The Art Monkey
Forum Replies Created
BOOM! Thank you soooooooooooooooooo much!
I sent you a donation for your help! As they say – Geen geld, geen Zwitsers! Thanks again!
By the way – if that first thing on the WPPA wish list gets done (Visitor download photo with original name) I will be a SUPER happy person! Zolang er leven is, is er hoop.
It’s confirmed the shortcode (or something related) was causing the issue. I removed all the thumbnails in all the posts and the error went away.
I should also stress I did NOTHING other than the plugin update.
ALso – if I just “OK” through all the error pop-ups the page does display correctly. It’s as if there is something extra happening causing WP Photo Albums to not like the images.
Thanks Opa!!! Really looking forward to this particular feature!
Love your plugin and appreciate the work you put into it!
Hey Opa,
I know it’s been a while but I was wondering if we could resurrect this thread and talk about the possibility of getting some kind of “image download” button as described above. Basically an option to grab the source file, attache the correct name and allow the person to download the .jpg to their computer. Something along the lines of:
1. Find an image I like
2. Click a button on the browsing bar
3. The plugin takes the stored photo and allows that to be downloaded using the database name.Any thoughts?
Thanks again Opa – sent you a donation!
Opa did it before and Opa did it again! Yes, Opa did it again!
Avatars are showing up as expected inside the gallery. Customs ones are there if you have them and the default forum one shows up it you have no avatar selected.
Hey Opa,
Did the code change but nothing happened, same situation as before. Custom Avatars showing up everywhere but the Gallery. In the gallery only the default site avatar is visible.
–Art Monkey
Hey Opa
Sent you a mail with a link and a password to get in.
I also set you up to post to your heart’s content!
Thank you so much!
Well Opa, I just spent the last while checking and rechecking the avatar use in the comment box. While I can get my site’s default Avatar to show up fine in the comment box, I can’t seem to get any custom avatars to show up in the comment box.
The process:
1. Setup account with custom avatar
2. Custom Avatar shows up normally across site in posts and in profile picture
3. Goto gallery
4. post comment
5. Comment shows default avatar imageThe format and image size for the default avatar and the custom avatar are the same (100px by 100px png).
Maybe I’m doing something odd. It’s no end of the world thing – I’m just wondering if the comment box has any strange restrictions since the custom avatar is showing up fine in other places.
Got the new version. I see what you did there. Works perfectly. I don’t know if it’s *necessary* but you might want to add (for the comments linking feature) that you have to select a display gallery and then save your changes. You spoiled us Opa with all your clever automation of saving, it threw me for a moment!
How do you do the magic you do so well!?!!?!?
Was the request easier than you thought or did your genius surprise even yourself!
I did – all it seemed to do was keep them separated on their own lines and push the alignment left or right. No matter how I put it they would not go on the same line. Also, it I wanted four small thumbnails across would I be able to do that?
When I set no alignment it seems to default to center alignment.
The expected functionality I am talking about is if I set no alignment then it left aligns and putting image code next to each other with no line breaks puts them both on the same line. That doesn’t seem to be happening.
Thanks for any help or ideas! Maybe I’m missing something!
Wow Opa – you do know everything!
That was EXACTLY what I wanted to do. Perfect and thank you!
As a side question – is there any significant performance hit for using this sort of linking. I have a few pictures I can imagine using it. Very helpful procedure!!!
That would be cool – thanks Opa!
Take it easy!
You know it all!!!!
Dang it – I wish there was a way to disable the Big Buttons on just the widgets. I only realized recently the widgets are really all part of the clever scripting language you have going for WPPA gallery.
Oh well – I love the Big Buttons during regular gallery browsing too much to lose them!
Thank you though!
-Art Monkey