Forum Replies Created
Problem resolved.
I removed the following line:$url = str_replace( ‘%’, ‘%25’, $url );
Thanks Edward Caissie !
https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/thumbnails-can-be-viewed-only-once-after-update?replies=2#post-6652724Remove the following line (usuń nast?puj?c? lini?):
$url = str_replace( ‘%’, ‘%25’, $url );
In (w):
Version This alone !
Is someone able to solve this problem ?Version 2.0.77.
Effect the same.Filenames – I have spaces also they are long.
I change on short (1.jpg, 2.jpg, …). Without the effect !@ wippzone
I have the same problem !
When i clear the image cache (in the Gallery menu >> “Other Options” >>”Miscellaneous”), it works again, but only once.https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/nextgen-gallery-v-2071?replies=28#post-6644602
OK! I will write soon.
Thanks !When I clickin “Edit tumbs” in “Manage gallery” then Snap5 on:
https://ted-b.cba.pl/galeria-zdjec/@janko22 – (do pierwszego postu). U mnie to samo !
Look on this web page:
https://ted-b.cba.pl/galeria-zdjec/Tomorrow I will prepare the drops of the screen on different web page from widget “StartPres”. Interesting !.
I can also show different things. Only what ? Something from putting NextGEN or some files from the server ftp ?Excuse me ! I learn english … 30 years ago .
In order:
– I create the new gallery (“Prymicje o. ?ukasza Noconia”) in existing album (“Album 4”),
– I come in on the side “Galeria Zdj??” on my web page (https://www.parafia-cieslin.pl/galeria-zdjec/) – the thumbnail of this new gallery OK !
– next entry on this web page there – is no thumbnail.
Second case:
– I will alter in this alone gallery now (“Prymicje o. ?ukasza Noconia”) image in thumbnail on the image no. 2. (21:40 PM)
– I ask to look quickly on web page (https://www.parafia-cieslin.pl/galeria-zdjec/) – the thumbnail should to be (probably, that someone will warn earlier !),
– next entry on this the web page there – is no thumbnail.Today I put the new gallery in the existing album.
First openly the web page – the thumbnail of the new gallery in the order. Next openly – thumbnail does not appear.
This alone steps out then, when I alter the picture having to be thumbnail.OK !
I update NextGEN Gallery to the version 2.0.76.
Ted-BThe problem not resolved.
Return to the version
Thanks !