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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Super Cache] WP Super Cache – preloading only mobile versionExtract from debug log. The post mentioned is 99.95% likely not to be a visitor request, so I assume it is being preloaded.
14:50:49 /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1339339835 wp_cron_preload_cache: fetched 14:50:50 /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1339339835 supercache dir: /home/root/public_html/wp-content/cache/supercache/ 14:50:50 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ mobile browser detected: WordPress/3.3.2; 14:50:50 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ supercache dir: /home/root/public_html/wp-content/cache/supercache/ 14:50:50 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ No wp-cache file exists. Must generate a new one. 14:50:51 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ In WP Cache Phase 2 14:50:51 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ Setting up WordPress actions 14:50:51 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ Created output buffer 14:50:51 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ Output buffer callback 14:50:51 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ Anonymous user detected. Only creating Supercache file. 14:50:51 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ mobile browser detected: WordPress/3.3.2; 14:50:51 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ Gzipping buffer. 14:50:51 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ Writing non-gzipped buffer to supercache file. 14:50:51 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ Writing gzipped buffer to supercache file. 14:50:51 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ mobile browser detected: WordPress/3.3.2; 14:50:51 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ Renamed temp supercache file to /home/root/public_html/wp-content/cache/supercache/ 14:50:51 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ Renamed temp supercache gz file to /home/root/public_html/wp-content/cache/supercache/ 14:50:51 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ Sending buffer to browser 14:50:51 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ wp_cache_shutdown_callback: collecting meta data. 14:50:51 /not-feeling-very-well-tonight-2015/ Did not write meta file: wp-cache-ab7f9785e8c38ee97709a9246c49f99f.meta *1* *1* *1* 14:50:51 /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1339339835 wp_cron_preload_cache: fetched 14:50:52 /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1339339835 supercache dir: /home/root/public_html/wp-content/cache/supercache/
I am using a theme from Elegant Themes, with their ET Mobile plugin also.
While I probably could disable that and do a preload, it would be back in place for the scheduled refresh.
Doh ??
Of course you have an option to exclude pages.
I was being dumb and speed reading the settings form.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [myRepono WordPress Backup Plugin] MyRepono Backups Plugin – AmazingIt’s not often that a new services excites me.
This one does!
The installation was smooth as silk and the web interface is very user friendly. I was amazed to see my blog and all files backed up within minutes.
I cannot recommend this highly enough – total peace of mind for a penny a day.
Incredible.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scrolling Tools] [Plugin: Scrolling Tools] ImagesRobert – once you temporarily recurse chmod 777 to all files in the content folder, the buttons will appear in your WP admin panel settings config.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Scrolling Tools] [Plugin: Scrolling Tools] Question re permissionsGuys, you have to recurse chmod 777 to all the files in the ‘content’ folder. It is not enough to chnod just the folder itself.
After you have configured the tool in your WP admin panel, you can reset to permissions to 755 or whatever.
I got it working today and it is a Cool Tool for sure.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP Super Cache] Any Super-Cache impact on Google Analytics?Great!
Many thanks for taking the time to confirm it.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Category Order] Works with 2.8.4Thanks for the reassurance guys. Been using it for a while now and agree that it seems to work no problemo in 2.8.4
. . as long as you do not have sub-categories.Anybody know how to make sub-categories nest?
I notice that the author, Wesley, does not appear to support it any longer – at least he does not respond to recent comments on the support page and appears to have lost interest. That is a shame, because it is a much-needed plugin and WP do not rate this requirement.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Converting from ugly to pretty permanlinksSomebody who has done it previously (with very clear instructions) here
using this pluginIt looks like it is not the scary big deal that I thought it was.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Converting from ugly to pretty permanlinksWow, hellomatt, that was an instant response!
Thank you very much.
The plugin looks really interesting and may solve my problem. I will investigate and try it if I am happy that it does the job.
I will report back.Much appreciated.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Malformed outbound link. May be htaccess issue?Doh.
Been 30 years in IT and I missed that simple error.
Thanks, Moshu.
Fantastic plugin, Andrew. Thank you very much.
Installed in 2 minutes and operated exactly as per your instructions and screenshots. I also added the query stats code to our Light 1.0 theme as you recommended.
The home page query count reduced from 32 to 19.
Our traffic is not heavy (about 6,000 per day) but spikes caused load issues on our VS recently and we were forced to upgrade. This is my first attempt at caching in order to help future proof against heavier traffic spikes and I am really delighted with it. I especially like the way it embeds into each widget control so that you can selectively set the timeouts. Excellent design.
Just one reservation: I do not like having to set permissions on the /cache folder to 777
Is there any way it would work with permissions at 775 for example?Thanks,
DanForum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: The site is too slow or get “stopped”I don’t have an answer but just adding another report of slowness. I rent a VS but I am not a Linux Admin.
We were running WP 2.0.11 happily until last week. A combination of knowing an upgrade was overdue plus site unresponsiveness and services shutting down (Apache, DNS BIND etc.) prompted us to upgrade to 2.6.3 yesterday morning. We thought it was related to the sudden daily thousand spam comments/trackbacks and wanted to install Bad Behaviour so had to upgrade first.
So we were experiencing these issues on a stable and unchanged issue of WP. My VS is not managed by the host but the support team are very helpful ( and usually respond with a fix or suggestions within 30 minutes. I run a monitoring service against the web site and it reported a 3 hour outage last week (2.0.11). I complained, thinking the VS was down. The response was:
“The problem is that your server has not been offline at all during these periods – it is more that it was saturated with too many concurrent requests. I have optimised Apache on your VPS so that it can support greater load, and this seems to be helping.”Well, traffic is like 6,000 visits per day so it’s not like a stampede of elephants or anything. But I do not understand enough about how the platform works to make any analysis
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Creating landing sites – very SEO relatedOK, I got past that part using Alex’s code posted here on Aug 12
It advises using old-fashioned apostrophes rather than “fancy” quote marks.
Now it works on my site but displays question marks between the post listings. Also I do not understand why the LI tags do not work.
More importantly is: how to get rid of the question mark separators between the lists of posts.
To see the question marks effect I described,
– Using
– Search on: cottage smallholder figs
– At or near the top of page 1 you shoud see results for
– The target page should have the Landing Site entries underneath the header.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Creating landing sites – very SEO relatedHi,
Thanks to Silkjaer for this excellent landing site plugin.
I’m not a coder and I am having difficulty inserting the code in the right place. I tried index.php and header.php but each time I try it, my site just shows a blank screen. <<< White Screen Syndrome (WSS) ?? >>>
It is very likely that I am pasting the code into the wrong section of the xxx.php file because I don’t know what I am doing! I am using WP 2.x, theme Lite1.0 and I have removed the comments surrounding ls_install. The plugin is activated OK. My test site is in a subfolder and works fine otherwise
Where exactly does this code go in order to display the related articles list under my header and before the first post?
Thank you.
<?php if (ls_getinfo(‘isref’)) { ?>
<h2><?php ls_getinfo(‘terms’); ?></h2>
You came here from <?php ls_getinfo(‘referrer’); ?> searching for <i><?php ls_getinfo(‘terms’); ?></i>. These posts might be of interest:-
<?php ls_related(5, 10, ‘
- ’, ‘
’, ‘’, ‘’, false, false); ?>
<?php } ?>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Link to anchors in posts and pages?Thanks for that, Moshu.
Taking it a step further, can you link to an anchor on a content page or post through the WP system like this:
In a long article/post, the relevant search term that a visitor requested is way down towards the end. It has an anchor named #anchor1