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  • Thread Starter tezalsec


    Looking forward to it! Thanks ??

    Thread Starter tezalsec


    Hi, the setting was set to Translations, while I did not needed that. Setting it to Custom fixed it!

    Thanks for your friendly support! ??

    Thread Starter tezalsec


    Hi, that setting does not seem to work.

    All I want is: “Attendance: {num}”, removing the {max}, but this change is not picked up above the form. It just keeps the value “Attendance: {num} / {max}” . And it is not a cache issue.

    The setting above it, displaying the count or not, is working fine though.

    Thread Starter tezalsec


    Thanks for the hint!

    I managed to create my own shortcode, wrapping yours, and it’s working

    // Shortcode
    function rtec_registration_first_upcoming_event_shortcode( $atts ) {
        global $wpdb;
        $event_id = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("select post_id from postmeta where meta_key = '_EventStartDate' and meta_value > now() order by meta_value LIMIT 1;"));
        echo do_shortcode( '[rtec-registration-form event="' . $event_id . '" hidden="false" showheader="true"]' );
    add_shortcode( 'rtec_first_upcoming_event_registration_form', 'rtec_registration_first_upcoming_event_shortcode');


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by tezalsec.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by tezalsec.
    Thread Starter tezalsec


    Hi Craig,

    thank you for your kind response. I must admit I have overlooked this setting ??

    Thread Starter tezalsec


    Thanks, I figured it out, it was not cache, but some bad permission logic in another plugin.


    Thread Starter tezalsec


    Thanks for the answers.

    I have one more question. Is it ok to use your plugin alongside the hubspot wordpress plugin, or is that not a good idea, because they overlap in functionality?


    Thread Starter tezalsec


    Hi, thanks, but could you please be specific to the question? ??

    Regarding the customers table (not the reports) and regarding API action/filters to change the customers admin list like you can change the order admin list, without diving into custom coding depth as described by your article.

    If the answer is a “no, it is not possible via edit-column like functions/filters”, that’s fine, then at least I have a specific answer ??


    Thread Starter tezalsec


    I thought the default label values (like “Your Name”) where hardcoded inside __ functions, but they are not. They are only in the database I see now. So they can not be translated either. I’m giving up doing it without hacking, I’m just gonna hack your contactformx_get_input function, and replace the labels there.

    To respond to what you said, there is a solution to the security thing, though. you could based on chosen settings (label values) create a code file on the fly when saving settings, containing hardcoded label values. Like:

    // printed into file
    $label_button = __(‘my chosen_button_text’, ‘contact-form-x’);

    Thread Starter tezalsec


    I got the list view working with below code, and used an export plugin to export the emails ?? Perhaps you could consider adding an option under advanced like “Do you want the email in a list view?”

    Adjustment to your code in contactformx_register_post_type()

    function contactformx_register_post_type() {
    	$labels = array(
    		"name" => __( "Emails", "Plural name" ),
    		"singular_name" => __( "Email", "Single name" ),
            'all_items'         => __('All Emails'),
            'view_item'         => __('View Emails'));
    		array('public' => false, 
    			  'show_in_menu' => true, 
    			  'show_in_nav_menus' => true,
    			  'exclude_from_search' => true,
    			  'labels' => $labels,
    			  'public' => false,
    		  	  'publicly_queryable' => false,
    		      'show_ui' => true,
    			  'capability_type' => "post",
    			  'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'custom-fields')));

    Extra functions to add columns and include metadata values in list view:

    add_filter( 'manage_cfx_email_posts_columns', 'add_cfx_email_metadata_columns',15 );
    function add_cfx_email_metadata_columns($columns) {
        //add columns
        return array_merge($columns,
                        'post_content' => __('Message'), //  not metdata
                        'name' => __('Name'),
                        'email' =>__( 'Email'),
                        'custom' => __('Custom'),
                        'agree' => __('Agreed')));
    add_action( 'manage_cfx_email_posts_custom_column' , 'add_cfx_email_metadata_values', 10, 2 );
    function add_cfx_email_metadata_values( $column ) {
      global $post;
      switch ( $column ) {
        case 'post_content':
          $postdata = get_post_field( 'post_content', $post->ID );
          echo $postdata;
        case 'email':
          $metadata = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'email', true );
          echo $metadata;
        case 'name':
          $metadata = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'name', true );
          echo $metadata;
        case 'custom':
          $metadata = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'custom', true );
          echo $metadata;
        case 'agree':
          $metadata = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'agree', true );
          echo $metadata;


    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by tezalsec.
    Thread Starter tezalsec


    @specialk , I see your point, didn’t thought of that. So that means no multilingual solution is possible, without using your default label values.

    Maybe it is an idea to create the option to create more than one contact form, with different values/settings. That would make it more versatile and supporting a multilingual setup, and would be more attractive in comparison to CF7, which supports this.

    Actually, maybe I could petition you to use “Name:” labels instead of “Your name:” labels, as the removal of the word “Your” was actually all I wanted to get rid of. ??


    Thread Starter tezalsec


    Great. To get back to the suggestion in the beginning, you could choose to allow the user of your plugin to disable your recaptcha solution if they also have another specialized one installed, that takes care of more/all form pages.

    The mentioned plugin ( ) easily integrates with all forms, some automatically, some through a shortcode, and others, as a custom form option, through injecting two pieces of php code, inside validation and as a field just before submitting.

    You could choose to support this through filters in your code. The injections are described here:

    If you check out its settings page after installing it, you see they list many much-used forms, it would be nice for your plugin to get some traction if yours would be mentioned there as well ??


    Thread Starter tezalsec


    Hi, any follow-up? Thanks ??

    Thread Starter tezalsec


    And now it works with 0.5 strictness as well ??

    My suggestion is to use the code in the above comment and avoid both file_get_contents and curl.

    Thanks, Jeff. ??

    Thread Starter tezalsec


    Ok, borrowing some code form the other plugin and using it in yours worked, but I had to also lower the strictness to 0,4.

    In your contactformx_validate_recaptcha_v3 function I used this, and thus avoiding the file_get_contents function:

    // make a POST request to the Google reCAPTCHA Server	
    $url = ''. $private .'&response='. $data;
    $request = wp_remote_post($url);
    $request_body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($request);
    $recaptcha = json_decode( $request_body);
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