Hi David,
Thanks for your intrest. That was done before when I was just beginner for wordpress. And what i did at time is I just added pages and I solved out the page layout with HTML view with my custom CSS. But now I realized this was not a solution actually.
Let me explain you more:
What I want show is I have created a category called –> Productions
In this category it holds a list of productions with Poster thumbnail and short description different from its inside page.
And after going to inside of sub category it holds a poster thumbnail, gallery and People Head shots, Name and Bio which I supposed to be post inside sub category.
What I did is Created a Category –> Production –> The great Banquet –> Posts
I dont know is its still not clear but if you could get into the link and click on Production section that will give you an idea what I am trying to do ?
I would be very grateful if you could help me on this.