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Sorry if it was confusing.
Certain browser/os combinations display weird square boxes and what not on output. IE (all versions) on windows xp, and firefox(3-11) on linix (Ubuntu).
If it is type directly into the control panel and not imported it seems like all is well. I am sure it has to do with encoding of the csv file or something. But I couldn’t find a single encoding type that would work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Table Reloaded] [Plugin: WP-Table Reloaded] Importing UTF-8 contentDo you have any idea what character encoding work best?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Pull posts from sub site into main siteThanks for all the help guys, regardless if it is push or pull, the end result is the same for me. Broadcast just allows me to be more selective about it. And allows me to have a little more granularity.
Niether are perfect for me so i will probably end up writing my own, but thanks for everything.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Pull posts from sub site into main siteOK, nm pulling hais here. Basical the data to store posts is twice as large as I am storing each post at least twice.
Anyway I also came across the WP3 Broadcast plugin. Seems to be more flexible for my setup. I think I am going to go with it. Thanks for all your guys’ help though.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multipost MU] [Plugin: Multipost MU] Comments?better yet would be just to have the link for the post always go to the main site. Or am I missing somthing with that?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Pull posts from sub site into main siteYeah I should have said the posts table would be twice as big. not the entire db.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Pull posts from sub site into main sitehmm, it gets to be a little problematic then. Oh well, this will work for know. I might just have to move to movable type later or build out my own engine. But I can at least get up and running with this. basically, I am going to be storing every blog post twice with this plugin. Do database size will be double. And I can’t have it going and deleating any posts. Need to be able to search for everything from the main site.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Pull posts from sub site into main siteActually, I think I can work the secong part out with a redirect in the .htaccess file. them do an export/import of a selection of posts. I can cross that bridge when it comes.
As far as the default post count. I am setting it up so my main site is the tag site. Does the post count still take efect. as I stil plan on writing posts that are specifically part of the main blog.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Pull posts from sub site into main siteThat is mainly what I am looking for. I dont mind some DB duplication, but I dont want to duplicate posts and have different comments and what not for each, which is what the mulipost plugin and other seem to do. This looks great.
Any answers to moving article between sites. I would suspect that it would have to mark the original with some sort of redirect so links still work and then copy the post over (same tags same publish date, etc.)
I know this isn’t considered great. but I might run into something were i have so many post of a specific type that it ends up warranting is own subsite. It is hard to know that all ahead of time.