I do have one big critique though: When the customer checks out the has to choose a payment method offered by SlicedInvoice for the invoice to be generated. This can be a simple bank transfer or stripe or paypal. So there are options, but both these companies have additional options that specialize in the country I am from: Germany. Stripe and Paypal via SlicedInvoice does not offer these specialties.
Since the payment process always supersedes the invoice process I will cancel the SlicedInvoice-PlugIns. I will have to pick a generally worse PlugIn, but have the compatibility with any payment process.
From my view as a customer SlicedInvoice is basically doing this: “We have this great PlugIn better than any other in processing invoices. But we structured this awesome Plugin in a way that you have to go through our payment processes which are really only standard and of medium quality. So when you choose our high quality PlugIn you have to be satisfied with a medium quality payment process.”