Forum Replies Created
Thanks for the response. None of the forms were submitting and I finally turn off the Ajax in the cforms and it is working now.
BUT, we are getting many spam registrations. Is there a way to control this. Appreciate any help on this.
Back again with another issue. This is not related to WP-members but appreciate any direction.I changed the hosting company and website domain to
Enabled smtp and wp-mail etc..the registration pages are working fine.
But the cforms are not submitting the form and not receiving any emails.Any help.
Sorry. I think I am getting the mail but little slow.
No issues for now.Regards
Small email related issue. Any help?When a user registers on the site, NO email is going to the user with the a userid/pwd. Even as an admin i tried to add a user (checked the box to send an email to the user) but still no email.
But, the reset pwd option is sending the temporary pwd to the user.
I have not made any changes to the plugin.
Appreciate any suggestions.
Hi sorry to give you more and problems.
You are right the issue is my WP Email. I installed a plugin WP MAIL SMTP to fix this and all emails are going fine from WB-Members.
Really this is an excellent Plugin. Appreciate all your help to the folks.
Now I have to dig into how to load data to the members database using a CSV file but I will try. I gave enough trouble already ??
Thanks for all your help. One last question ??
It may not be related. When a user changes pwd, it is showing message that an email is sent to the user’s email but it didn’t do that. Which email it is looking to send? Any direction please?Thanks a lot. I installed Platinum SEO and everything working great.
Appreciate all your help.
Don’t recall but this has started with WP 3.1.1 or Arras 1.5
Is this plugin compatible with the these versions? Not sure how to go from here as I have not many plugins.
Going to 3.1.2 will fix this?thanks.
I did as per your notes. Much better ?? almost there.
Things looking much better. But, noticed the registration form appearing 2 times on my webpage. At the top of the page before the banner followed by a banner and the form.
Can you please check the register form under the Members-area again for your help on this nice plug-in.
Thanks for the response. Sorry to bug you with this issue.
For the previous line I was using HTML. It didnt work.
Now, I used the shortcode as specified above in visual mode on a test page but the page is just displaying the short code as below.
test wpm
??[wp-members page=”register”]
====================No form, as if it is not recognizing the wp-members. I verified and the plugin is active. My WP version is 3.1.1 and Arras 1.5
plugin version 2.2.2
used HTML and made sure the slug name is Members-Area
(I changed the permalink settings to (month/etc) other than default to change the slug name)site
I had to remove the page as it is not showing any form. Please notify if you want me to add the page.
Thanks for the wonderful plug-in. It was working fine but after I recently upgraded wp 3.1 and Arras 1.5, I noticed the members area and registration are not working. I recreated the pages with correct slug name still not working.Any help is appreciated.