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  • Thread Starter tararebeka


    Just did another fresh install. Every other plugin disabled. Modified code for Abstract_Api.php…

    Same results.

    PHP 5.4, site is at WordPress 4.2.1.

    I’ll try on one of the sites that’s running 4.1.4. Let me know if you think of anything else to try.

    Thread Starter tararebeka


    Yeah… even did a fresh download and install when I was on the tech call with GoDaddy.

    Thread Starter tararebeka


    So my first 17 lines look like this:

    abstract class Abstract_Api {
    	protected $debugging = false;
    	protected $_customHeaders = array();
    	 * Method adapted from this answer:
    	protected function _validate($json, $assoc_array = False) {
    		// decode the JSON data
    		$result = json_decode($json, $assoc_array);
    		// switch and check possible JSON errors
    		return $result;

    …and the new error looks like this:

    Content-type: text/html

    (no, that’s not me forgetting to paste something – that’s all I get from the email report)

    Vendetta, right?

    Thread Starter tararebeka


    Damn…I was hoping that was it.

    Everything off but that and still no go.

    At what point can I fall to my knees and do the bad Revenge of the Sith/Vader “NOOOOOOOO!”


    Thread Starter tararebeka


    Exactly! (it hates meee….)

    I wonder if we’re running into a plugin conflict? And straw I can grasp at this point.

    *runs to deactivate everything*

    Thread Starter tararebeka


    Three hours in – they have now verified that JSON is running properly on the server along PHP 5.4.

    They can’t figure out why it wouldn’t be working, but they’ve done everything they can on their end.


    Thread Starter tararebeka


    fyi…I’m into hour two of my call into tech support.

    So far we’ve discovered that the server is a lying liar who lies – it says the JSON extension is activated, but it really isn’t. Upgraded to 5.4 and it still is being a petulant little turd.

    He’s now checking with co-workers to see if there’s anything he missed. I told him the server simply has a personal vendetta against me.

    I’ll keep you updated.

    Also, Google still hasn’t pulled the plug. I’m skating by for this round, bated breath and all.

    Thread Starter tararebeka


    That’s why I don’t understand why we’re having issues – we are using 5.3. Do you think going to 5.4 would resolve it?

    Thread Starter tararebeka


    Good morning,

    Still no dice. Today’s error message is this:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function json_last_error() in …/wp-content/plugins/docs-to-wordpress/wrAPI/apis/Abstract_Api.php on line 14
    <!– html is corrupted –>

    Boy, you cut off one head…


    I don’t really speak code, but API…is that something on my end? Just a guess.

    Not as of yet. He’s updating some of the PHP code from anonymous functions, which was causing an error. Mentioned the update will hit tonight or tomorrow.

    And the old version seems to still be working fine for me. I had reverted and was testing it yesterday. I’ll be glad when the new version is working, because I’m always terrified that Google will change something that’ll break everything. It wasn’t such a big deal when I was doing one our smaller papers for a year to show the advantages of WordPress, but now that all eight of our papers our using this setup – well, I sweat bullets when things change.

    Big, fat, bullets!

    Thread Starter tararebeka


    THANK YOU!!! You are awesome.

    *happy dances*

    Thread jack…

    A button to transfer would be useful for me. I run 8 monthlies.

    I wonder if there’s a way to do that integrating a real cron. For whatever reason my hosting plan causes a timeout on the cron plugin. Not at all a necessary feature, but very cool that you’d think to add that for us slowpokes.

    @piantadosi – I’m not a coder either, so I also freaked out at the prospect. I just used TextEdit to create a file and pasted in that code. Name it something obvious like ‘pullmygoogledocs.php’ or something. Our hosting panel actually has something called Cron Job Manager, so hopefully yours will have something similar. From there it has a button to ‘Create Cron Job’ and in the setup you give it a name and navigate to the PHP file you put in the root directory. Ours options to run it once an hour on a five minute interval.

    Hope that was helpful.

    Thread Starter tararebeka


    Well, the good news is that you were right on with the Drive API not being enabled. Hooked up that bad boy and the connection status is good.

    Unfortunately, my issue now seems to be running the cron. Something about my hosting plan causes the plugin cron to timeout, and it was easier to follow your instructions on creating a real cron file than trying to track down the issue (this is how I’ve been running it for a couple of years).

    When the cron runs, I get this response:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION in
    on line 272

    I checked, and my plan is using php 5.3.

    Thoughts, oh wise one? :^) It feels like this is one keystroke away from working.

    Thread Starter tararebeka


    Had another issue with the ‘new’ Google Drive. Something about it causes a corrupted file to come across, and the script can’t move the file from one directory to another like it normally does. This causes that same file to re-import whenever the cron runs and overwrite itself.

    The only thing that seems to ‘fix’ the issue is to go back to the ‘old’ Google drive interface. Delete the file and re-upload it to Drive. Everything else then runs as it should.

    Now my biggest fear is the day when the ‘old’ Google Drive interface is no longer available.

    This has all occurred using a Mac and both Safari and Chrome. I’ll test this weekend from a PC, but I wanted to know if anyone else is experiencing this. I’ve included screencaps to show what these imports look like.

    From the list of Posts

    The actual text from the imported file

    Thread Starter tararebeka


    Thanks for getting back to me on this.

    It stopped working for us a couple of weeks ago for no apparent reason. I had one install at 3.8.3 and one at 3.9. After a loooong tech support call with our host, they directed me to the error logs, which showed that, for whatever reason (because I hadn’t changed anything on the site), the CRON job was timing out.

    As green as I am when it comes to most of this, it was easier to follow your instructions to create a new CRON file than to track down the cause of the timeout.

    Again, thank you for this awesome plugin! It has completely transformed our workflow and allowed me to drag our publications kicking and screaming into a formidable web presence.

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