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  • Thread Starter tararebeka


    For anyone still left around the dust and cobwebbed cover of this forum, I’ve switched my workflow over to GoPublish. It seems to have what I need to manage our hundreds of files each month. if anyone is interested.

    It’s been a great ride.

    Thread Starter tararebeka


    make sure the posts imported are marked as individual posts and not revision.

    There is no setting in Docs to WordPress that tells it to post as a new post vs. a revision, unless you’re implying there is a setting in WP-Optimize that does that.

    Testing again, the result is the same. Deactivating WP-Optimize during the CRON job is the only thing that works.

    Another site of ours is running WP-Optimize 3.1.7 and Docs to WordPress without issue.

    Thread Starter tararebeka


    I want to preface this by saying the conflict isn’t something I expect you to fix for us. The conflicting plugin we run is quite old and hasn’t been updated in years. I only want to let you know about our problem in case it’s relevant to other issues you may be experiencing.

    Docs to WordPress runs a CRON job to scrape articles we have in our Google Drive. For example, we have ten documents in Google Drive, run the CRON, and those documents import as ten individual posts in WordPress.

    When we updated WP-Optimize, it conflicted by not allowing those ten documents to populate as individual posts, but rather as one post with nine revisions.

    Thread Starter tararebeka


    All this wailing and gnashing of the teeth and it turned out to be…*drumroll*…a frelling plugin conflict. The bizarre thing is that I have eight sites that are set up damn near identical, so why is this plugin, WP-Optimize, only causing problems on some of the sites and not all of them?
    I’ll either spend a few hours trying to nail it down, or just turn the damn thing off every time I need to import.

    This has been your once-in-a-blue-moon yelling into the void.

    Thread Starter tararebeka


    I’ve confirmed that this is happening in both 5.7 and 5.6.1 – all of my posts are coming in as revisions to one post, rather than individual posts. That makes me think it’s CloudFlare, but I don’t know what to look for in order to resolve the problem. I’ve tried temporarily disabling CloudFlare, but it hasn’t fixed the issue. This makes me question how ‘disabled’ it actually is from clicking that button, but I’m hesitant to completely remove a site for testing.

    My workaround at the moment has been to dive into the phpMyAdmin side of things and alter the actual wp_posts table in the database. This is what I’ve been changing on each ‘revision’:

    post_status – from ‘inherit’ to ‘draft’
    post_name – from ex: ‘12345-revision-v1’ to blank
    post_parent – change value to ‘0’
    post_type – from ‘revision’ to ‘post’

    It works, but damned inconvenient for the long run. Please, hit me with some knowledge.

    You still out there, @piantadosi? ;^)

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by tararebeka.

    It now works for me – my problem was that I had too many posts trying to load. Did not realize that the first bar toggles to allow for options, including pagination. After letting the page load (I had to do other work and came back three hours later), it had loaded all my posts and finally allowed me to toggle the options.

    Off to fix my other sites! Thanks to customer support for helping me with this.

    I run the paid/Advanced version on several sites and I am having the same issue. Hope there’s an update soon.



    I had not heard of Wordable. It’s good to know that there’s at least some kind of backup for the workflow we have going on. I certainly hate that we’re really left to Google’s whims otherwise.

    I looked into the Team Folder thing, and at a glance I think I need a G-Suite account, which eludes me at the moment. I think part of the problem might be the types of permissions it needs to grant access to each user. There are so many gateways that I think the original plugin isn’t designed for – just a guess.

    That being said, I wonder if something like this would work: getting the folder code from a shared link.

    Email a link:
    Click a file to share.
    Click Share person_add.
    Click Who has access.
    Next to Link sharing off, click the Down arrow expand_more.
    Next to the URL, click Copy. The link is now on your clipboard.
    Click Done.
    Paste the link into an email.

    The link it generates might be somewhat different than the sharing between team members. The permissions are granted for that specific link, rather than the group.

    A shot in the dark, but maybe worth a go.

    Still here and chugging along. It’s beyond helpful that it’s me and my assistant (aka Web Monkey) that determine the entire workflow. It’s basically remained untouched for years – don’t fix what isn’t broken. ;^)

    But yes, every time I see something like this come across I break out into a fine sweat. Eventually Google will update to something and we’ll have no choice.

    We’re in layout for most of this week, but I’m happy to play with this on a test server next week and see what I run across. Nothing like a challenge, right?

    Like a freaking CHARM! Thank you so much!

    I don’t know how long this has been going on, but it’s no longer catching the ‘bold’ attribute. Still works for italics, but not bold.

    The only thing I can think of is maybe GDocs is doing something different? Thoughts?

    Geez, you had me scared there! *deep breath* Glad it was a local issue and not the apocalypse we all fear.


    Are the files actually getting pulled from Google (if so they will move from the Origin to the Destination folder)?

    If not, try creating and then manually running a script. Cut and paste the code below into a text file.

    $docs_to_wp = new Docs_To_WP();
    $result = $docs_to_wp->startTransfer();
    wp_mail("EMAIL", "Results from Cron Job", print_r( $result, true ) );

    Swap your email address on the last line where it says EMAIL, making sure to keep it between the quote marks. Save the file with a .php suffix, i.e. ‘cronjob.php’ or something else you can easily remember. Upload that file into the root directory of your site.

    In your browser, enter the address of your site and the name of the cron file, i.e. “; – this will manually run the file you just created. You’ll get a white screen, and if you have a status bar enabled on your browser window it might give you a message like, ‘waiting for’ (we get this because of the volume of posts we do at once). Sometimes we have to run it a couple of times to get everything.

    If it works (which it should if everything else is configured correctly) you should see draft posts pop up pretty quickly and you’ll get an email detailing the number of posts the cron job pulled for you.

    I know for me that the plugin for the Cron job was hit or miss. One of the reasons was that I run eight sites and my host provider thought it was malicious activity and shut it down. I’ve been running it manually ever since.

    Good luck, and let me know if it works.

    Sorry I didn’t get back to you on this. I’m unclear as to where you’re stuck – can you provide a screen shot or even a time marker from the walk-thru video?


    Have you viewed the setup video?

    I realized this was a lot of intense rigamarole (and I’ve installed this setup on eight sites), so I did a walkthrough video. I thought it was on the main page for this plugin, but I guess not. Anyway, let me know if that makes it clearer.

    Yr instructions say to create a new Google Doc & then add that URL as the destination URL.

    The next reply to that makes a correction and says a new Google Doc FOLDER. You need a folder for your RTF files and then folder to move them into once they’ve been ported into WordPress.

    Hope this clears some things up.

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