’t even style all of the links properly due to the fact that they are all over-written post-CSS processing with javascript. And finally, all of the sudden it stopped functioning completely, with a message ON THE FRONT END telling me I must update the plugin! WTF!

    Then I updated the plugin, and now my next/prev month links aren’t even registering as links.

    I refuse to pay $70 for ‘pro’ support when this piece of garbage doesn’t work to the level of a simple plugin out of the box!

    Will be happy to post any alternative solutions if and when I find them.

    Are you still struggling with this?

    I had the same problem, happened to be on my localhost… My solution was to go into wp_users and set user_status to 0 for those users who couldn’t login.

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