Ok thanks, thanks of the quick answer ! To explain a bit more the purpose : on this website I do batch imports (more than 2000 images), csv file for ±200 posts + using all import pro to auto-attach this images to define posts so the name of the files have to be very specific (post ID + number incrementing for each posts).
By the way, when I first tried to apply Phoenix Media Renamer to some batch test of images (with original parameters) it renamed my files named, for exemple, 04-01 to 04-1 (so it breaks the root for all import to link the file to the post). In my opinion, I would avoid this part of the auto-renaming process ??
To give full feedback, now I don’t know why but with the specific first batch of images I tried to work on to rename with your pluging, when I erase this images and re-import it again, wordpress persist to rename this same images with like this 04-01-1.jpg… don’t understand why because this files don’t exist anymore on the website… Any idea how to solve this ?
Thank again for your plugin !