Hi and thanks for the wonderful work.
Ok, I propose this: often, we (programmers) use the very useful function that shows the css associated to an element for inputing the triggers.
Well, you have to know that we often use that either for other things, for exampe knowing the css associated because we want to change it in the wp theme, wihout inspecting the element.
It should be a very useful function to inspect the element not only y the last css tags, but with the complete tree (including in which file the whole dipendences od css are located).
This could be a most accurate function non only for the trigger, but also for us.
Indeed, I don’t make any website without installing popup maker,
although I don’t need to use it for the pop-ups.
It might be nice to have, under the function that finds the css that activates the switch, also a more extensive function that finds the entire path embedded in\ css, preferably with a function that also tells us which file the trigger is in.
I know this may be different from the purpose of the plugin, but such a function would be fabulous.
Greetings, and thanks again!