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  • Thread Starter Tarissa


    Thanks, that helped a bunch, as I did have a conflicting issue with the index.php earlier.

    However, now that I uploaded the file, I have a new problem. This code is the only thing showing up on the website now:

     * Front to the WordPress application. This file doesn't do anything, but loads
     * wp-blog-header.php which does and tells WordPress to load the theme.
     * @package WordPress
     * Tells WordPress to load the WordPress theme and output it.
     * @var bool
    define('WP_USE_THEMES', true);
    /** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */
    require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-blog-header.php' );

    Any ideas?

    See here:

    Thanks, paulwpxp! I didn’t know a code existed for a transparent background-color. Made my day so much easier to get rid of that bulky box in the theme.

    Thread Starter Tarissa


    Oh, thank you! Your advice helped. As it turned out, I didn’t have the weight and package size set correctly. Shipping problem solved!

    Thread Starter Tarissa


    Yes, I have PayPal available on the website too, so I can use that for some things, and for customers who prefer to use it.

    Thread Starter Tarissa


    You’ve been very helpful today. Thank you for all this information! Looks like I’ll just have to see what happens next with my customers.

    Thread Starter Tarissa


    Thank you, I rolled the keys. (I’m glad you caught my mistake in posting that here.)

    Now, back to my original question. You mentioned that if there have been any successful charges, Stripe is not to blame. But so far I’ve only had 1 customer purchase from the website and that one was declined. Also took 1 phone order and used Stripe to validate and charge the credit card, and it was declined as well. So both attempts have failed, nothing has been successful yet.

    Do you have any other helpful info for me?

    Thread Starter Tarissa


    Apparently it had been just over 35 minutes since I posted the log code, which means (I just found out) that I cannot edit my comment now — but a Moderator can. Are you able to delete my comment above due to the safety concerns?

    Thread Starter Tarissa


    How can I remove the Stripe keys? Not seeing any edit or delete button. (Thank you for letting me know!)

    Thread Starter Tarissa


    There’s a lot in the Stripe account about the failed charges. Is this something in particular you want to see?

    CVC check and card expiry passed just fine.

    Here’s some code — private customer info is removed.


    Parsed Request POST Body:

    key: “pk_live_Sja7wI8kBids1dTDBYm8uVl5”
    payment_user_agent: “stripe.js/127787e”
    number: “**** **** **** 2829”
    cvc: “***”
    exp_month: “11”
    exp_year: “2018”
    name: “PRIVATE”
    address_line1: “PRIVATE”
    address_line2: “”
    address_city: “Goulburn “
    address_state: “NSW”
    address_zip: “2580”
    address_country: “AU”


    Response body:

    id: tok_17v1KPHSL11lSsmIKkDIeOb9
    object: “token”
    id: card_17v1KOHSL11lSsmITAgCko6F
    object: “card”
    address_city: “Goulburn “
    address_country: “AU”
    address_line1: “PRIVATE”
    address_line1_check: “unchecked”
    address_line2: “”
    address_state: “NSW”
    address_zip: “2580”
    address_zip_check: “unchecked”
    brand: “MasterCard”
    country: “AU”
    cvc_check: “unchecked”
    dynamic_last4: null
    exp_month: 11
    exp_year: 2018
    funding: “credit”
    last4: “2829”
    name: “PRIVATE”
    tokenization_method: null
    client_ip: “PRIVATE”
    created: 1459413537
    livemode: true
    type: “card”
    used: false


    Event data:

    id: ch_17v1LVHSL11lSsmI3E2NQ1aV
    object: “charge”
    amount: 2990
    amount_refunded: 0
    application_fee: null
    balance_transaction: null
    captured: false
    created: 1459413605
    currency: “usd”
    customer: null
    description: “B.B. Sprouts Order #192”
    destination: null
    dispute: null
    failure_code: “card_declined”
    failure_message: “Your card was declined.”
    invoice: null
    livemode: true
    Order #: “192”
    Total Tax: “0”
    Total Shipping: “12.95”
    Customer IP: “PRIVATE”
    WP customer #: “3”
    Billing Email: “PRIVATE”
    order: null
    paid: false
    receipt_email: “PRIVATE”
    receipt_number: null
    refunded: false
    object: “list”
    has_more: false
    total_count: 0
    url: “/v1/charges/ch_17v1LVHSL11lSsmI3E2NQ1aV/refunds”
    city: “Goulburn”
    country: “AU”
    line1: “PRIVATE”
    line2: “”
    postal_code: “2580”
    state: “NSW”
    carrier: null
    name: “PRIVATE”
    phone: “PRIVATE”
    tracking_number: null
    id: card_17v1KOHSL11lSsmITAgCko6F
    object: “card”
    address_city: “Goulburn “
    address_country: “AU”
    address_line1: “PRIVATE”
    address_line1_check: “unavailable”
    address_line2: “”
    address_state: “NSW”
    address_zip: “2580”
    address_zip_check: “unavailable”
    brand: “MasterCard”
    country: “AU”
    customer: null
    cvc_check: “pass”
    dynamic_last4: null
    exp_month: 11
    exp_year: 2018
    fingerprint: “YzskE2SAY2VLEfUz”
    funding: “credit”
    last4: “2829”
    name: “PRIVATE”
    tokenization_method: null
    source_transfer: null
    statement_descriptor: “Online Shopping”
    status: “failed”

    Thread Starter Tarissa


    Thank you, I did read this info. Still not sure of anything to do about the customer’s cards being declined though, and this is putting me in a tough spot.

    I appreciate your time. ??

    Thread Starter Tarissa


    Much appreciated!

    Thread Starter Tarissa


    Thank you! So helpful! I’m able to customize my layout much better with your instructions. Totally lovin’ your design!

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