Tasfia Mohtasim
Forum Replies Created
Hello @paulcobben
Thanks for writing back to us.
You can use a page builder to create a post, in a sense that WPUF works with a shortcode. When you create a post form, the WPUF generates the shortcode for the post form. So while creating a page with the builder you can just paste the shortcut anywhere you want to load the post form.
Hello @mwalek
You are most welcome.
As you are satisfied with my reply, I am going to mark it as resolved. Feel free to open a new support thread if you need further assistance.
Hello @indrabhusanroy
Thanks for your query.
By default, WP User Frontend does not offer this feature. It can be achievable with custom development.
Hello @mwalek
Thanks for your query.
I regret to inform you that WPUF doesn’t support submitting WC Booking products through the WC product form. If you want to let your users upload/manage booking types product from the frontend dashboard then you can look into this doc- https://wedevs.com/docs/dokan/modules/dokan-bookings/.
Hello @joorkataa
Thanks for reaching out.
Basically, it depends on the theme how it will show the submitted posts. If you want to change it, you can achieve it with custom CSS. If you write the CSS we do recommend writing it on the theme’s style.css or Appearance-> Customize-> Additional CSS like this: https://prntscr.com/lpbl02.
Hello @paulcobben
Thanks for reaching out.
By default, it will be unavailable to add predefined tables in WP User Frontend, however, you can use these three built-in form templates available in the plugin:
Post Form
WooCommerce Product Form
EDD Download FormLet me know if there is any confusion.
Hello @dglite
Thanks for your great appreciation.
We hope you will keep spreading this positivity all over the world in the future as well.
Hello @tempestra
I hope you are doing well.
It will be available to change the text with default functionalities. However, you can use Loco Translator to change any string to your preferred word or language. To know how to translate with Loco Translator, you can check the reference from here: https://tanjirsdev.com/how-to-translate-dokan-using-loco-translate/.
I hope this helps.
Hello @ronjones1
Thanks for your appreciation.
Your motivational words help us to improve our support. I hope you will continue spreading this positivity all over the world.
Kind regards,
Hello @chinskimandaryn
I hope that you are having a great day!
Somehow I missed this topic.
Right now, WP Project Manager is showing the default mode on the wp-admin panel. We have already forwarded your request to the assigned team.
Hopefully, you will get this in the near future.Regards,
Hello @majaxlt
Thanks for reaching out.
By default, there is no shortcode like this to show all the posts on the user profile. You can see all posts on the front end of the dashboard as you can see in the screenshot: https://prnt.sc/FHX1HWltm3cZ.
Hello @pigo3934blog
Thanks for reaching out.
Based on the forum rules, commercial products are not supported in these forums.
If you are a premium user of the Dokan plugin, contact the support channel.
Hello @fabriciobarros10
Thanks for reaching out.
You can definitely disallow the vendors and customers from accessing the wp-admin dashboard area in wp-admin-> Dokan -> Settings-> General as the screenshot: https://snipboard.io/eCUIZ3.jpg.
Let me know that’s what you want.
Hello @makhay
It looks like there might have a conflict on your site. So, this will need to check if that is coming from any theme or plugin. Please make sure that you’ve already done the conflict test. If you haven’t yet, please follow the below procedures for testing purposes.
Please deactivate all plugins except the WP Project Manager.
If the above method doesn’t resolve your problem, go for the next.Switched to any default theme like Twenty Twenty.
Clear your site cache as well as the browser cache and try the process again.
Please let us know if you are still having the problem.Thanks!