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The host won’t give me access to the server’s error logs. I even have a fresh WordPress theme in another directory on the same host, which worked earlier, but now suffers from the same error message as well.
I can’t even upload files one at a time if I want to add more than a couple of files. I have to save the post, exit the post, enter it again and maybe them it will let me upload a few more files… I’m a photographer, and this is a huge time waster.
Any suggestions?
How do I check error logs? I googled it, but I don’t really know what I’m looking for.
The images are around 600kB, 1280×850. My PHP Mem Limit is 128M. I’ve hosted WordPress for six years.
I upgraded to the latest WordPress yesterday, but the problem remains the same.
Did you guys figure this out? I have the exact same problem, and can’t figure out what’s wrong. I’ve spent about three hours trying to work it out, looking through forums and installation instructions. All three lights are green, and manual publishing works. Auto publish? Nada.
I havent tried to delete the app and make a new one yet, but will do so now. I have my doubts.
Otherwise, thanks for ? great plugin, I hope we don’t nag you too much.
I added
define (‘WP_TEMP_DIR’, ‘/usr/home/web/wno15417/phptempfolder/’);
(not the actual path, but it refers to a folder I can access through ftp)
to wp-config, chmodded the folder to 777 and the whole problem was solved. Does this compromise security, or impose any other problems?
Hmmm. Okay, I don’t really have any knowledge to argue with that, other that what I’ve read. However, I run another WordPress site at the same host, and that works just fine. Thanks for the headsup regarding server changes, I’ll keep that in mind for the future as well.
What about this guy, he had the exact same problem after an WP update, and solved it by defining his temp dir as an constant in the wp-config. (https://web.archive.org/web/20100914122822/https://www.dzuchara.com/wordpress-upgrade-bug-fix)
I tried adding “/var/tmp/” as suggested, which got rid of the open_basedir error, but not the SAFE MODE restriction error.
That is the reply I’ve seen on all posts regarding those errors, but it’s hard to believe as the timing of the error cohere with my WP update and installation of SEO and SFC plugins. The host don’t report to have changed anything on their servers either, and I’ve used them for six years now. I’ve also read that some people have tracked the error to a bad theme, so even though the error message seems to be related to the server’s settings, it could be something else causing it?
I will give them a call to hear if they’ve changed anything anyway, but I highly doubt it.
Any other suggestions?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: how to Convert Database Character Sets to utf-8I have the same problem. I updated from 1.x.x to 2.8.4 and was left with post containing lots of ?¥s and ??s… Nobody told me to leave out the DB_CHARSET and DB_COLLATE in wp-config.php.
I don’t have time or will to do this manually. I have done some php and a lot of html in the past, but trying to get into SQL and getting through a 50-step guide to get this working is not something I even want to start on reading on.
This seems to be a major problem for many people, I can’t believe that there isn’t a script that can do this easily for us. Have anyone found any “easy” way to do this?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Change months name?I remember I changed the name of the months within a file. I can’t find that file anymore. That link didn’t help me much… I need to change the name of a month that I’ve written wrong.