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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Docs to WordPress] Drive 'Request Permission' Loop!Congratulations!
And yeah, we’re all still waiting on the bold/italics issue. Hands are tied until the busy guys in Bangor can fix it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Docs to WordPress] Drive 'Request Permission' Loop!Good luck. I know how frustrating it can be.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Docs to WordPress] Drive 'Request Permission' Loop!It should bounce you back to the Settings page in your site.
You can try resetting the secret in the Google App, then re-entering it into your settings.
And this may not pertain to you, but I use two different Google IDs when I’m at work. I had a lot of trouble because I didn’t realize that it was always looking for stuff in whatever Google ID I was logged into at the time, rather than what was entered in the settings. I had to make sure that I was logged into Google with the same account I had used for my apps, otherwise it just wouldn’t work. Still happens when I run the cron to get my monthly articles even though everything is setup correctly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Docs to WordPress] Drive 'Request Permission' Loop!Have you enabled your Drive API to your project? I had a similar problem and that was the solution for me.
Create a new app project over at https;//console.developers.google.com. Make sure to enable the Drive API within the project (under APIs & Auth/APIs/Google Apps APIs/Drive API)
This forum post covered a lot of issues – https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/error-redirect_uri_mismatch-4?replies=11
I’m no expert, but I’m happy to help if I can. You can hit me up on GChat during the work day (9am-5pm PST aka -7GMT) at tara (dot) kerwin (at) gmail.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Docs to WordPress] Clearing cached info for Google APINo problem – I know how gut wrenching it is to have things just not work (that seems to be my theme this week).
Here’s a screenshot of where to find them:
It’s under APIs & Auth->Credentials. Hope that’s what you need.
Good luck.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Docs to WordPress] Error: redirect_uri_mismatch2) Create a new app project over at https;//console.developers.google.com. Make sure to enable the Drive API within the project (under APIs & Auth/APIs/Google Apps APIs/Drive API)
Under the settings for Authorized redirect URIs enter https://YOURWEBSITE.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=docs_to_wp
6) Copy the URL for the Google Docs folder you want to grab posts from (Origin Folder Share Link)
7) Copy the URL for the folder you want posts moved to after they’ve been imported into your site (Destination Folder Share Link)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Docs to WordPress] Error: redirect_uri_mismatchI had to go into PHPMyAdmin and then selected wp-options and browsed the records.
Then I sorted by option_name until I found the two files I needed:
Delete the id and secret out of those files and save. Then in a different tab with the WordPress site open, go to the Docs to WP settings and it should let you in. If it’s looping, make sure you do a hard refresh to make sure it’s trying again, rather than pulling from the cache.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Docs to WordPress] Error: redirect_uri_mismatchI got out of my 400 loop…but I had to go into PHPMyAdmin and alter the files in the database. I sorted them by name and found the two ‘Docs to WP’ files I needed – one for the Client ID and one for the Client Secret. I deleted the API info in each and saved, then refreshed the WordPress side, where it let me enter new info on the options page.
scary, but it worked.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Docs to WordPress] Clearing cached info for Google APIWell, I was finally able to hunt it down the scary way – I had to go into PHPmyAdmin and the database to find the API settings. After manually clearing them and saving, I was able to go back to the settings on the WordPress side and enter the new Client ID and Secret.
Sadly, still no luck on the bold/italics, but at least I’m not stuck in the loop anymore.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Docs to WordPress] Error: redirect_uri_mismatchI forgot to ask – do you have your Drive API enabled?
I’m setting up another of our sites and remembered that this was also a sticking point for me the first time around. I kept getting the 400 error until I enabled it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Docs to WordPress] Error: redirect_uri_mismatchI’m stuck in the same loop myself. I had an issue with an API I setup for one of the papers, so I foolishly thought I’d delete it and start from scratch. No such luck – my loop just keeps telling me the API has been deleted and it won’t let me enter the new API info.
Damn, I also hate the thought of touching the database… *shudders* Unlimited potential to screw up so many things…
Let me know if you end up braving it. I may have to do the same.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Docs to WordPress] Error: redirect_uri_mismatchI had the same problem – easily fixed.
Go to the Google API you set up, and then from the sidebar choose:
API & Auth’s
-> CredentialsYou should see the Client ID for Web Application screen. The fourth item down should be Redirect URIs. If that line doesn’t say
https://stockholmstypografiskagille.se/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=docs_to_wp then click on Edit Settings and enter it into the second box, Authorized Redirect URIs.Should do the trick. If you’re having any problems finding the screen, let me know and I’ll send you a screen shot.
Good luck!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Docs to WordPress] Clearing cached info for Google APII’ve tried Chrome, Safari and Firefox. I don’t think it’s a browser issue – the configuration (client ID, client secret, etc.) are cached somewhere (I’m assuming on my site). I’ve manually deleted and reinstalled the plugin, but somewhere, it’s pulling that info, rather than allowing me to enter the new ID and Secret. So, it gets caught in a loop of ‘that API has been deleted.’
I’ve just now reinstalled the old version and it’s working just fine. Since you were able to get up and running with the new one, maybe keep using the 0.4 ’til Google really does kill it, then switch to 1.1. Hopefully the guys will be able to push out another update by then.
Good luck.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Docs to WordPress] 1.0 beta questions/issuesI’ve got connection. The first ‘problem’ I had encountered was the Drive API not being enabled last week. Got that going to show the status as ‘connected.’
This shows the same Google account that the Google Docs is under.
And which ‘message’ are you referring to? The error message from the Cron job is a notification from our host.
I’m happy to give you a log/pass to get into our WP or do a shared screen hookup – whatever it takes at this point.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Docs to WordPress] 1.0 beta questions/issuesPlease let me be that stupid.
Tell me what to check and I’m on it.