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  • Thread Starter Testerossa


    Ah, I didn’t think to look in the readme file, and was able to figure out how to pull back the featured images using wildcards.

    I guess all that leaves is whether it’s possible to put the sub-categories into their own container separate from the posts that are pulled back. Thank you!

    Thread Starter Testerossa


    Ah, thanks for trying to help, I gave your code a try but I was still getting the same problem as before (it also output the ugly link). However, after quite a bit of tinkering around I finally seem to have figured it out.

    get_permalink(); // Outputs the ugly link
    get_permalink( $post -> ID ); // Outputs the pretty link

    I’m not sure why, but it seems to work. Thanks again for the help, it was much appreciated!

    Thread Starter Testerossa


    Ah well, the function I’m writing is actually meant to send post content to an external program whenever a post gets published. Part of the content I wanted to send to the external program is the permalink of the published post.

    I do already have the pretty permalinks set up in the backend options, and they work fine throughout the site. It’s just that in this function I’ve been writing, every time I try to access the permalink using get_permalink(), I get the ugly permalink instead of the pretty one, and I’m not sure why/how/if I can actually access it.

    Thread Starter Testerossa


    Hi Thomas, thanks for the response. I tried the code mentioned in your post for placing the .htaccess into the wp-admin directory, but unfortunately it didn’t quite work for me. Although the password prompts weren’t appearing all over the site anymore, they also weren’t appearing at wp-login.php or even when I was logged into the dashboard.

    However, I tried fiddling with it a bit, and got something sort of working, though it’s really buggy:

    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Protected Area"
    AuthUserFile /password-directory/.htpasswd-wplogin
    AuthGroupFile /dev/null
    Require user administrator
    <FilesMatch "^(admin-ajax|misc|profile|users)\.php$">
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
        Satisfy any
    <LimitExcept GET POST>
    Deny from all

    I just omitted the <LIMIT> tags from your post, not sure if that was okay though. Strangely enough this gives a password prompt for wp-login.php now… but, if I hit cancel it still loads wp-login.php, albeit without any CSS. If I try to log in through wp-login.php, it comes up with the password prompt a second time, and cancelling here brings up the normal htaccess failure page. If I use the password I do seem to be able to log into and use the admin panel normally, though it feels a bit sketchy that there are quirks happening in between.

    Do you have any thoughts on how to fix that sort of strange behavior? I’m actually kind of confused why the prompt shows up multiple times (actually, I’m kind of surprised it even shows up for the wp-login.php page, I kind of figured it would only show for the wp-admin directories). I was mainly trying to protect the wp-login.php since it seems like that’s what WordPress recommends (I think for preventing brute-force attacks), but I guess at this point I’ll take anything that works in protecting the control panel. Any help in figuring this out is greatly apprecaited, thanks again!

    Thread Starter Testerossa


    Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to work. I even gave up and tried placing the authentication section in its own .htaccess file in wp-admin instead (just to have some sort of protection), but much to my surprise it was still causing the password prompts to appear all over my site. I’m starting to wonder if something else might be going on, but I don’t know.

    Thread Starter Testerossa


    Oh and I also thought I should mention, if you’ve never heard of it before, Disqus is actually a pretty popular comment system, and their WordPress plugin is used on some fairly big websites (like IGN). The Advanced Post Slider might better be available to the public if it was compatible with some of the more popular plugins like Disqus, unfortunately if I can’t get it to work I’m going to have to look for a different slide-viewer, which is unfortunate since the Advanced Post Slider works really well, if it wasn’t for the compatibility problems.

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