Well, ?cat=1,2,3 and ?cat=1+2+3 does the same thing for me. And that’s not what he’s asking for.
I too need to be able to get the posts that belong to, say, both cat 2 and 7. I don’t want those that only has cat 2, or only cat 7, but those that has both.
Let’s say I have categories HOWTO (1) and GIMP (2) and AMAROK (3). Some posts are about GIMP or AMAROK in general, some are GIMP HOWTOs and some might also be AMAROK HOWTOs.
Now, what I want is GIMP HOWTOs. Asking for ?cat=1+2 gives me all GIMP postings and all HOWTO postings (including AMAROK stuff). How can I get just the postings belonging to both GIMP and HOWTO?