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Please refer to the video captured in my google drive for your reference and advise accordingly?
Hi Champ,
Any updates?
Hi Champ,
Please refer to given 2 screenshots on the highlighted areas, Browser Tab Title, Inner Page Title and the Edit Title.
Here is the link:
How to attach the screenshot here?
Hi Champ,
Its is not really working correctly.
After I quick edit, the page title did changed to what I want, but my Page Header (Title) itself also follow the same, we only want the Page Title which on the tab to change.
Please advise?
I would like to attach screenshot here to explain to you better, but cant find any way to attach the screenshot.
Please advise?
Hi Champ,
May we know what’s the id for master header and footer so that we able to adjust the position too?
Now the footer floating and blocking some fields.
What’s the best way to check and get all the entity id or name, so that we able to customize its size, color, font, and etc.
Hi Champ,
Beside below: { } { } { } { }
Do you have more different layout?
Also I need the Page Title other than this inner container?Nicepage is investigating it, while they doing that we need to work out ourselves too just in case.
It work great that all input fields and respective label are appear now.
But the main title still hidden.And this working for mobile layout only.
In Nicepage theme, they have desktop layout, laptop layout, tablet horizontal layout, table vertical layout and mobile layout.
Currently both tablet layouts still have same problem that some fields are hidden.
Thanks Champ Canba,
That’s working great.
Now is the Footer, which does not stick on the very bottom.
It’s like floating somewhere below by hiding some fields too.
Thanks for the reply.
We are using Nicepage theme.
Anywhere we can check or troubleshoot technically such as coding or css?