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  • Thread Starter tatalio


    Analyzing the code, I saw that there is no function that sets the properties from the purchased package to ‘expired’ after the package expires. This only exists for pay per listing. The function is called ‘per_listing_check_expire()’ and a scheduler is defined for it. I had to create the per_package_check_expire() function myself and define the scheduler. I don’t know why it is like that, maybe it exists somewhere, but I didn’t notice it. Anyway, I solved the problem. I also added the possibility to return from ‘expired’ to ‘public’, if conditions in the database change (change of package for a longer period of time, or change of activation date).


    imam slican problem kao @katarinawp90, jednino mi je sajt inicijalno na latinici. Koristim Elementor ?3.16.5 paragrafe prevodi, naslove ne prevodi, menije prevodi, neke blokove ne prevodi… Primetio sam da i neki paragrafi imaju problem. (Kad sam u paragrafu izbrisao mail adresu proradio je, mozda Vam ovo pomogne oko ispravki). Koristim Astra temu. Probao sam na drugom sajtu gde koristim Ocean WP temu i Elementor Pro (azurne verzije do oktobra 2023.) imam isti problem. Znam da je prevodjenje web sajta koji je inicijalno napisan na latinici mnogo veci problem, ali bi bilo divno da ovo radi, makar i u premium izdanju. U mom slucaju za Elementor bilder. Nije problem ni prevesti ceo sajt na cirilicu, pa onda koristiti preslovljavanje na latinicu, ali mislim da cu u tom slucaju degradirati SEO sto mi je svakako vazno… Mozda gresim?

    Navijam da ovo proradi, pozdrav!

    Saljem Vam i setup (Isprobao sam vise opcija u globalnom podesavanje Vaseg plugina, ovde Vam saljem poslednju izmenu)

    Индентификаци?а додаткаq43r61q010n020160ss02sq69o5n1pnno9q9p29r34q773r01nps5o00s71opsq0Верзи?а додатка1.10.5WordPress верзи?а6.3.2Послед?е ажурира?е додатка2023-10-15 08:02:39PHP верзи?аPHP 7.4.3Индентификатор PHP верзи?е70403PHP архитектура64 битаWordPress откла?а?е грешакаУгашеноWordPress мулти са?тУгашено

    [“serbian-transliteration”] => array(23) { [“site-script”]=> string(3) “lat” [“transliteration-mode”]=> string(10) “lat_to_cyr” [“first-visit-mode”]=> string(4) “auto” [“language-scheme”]=> string(5) “sr_RS” [“mode”]=> string(6) “forced” [“exclude-latin-words”]=> string(9) “WordPress” [“exclude-cyrillic-words”]=> string(0) “” [“cache-support”]=> string(3) “yes” [“force-widgets”]=> string(3) “yes” [“force-email-transliteration”]=> string(2) “no” [“force-ajax-calls”]=> string(2) “no” [“avoid-admin”]=> string(3) “yes” [“allow-cyrillic-usernames”]=> string(2) “no” [“permalink-transliteration”]=> string(3) “yes” [“media-transliteration”]=> string(3) “yes” [“media-delimiter”]=> string(1) “-” [“enable-search”]=> string(3) “yes” [“fix-diacritics”]=> string(3) “yes” [“search-mode”]=> string(4) “auto” [“enable-alternate-links”]=> string(3) “yes” [“url-selector”]=> string(4) “rstr” [“enable-rss”]=> string(3) “yes” [“enable-body-class”]=> string(3) “yes” }

    Hi, thanks, but if I comment all contents from file cookies-and-content-security-policy-error-message.php in js folder and if I enable ONLY nessesery cokies, I see all cookies appears (chrome dev / application / cookie). Example cookies for map, recapcha … is here, and map, rechapcha on site works, although it shouldn’t.

    When I uncomment cookies-and-content-security-policy-error-message.php this cookies disapear (map, rechapcha not working on website) and all work fine…
    But slowly. Especialy when I first time start website. From any reason cookies-and-content-security-policy-error-message.php working slowly…

    Otherwise, this plugin is great and it is that I want. I hope anybody will found solution for this problem.`

    I have the same problem. Is there any solution? Without this file (comment all), the page runs faster, but does not block cookies…

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