Forum Replies Created

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  • Evergreen Accounting is very good at what it does, but it does not automatically update transactions from online sources. You have to enter the transactions. If you are up for some coding, you could have Zapier receive transactions from an online source such as Square and then update mysql directly. I’m planning to do that with Zeffy and Zapier. However, if you get yourself in trouble by corrupting the database I don’t think you’ll find much sympathy here.

    Thread Starter tbclark3


    It turned out to be the fault of mod_pagespeed modifying optimizing jpg images. I don’t know why it was only affecting events manager images, but I doubt if it is an events manager issue, so closing.

    Thread Starter tbclark3


    “Keep source files” is checked and has never been changed from the default.

    If you create a test directory and put the actual filenames (eg 1.jpg, 2.jpg) in the ‘filename’ field for some of them, and put other names (eg “not real name.jpg’) in the ‘filename’ field for some of them, then export, you will get a file for each record, and they will be named correctly, eg 1.jpg through 10.jpg. However, some of the files will not contain the correct image for that filename.

    There are 150+ files in the directory I was exporting for the purpose of putting the files on a USB stick. For the first few iterations, I didn’t notice a problem. However, at the end when I plugged in the stick on my Chromebook and it displayed thumbnails images, I noticed the duplicates.

    I am running WPPA in Docker on a Linux server. In order to remove the possibility of caching or other Chromebook idiosyncrasies, I expanded the zip file in a command line, then used the fdupes command to find duplicates. In each group of duplicates, one of the images is correct, and all of the others are duplicates of that one correct image.

    Thanks for pursuing this issue. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

    Thread Starter tbclark3


    I figured it out, at least partially. In the table wp_wppa_photos, many of the filenames were wrong. They were most often the filenames of the original uploaded image, many of them duplicates such as 0001.jpg as they were named by the scanner. Some of them were custom names I had given the files. In many cases, though, the filenames weren’t the actual filenames. The UI is identifying database rows by the encrypted name and thus finds the correct row (although I don’t know how it’s finding the actual image if it needs to). The export function is apparently looking up actual filenames, and if it couldn’t find a file by that name, it just substituted the most recent one. I believe I have fixed it by running the query “update wp_wppa_photos set filename=concat(id,”.jpg”) where album=41;” and it doesn’t look like it broke anything else.

    Thread Starter tbclark3


    I have turned off mod_security and mod_pagespeed and the problem persists. I’m not getting any errors. There are no permission problems in the uploads directory. In a directory with 137 exported jpg files, there are 5 groups of duplicates with components ranging from 2 to 16. Fortunately, the stored jpg files in the uploads directory are correct.

    fdupes -1 .
    ./3478.jpg ./3480.jpg
    ./3470.jpg ./3471.jpg ./3472.jpg ./3473.jpg ./3474.jpg ./3475.jpg ./3476.jpg ./3477.jpg ./3479.jpg ./3481.jpg ./3482.jpg ./3483.jpg ./3484.jpg ./3493.jpg
    ./3434.jpg ./3444.jpg ./3450.jpg
    ./3431.jpg ./3432.jpg ./3433.jpg ./3437.jpg ./3438.jpg ./3439.jpg ./3440.jpg ./3441.jpg ./3442.jpg ./3443.jpg ./3445.jpg ./3446.jpg ./3447.jpg ./3448.jpg ./3449.jpg ./3451.jpg
    ./2826.jpg ./3460.jpg

    I would be happy to help troubleshoot this, but not sure where to start.

    Thread Starter tbclark3


    In case anybody else runs into this issue, the problem was with the following directive in mod_security:

    “id:’200003′,phase:2,t:none,log,deny,status:44,msg:’Multipart parser detected a possible unmatched boundary.'”

    Thread Starter tbclark3


    Thanks for your prompt suggestion and for maintaining an excellent program! I couldn’t find anything wrong with my configuration, but I did find workarounds. For several of the images that initially failed, I opened them in gimp and re-exported them, and they were accepted. For the two largest images, I had to reduce the resolution from 600 to 300 dpi.

    Thread Starter tbclark3


    Setting Treat Replies as “New Posts” instead of “Comments” fixes it, but it makes for a lot of new posts.

    Thread Starter tbclark3


    Thanks for your fast response!

    Changing “Allow Duplicate Comments” to “No” doesn’t change the error.

