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  • Same issue here.



    I’m having this same problem, and I’m actually starting to toy with just using a different commenting system rather than mess with the WordPress bug. Facebook commenting may be a better route to go anyway…

    Fair warning… you are going to need to know how to manipulate code pretty well to do this. Ended up not going through openhook to do this – it was easier to just go with the theme’s built-in override options.

    Here’s the deal… after copying the three plugin files into /thesis_16/events (you will want to make a note of the fact that you did this b/c it technically violates where Thesis would prefer you set up your custom files), you will make the following mods to the files….

    Make sure you leave include (TEMPLATEPATH.'/header.php');
    The footer one didn’t seem to make a difference either way.

    Then add this:

    global $thesis;
     ? ?global $thesis_design;
     ? ?
     ? ?if (is_single() || (is_page() && !$thesis['display']['comments']['disable_pages']))
     ? ? ? ?wp_enqueue_script('comment-reply');
     ? ?
     ? ?get_header(apply_filters('thesis_get_header', $name));
     ? ?
     ? ?echo '<div id="container"' . "\n";
     ? ?echo '<div id="page">' . "\n";
     ? ?
     ? ?thesis_header_area();
     ? ?thesis_hook_before_content_box();
     ? ?
     ? ? ? ?echo ' ? ?<div id="content_box" class="no_sidebars">' . "\n";

    Then you keep the primary plugin code per file… you know, so Event Calendar does what it is supposed to. Finish it off with:

     ? ?thesis_footer_area();
     ? ?
     ? ?echo '</div>' . "\n";
     ? ?//echo '</div>' . "\n";
     ? ? ? ?
     ? ?get_footer(apply_filters('thesis_get_footer', $name));

    Incidentally, this is the syntax you would use to create custom templates with Thesis… all you would need to do to take this extra step….

    /*Template Name: Your Template Name Here*/

    So that’s the deal… works like a champ. You will, of course, need to add some CSS styling to get things looking good, but this should get the functionality set. Again, if you are not a strong coder, this probably isn’t for you… then again, if you are not a strong coder, doing significant mods to Thesis (or to plugins so that they work with Thesis) probably shouldn’t be your game anyway. Just keep in mind that while Thesis is a great high-level theme and offers plenty of built-in options for non-coders, the fact that it gives you all of those options makes working with its’ codebase much more difficult.

    Hope this helps somebody…!

    Makes sense to me…. thanks again for the KILLER plugin!!!

    I’ve dug into this a bit this evening… haven’t implemented this yet, but here’s the deal. The way the plugin is written, it looks to call both the theme’s standard header.php and footer.php, which works great with just about every other theme out there. as much as I love Thesis (and I do), one of it’s drawbacks is that because Thesis makes itself so high level, it doesn’t really operate the header.php and footer.php the same way as most themes do.. that is, put all of the markup that you might expect in those files. Instead, it throws out it’s opening body hooks and “before HTML” hooks (see code below):

    <body<?php thesis_body_classes(); ?>>
    <?php thesis_hook_before_html(); ?>

    So what that means is that most of the typical header markup never makes it into the plugin’s output, which creates the issue that we are both experiencing. Same thing is true of the footer.php file.

    So how do you fix it? Basically, unless the author of the plugin decides to support Thesis and figures out the very best way to include all of its functions (which would be nice, but ye best donate GENEROUSLY <=D), the options essentially involve creating a separate copy of the skin rebuilt in XHTML, which honestly shouldn’t be that hard. The hack way of doing it would be to break the code out into a header1.php and a footer1.php (adjusting the appropriate lines of code in the plugin. That would work, but it would probably be better to include the same XHTML inside of Thesis’s hook system (OpenHook is an easy way of doing this). Downside of course is if you change your theme design, you have to modify the event skin in openhook (or the hack way in header1.php and footer1.php) to match… or you can just leave it a little different, with a common header or something. It’s tedious and requires some know-how, but this plugin is by far the best Events Calendar plugin I have seen yet, so well worth the time….

    I’m implementing this tomorrow myself, and I’ll post again if I realize I screwed something up here :). Otherwise, hope this helps somebody else figure out what needs to happen, and saves some time….

    I ran a multi-browser Litmus test on it, and the issue is most certainly with how the plugin interacts with Thesis – no doubt. The issue you are describing Gordon (and that I am experiencing as well) is across all browsers, so methinks that Thesis’s styles are not being applied at all. Which makes sense really due to how Thesis itself is built.

    I haven’t dug deep into Event Calendar’s skinning features yet, but I know they are there and I’m thinking it may be necessary to reskin separately away from Thesis. Which is a bummer, but you know…. such is life. Killer plugin, so worth it. I’ll recheck and see if anybody else has thoughts or suggestions, but I’ll dig into this tomorrow (or later tonight, if I feel ambitious).

    I’m running Thesis 1.6 and Firefox 3.5.7 OSX and I can replicate gordon’s issue… having the same issue on a fresh site I’m working on right now:

    Any thoughts – I’d love to hear them. I just recognized the issue and went searching for a solution, so if I figure something out I’ll post it here as well. Thanks for the *STELLAR* plugin!!!!! AWESOME!

    Otto – you are the MAN!!!!!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Problems using Polldaddy

    I just went out and looked, and no new plugin update yet… anybody heard anything new?

    Ipstenu – thanks for the update!!


    Same problem here…. surprising to see coming from anything with the “Automattic” name on it.

    Polldaddy 0.9 & WP 2.7.1

    Exact same issue here… All tabs expanded on WP 2.7…. I’m running Thesis. Any help?

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