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  • Please be sure to disable WP-Mail-SMTP Version 0.9.1 !

    Indeed Contactform 7 (and mail) works with the patch, although some email addresses won’t be received while the message is green and says “Your message was sent successfully. Thanks.” Something like ([email protected]) < mailserver running on Google Apps.
    If the address is changed to [email protected] it suddenly works.

    For people who are new to code editing, please get TextWrangler (or something like dreamweaver) and search for line 763 & 769. Replace the red lines with the green part of (always first BACKUP!)

    Same here, disabled it for now.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: CATEGORIES GONE

    Do you have a backup of the database / wordpress directory, so you can simulate the event again? (it’s always handy to have a backup before you update, and one from after the update..)

    There are plugins who can auto email/export the database (safe feeling) backup your wordpress ftp dir as well..

    – Are the categories still there. No? Can you make one (with a name you used before, like i used “news”. (with me it said: name already taken..but the whole categories section was empty.. so i knew they were still in the database :D)
    – Already disabled all plugins? (could it be the database import/export plugin?)
    – If you have a database backup from before the event, you could load this “working” version (only edit wp-config.php to point to it) into a 2nd database and check how categories look like with phpmyadmin (working version vs. crippled version, something changed!)

    If you have the backup, you could (first backup again) delete your site and start over (from the last working backup)

    You say it’s after doing nothing… but normally that’s not the case. Rethink what action you took before everything changed. It must have been something, updates, plugins.. or an automatic system doing the job and crashed / made changes..

    Of course also the master 3.1 update error document can come in handy (on top of this forum). Are you running this version?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: CATEGORIES GONE

    It was the hosting, i guess a bad configuration? (and had trouble before with this particular host called Zyon @

    Automatic updates fail, ip’s get blocked sometimes.. unlimited hosting (with allot of trouble) for a small price ?? (they work from India, as i could tell one time by IP address.. of-course that doesn’t say much, but their hosting sucks anyway)

    After i moved my backup to another host (“Mijndomein_nl” in The Netherlands) i didn’t had any problems, auto update worked like it should. (also deactivated the wordpress importer, this could also be the start of the trouble)

    The plugin wp-db-backup/wp-db-backup.php has been deactivated due to an error: Plugin file does not exist.

    So… try another hosting company (export your sql file (i prefer a backup before it got messy), and search and replace for the urls in your sql file (also edit and point the wp-config.php to the new database where you import the sql edited backup)

    Search and replace “” to “”
    upload the files of your ftp backup (old site) to the “” ftp dir. (check if the path to the files is the same in the sql file) For example:

    to the other server dir /websitepath/on/server/is/different/from/root/

    You can find this info in your ftp program.

    Good luck, there are some topics about it (Allot of the problems all started after “manual” updates)

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: CATEGORIES GONE

    Got the same problem with a “Centita” theme. After manual update my 7 categories are gone.(Dashboard still displays the amount, but categories section itself is empty). Creating the categories again is unsuccessful (because the categories and names are already in use and still active, but not displayed)

    After switching back to “Twenty Ten 1.2″they appeared again, but with refresh they were gone again. the categories are stille there (in database).

    I’ll try the admin 3.1 update help page, but this really is a problem :/

    – Check the .htacces file (what does it say?)
    – in your phpmyadmin check the database (what does the wp_options table tells you? (could be an old url)

    -check wp_config file in the root. Is it still pointing to the right host?

    – What host are you on? (do you have enough memory to run this massive plugin 32MB minimal ?)

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