    I can’t find any plugin that changes __return_false to _return_false:

    grep -rn . -e ‘_return_false’
    ./another-wordpress-classifieds-plugin/includes/compatibility/class-jetpack-plugin-integration.php:47: add_filter( ‘jetpack_enable_open_graph’, ‘__return_false’ );
    ./another-wordpress-classifieds-plugin/includes/compatibility/class-seo-framework-plugin-integration.php:96: add_filter( ‘awpcp-should-generate-rel-canonical’, ‘__return_false’ );
    ./another-wordpress-classifieds-plugin/includes/compatibility/class-seo-framework-plugin-integration.php:97: add_filter( ‘awpcp-should-generate-basic-meta-tags’, ‘__return_false’ );
    ./another-wordpress-classifieds-plugin/includes/compatibility/class-seo-framework-plugin-integration.php:98: add_filter( ‘awpcp-should-generate-title’, ‘__return_false’ );
    ./google-sitemap-generator/class-googlesitemapgeneratorloader.php:86: add_filter( ‘wp_sitemaps_enabled’, ‘__return_false’ );
    ./google-sitemap-generator/sitemap.php:117: add_filter( ‘wp_sitemaps_enabled’, ‘__return_false’ );
    ./peters-login-redirect/src/core/src/Admin/RedirectionsPage.php:125: add_filter(‘screen_options_show_screen’, ‘__return_false’);
    ./wp-optimize/cache/class-wp-optimize-cache-commands.php:211: add_filter(‘updraft_interrupt_tasks_queue_load-url-task’, ‘__return_false’, 99);
    ./wp-mail-smtp/src/Options.php:1524: add_filter( ‘wp_mail_smtp_options_is_const_enabled’, ‘__return_false’, PHP_INT_MAX );
    ./wp-mail-smtp/src/Options.php:1526: remove_filter( ‘wp_mail_smtp_options_is_const_enabled’, ‘__return_false’, PHP_INT_MAX );
    ./postie/postie.class.php:53: add_filter(‘duplicate_comment_id’, ‘__return_false’);
    ./query-monitor/classes/Dispatcher.php:97: add_filter( “qm/dispatch/{$this->id}”, ‘__return_false’ );
    ./events-manager/buddypress/bp-em-core.php:327: add_filter(‘option_dbem_js_limit’, ‘__return_false’);
    ./events-manager/buddypress/bp-em-core.php:328: add_filter(‘option_dbem_css_limit’, ‘__return_false’);
    ./events-manager/classes/em-taxonomy-frontend.php:90: add_filter(‘mtm_is_cpt_page’, ‘__return_false’);
    ./mailpoet/lib/Cron/ActionScheduler/RemoteExecutorHandler.php:31: $this->wp->addFilter(‘https_local_ssl_verify’, ‘__return_false’, 100);
    ./tablepress/classes/class-render.php:298: add_filter( ‘tablepress_apply_nl2br’, ‘__return_false’, 9 ); // Priority 9, so that this filter can easily be overwritten at the default priority.
    ./tablepress/classes/class-render.php:319: remove_filter( ‘tablepress_apply_nl2br’, ‘__return_false’, 9 ); // Priority 9, so that this filter can easily be overwritten at the default priority.

    Any other thoughts?

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: call_user_func_array(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, function “_return_false” not found or invalid function name
    in /var/www/html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 310

    Call stack:

    1. WP_Hook::apply_filters()
    2. apply_filters()
    3. wp_allow_comment()
    4. wp_new_comment()
    5. PostieMessage::save_post()
    6. PostieMessage::process()
    7. Postie::fetch_mail()
    8. Postie::get_mail()
    9. postie_get_mail()
    10. require_once()
    11. PostieInit::postie_show_config_page()
    12. WP_Hook::apply_filters()
    13. WP_Hook::do_action()
    14. do_action()
    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [amr users] PHP 8

    I’m running into the same issue.

    Thread Starter tbclark3


    I have 5 WordPress sites, all of which were, at one time protected by 2FA provided by Shield Security. All of them stopped working about the same time (difficult to tell exactly because of remembered logins). One of them briefly started working again today, for no apparent reason, but it only lasted a few hours. Obviously something changed, but I haven’t been able to figure out what. All of the installations are running under docker behind a proxy server, but that hasn’t changed. Today I gave up and disabled 2FA on Shield Security and installed WP 2FA which is working correctly and consistently on all of the installations. I would still be willing to troubleshoot but I have run out of ideas.

    Thread Starter tbclark3


    I have several sites that aren’t working. Here is one of them:
    There is a login link on the page.

    Thread Starter tbclark3


    No, and nothing changed except the Shield Security update.

    Thread Starter tbclark3


    Thanks. I do not have any IPs whitelisted.

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