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  • Thread Starter tarasiudy


    Thread Starter tarasiudy


    It is located a few post down from mine and it says version 14.10and the last post was from gold layering cake. Thx again

    Thread Starter tarasiudy


    There should be both! I didn’t realize it was missing because I was consumed with the top one! No I didn’t remove it.
    Did you get the info from the old thread that was sent with the codes?
    And, I did see on another forum that bluchic replied to someone else who seemed to have a silmilar problem that they did an update . I will locate the response and post it. I don’t know if it applies.

    Hey Stephencottontail!

    So before I copied the link into pastebin, i did something that someone else suggested, that fixed a similar problem on their site. I made a new menu, copied all of my pages over, and then deleted the original menu. DID NOT WORK! UGGGGGGGGGGGGG

    Here is the link for the footer.php from appearance>editor

    I did install a plug in that allowed me to add my google analytics code to a footer….

    so in my settings>insert header and footer
    here’s the script in the header
    <meta name=”p:domain_verify” content=”8e79cc14da56bfe857ea50e32d55517e”/>
    Here’s the script in the footer
    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

    ga(‘create’, ‘UA-58953532-1’, ‘auto’);
    ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’);


    i don’t know what this means or if it is even related to what could be the problem!

    I did this but it didn’t change one thing on my mobile device. My menu works perfectly fine on my computer and iPad but not on my iPhone. Any other suggestions? Thank you

    Will do! I went out of town yesterday after we spoke and I will be home in 30 minutes! I will do that right away!
    Thanks sooooo much again for your continued help! You have no idea how much it is appreciated!

    On Saturday morning, I contacted bluchic, the developer because my menu stopped working on my iPhone. So apparently this is a problem! They referred me to the Adele thread in the forum, but there’s nothing so far that has helped! They said they would look into it!


    I contacted Bluehost and they did exactually as you said. The only thing they found that a possible situation could have been the minified javascript??? I contacted bluchic- my theme developer to ask them for help!

    I will post the php n a short while

    First, THANK you for your reply…..

    I am a newbie and only understand some of what you wrote…
    Where would i look to see if that script exists?

    I don’t think i have modified anything….. I did add google analytics code to the footer, but nothing to the header.

    The menu works FINE on my desktop, and my ipad. NOTHING on my iphone though!
    I spoke to someone at blue host and they suggested I delete the cookies from my phone. I did. No change.

    Then they looked into the plugins i had and said that they all were updated and fine. They suggested i deactivate each one individually and see if the menu on my phone worked. No change.

    Help PLEASE!

    My menu options have totally disappeared for my site on my iphone!!!! It was there and not it is not! I have searched the support topics for assistance to no avail! The menu works fine on my desktop!

    My site is

    THIS IS BAD!!!! I appreciate any help! Thanks!

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