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  • Thank micropat, . fixed the problem in elegant way!

    I didn’t use caching because the site still in development, but you are absolutely right.

    I have the same problem too. After reading this post, I thought related to theme, so I re-activate default theme twentyten, but still fail to get Facebook like and tweet button. I gave up and planned to find some other plugin to do this. However, one day I turned on a virtual machine with FireFox 3, test on pages and its display “<!–[if !IE]>–> Like”. This inspire me to test on different browsers. Original code can display correctly on IE 6 / 8, but fail to display on FF 3/4, Chrome 10.

    At the end, detecting IE browser by php code rather than html way fix the problem. Find the line around “// IE ridiculousness to support transparent iframes while maintaining W3C validity” and changes like following:

    $ diff add-to-any.php
    <       $u_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
    <       if(preg_match('/MSIE/i',$u_agent)) {
    <               $iframe_template = $iframe_template_begin . ' allowTransparency="true"' . $iframe_template_end;
    <       }
    >       $iframe_template = '<!--[if IE]>'
    >               . $iframe_template_begin . ' allowTransparency="true"' . $iframe_template_end
    >               . '<![endif]--><!--[if !IE]>-->' . $iframe_template . '<!--<![endif]-->';

    I am not sure will this change break “W3C validity” anyway.
    Hope it can fix your problem too.

    WordPress: 3.1
    AddToAny: Share/Bookmark/Email Buttons: .
    Browser: IE 6.0.2900, 8.0.7600; FF 3.6.2, 4.0; Chrome 10.0.648.151

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