The link you sent me is useless as Averta login username and password reset is a endless loop, you cannot reset password and receive an email that simply sends me back to the averta homepage endlessly. Been trying to access support on this product for months and has become more than a joke at this point. Can you please respond to my e-mails?
We purchased Masterslider Pro on account TradingBo 3 months ago and still not able to access support as ‘Envato cannot connect to Averta’ to update licenses. This is despite the fact I am logged in successfully on envato and can see my purchase code and information clear as day.
As soon as the Averta site gets involved I am being sent in endless circles, my support only has 27days left so I am sincerely hoping you will extend our support to compensate for lost time due to this ‘could not connect to envato’ bug.
Many Thanks