Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Prizm Image] Good Support and Updatesthanks, Dan. I updated my review accordingly. Tom Setzer notified me of the update via Gplus and I came back here to revise my score of your plugin. Thanks again …
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Hammy] smallest breakpoint image servedto simply work around this i updated the posts I linked to and made the full sized post images “medium” and aligned them either right or left so it appears correctly.
would still love the insight, however.
“Cheatin uh?” makes me think you’re running an ‘elegant themes’ theme… they code their stuff to give that snide comment if your membership with them expires and you try to run an automated process — such as uploading a new logo — through their admin panel. In certain instances it can appear out of nowhere even if you’re all paid up.
If so, if you’re indeed running elegant … then it’s a conflict involving the theme. Try switching to a default wordpress theme(such as twenty eleven, twelve – or whatever) and try smushing. If it works then you know the prob is in the theme.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPtouch - Make your WordPress Website Mobile-Friendly] CPU OverageI’m sorry I didn’t follow up with my conclusion before wasting your time.
after some troubleshooting I recalled that I had connected my W3TC to my cloudflare account just prior to configuring WPTouch. Since it was the only change I had made recently, I decided to go back in and uncheck the CDN option in the “extensions” of W3TC.
The CPU cooled and I upgraded to WPTouch pro. It’s been fine ever since and the traffic has been above average – mostly due to more mobile users loving the new mobile version.
I appreciate the reply.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Author hReview] Different Names for "Author" and "Reviewed By" FIXUPDATE: don’t to this if your intention is getting the stars into google search results. After some time I checked and it definitely did break the hentry markup for author resulting in no stars in search results. It also caused errors in my webmaster tools reporting.
If your only concern is the way it appears on your site then this fix is fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Feedburner Optin Form] Responsive CSSmobiletest.me – absolute best mobile emulator available.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Author hReview] Different Names for "Author" and "Reviewed By" FIXupdate: I checked the search results in google after this fix and the “review by” name displayed beside the stars in search results reverts to the authors name – not the name of the actual reviewer, so the fix is limited to what readers see on the actual article page – not in search results.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Redirects to homepage when trying to access archivei came across our solution, csigncsign – and it’s a simple setting within the plugin.
Go into your wordpress admin, then into wordpress SEO settings, titles and metas. From the horizontal tabbed menu chose “other” on the right of the menu.
About halfway the page you’ll encounter “Date Archives” – within that section you should notice a checkmark beside “Disable the date-based archives” …. uncheck it. Save.
clear out your cache and try your archives. Worked like a charm for me and I think it’s the fix for you as well.
Thanks to hoppermdh who’s post here lead me in the right direction
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Redirects to homepage when trying to access archiveI’m having the same exact issue. I’m using ‘presso’ by envirra on my political blog. There’s a standard wordpress “archives” widget in the footer if you’d like to give it a go.
You’ll find that an archive query redirects to the homepage regardless if it’s set to “show latest posts” or set to a static page. Makes no difference.
as csigncsign stated above, I narrowed it down to WPSEO by deactivating plugins and then reactivating them one at a time. It’s all good until I reactive WPSEO and then the archive redirect begins.
please advise.
Jeremy, your fix is awesome. I tried just adding the css and it def resized the images but they were blurred. Your functions.php mod corrected that. Can be seen in action on my political blog (labeled “currently trending” in the sidebar upper right)
thanks for the fix, this has been bugging me for ages
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google AdSense Click-Fraud Monitoring Plugin] What Does This Error Mean?I’m getting the exact same fatal error message and it’s resulting in no save button, although i can change the parameters, reload the settings page and the updates appear to be in effect.
I typically write div class & div ID’s in “double quote marks” but the plugin author has provided code written in single quotes <div class=’cfmonitor’>ADSENSE CODE HERE</div> in the plugins instructions so I would go with that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SEO Facebook Comment] Feature Request – Fluid LayoutOk so I’ve eliminated the push off issue – and it was NOT seofacebookcomments causing the issue. It was login radius causing seofacebookcomments to appear to be the culprit. I deactivated login radius and the issue was resolved.
the mobile version appearing on desktop, however, still persists but is easily avoided by simply not ticking that check box and entering 100% as the maximum width.
i really appreciate your help. My blog is back to it’s old self again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SEO Facebook Comment] Feature Request – Fluid LayoutIt works great for me on desktop applications – as long as I don’t check the tick-box for a mobile layout. If I check that then it applies the mobile version on non mobile devices as well. I tried it on firefox and IE both browsers committed the error delivering a mobile version on desktop.
On mobile the updated plugin DOES have fluid width — it DOES shrink and expand to fit the device size – but I’m sad to say it creates a “push-off” – resulting in a scroll bar at the bottom of the browser of about 50% screen width as well as a huge white ‘dead zone’ space. I wasn’t positive it was the SEOfaceboook comments plugin causing the push-off, so i deactivated it and the push-off went away. Reactivated it – the push-off reappeared – so the push-off is def caused by the seofacebook comments plugin. I tested it on iphone5, samsung galaxy and a HTC ONE using this mobile emulator: https://mobiletest.me/
You can see the plugin in action live on my blog here and run the same test using the mobile emulator I shared with you or perhaps try your own test page in that emulator and see if the push-off occurs for your site(s) as well.
I suspect it’s something to do with the “Check this box if you want to show a different layout of Facebook Comments in mobile devices” feature causing the push-off, but that’s just a guess on my part.
One last note, I was previously using the comments evolved plugin to handle this task but it doesn’t update the database. And – when I first installed it – it too was not expanding 100% but rather chopped down to just 300px. I installed the following css ID mod and it immediately expanded 100% on all devices:
} #fb-comments span { width: 100% !important; }
The above code most likely wouldn’t work for seofacebookcomments as-is because the ID class is not correct. If modified for seofacebookcomments it’s very possible it would do the trick very easily.
I have screenshots of the push-off in mobile as well as the mobile version delivered in the desktop environment – if you need them just contact me using the contact form on the blog I linked to.
thanks for all your hard work on behalf of this plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SEO Facebook Comment] Feature Request – Fluid Layoutthat’s awesome, bem – thanks. I can’t wait to get SEO facebook comments back in charge of my blogs commenting system!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google AdSense and Google Analytics Remover] nothingI reinstalled it after reading your post and sure enough it’s blocking ads now – displaying a charcoal grey placeholder with the size of the ad displayed in white within the box.
Unfortunately for me it’s also causing issues with my featured slider and a couple of other java related do-hickeys via the WPminify plugin.
I hope to see this useful plugin updated in the near future.