Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Quicky: if can’t login, where else is WP version number?Jalenack: this is how I feel–>
Beel: dead on. 1.5 it is…
Thanks U2
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: What is THIS message?Man, this SEARCH thing is awesome. I did another search on the same error message and found someone who posted the answer:
Forgive me guys– is there a way to ditch this thread?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: What is THIS message?I thought that message was too long for a search. I was wrong. I found this:
The user removed the message and all was well. My problem: I don’t know which file they removed the message from. Anyone have a guess, or is there a way for me to contact this user and ask?
Thanks for your patience.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sites visible, but adding posts brokenI fixed the Mac Firefox browser issue with a clean install. It was very cool because I also fixed an arrow issue.
So what I need help on is:
What’s with that new message?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sites visible, but adding posts broken*********************************
Okay, Codex is backup and today I attempted a clean install to fix my login errors. I still couldn’t find instructions on how to do a clean install on Codex but only upgrade advice, and so I figured I’d just wing it.Wing It Defined:
1. I backed up my entire broken blog folder to my desktop.
2. I then erased it from my server.
3. I uploaded the current version of WP and then gave it the same name as the previous folder.
4. I put my altered theme back.Results:
A. The login issue is gone, but~
B. ~ something new broke. (I’ll get back to this…)What I then did:
In an attempt to fix the new issue, I moved my old wp-admin folder from my computer to the server and overwrote the ‘new’ wp-admin folder. This caused the login issue to return. So I went piece meal through the files to find the culprit. It was:
I chucked it. (Sorry guys– if I had been thinking, I would have saved it for you, but I’m still so new to this code world.) I replaced it with the new and improved and the login issue went away.
However, the new issue remains, and at present, I don’t know if it’s really the ‘old’ issue revealing itself in a new way. If you could do me the favor and look at the page in question:
You should see this error message:
[i]WordPress database error: [Unknown column ‘time_modified’ in ‘order clause’] SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_status = ‘static’ ORDER BY time_modified ASC[/i]
That isn’t supposed to be there. Neither is the green. Nor the tops of the letters cut off as they appear.
1. So what’dya think?
2. Was my ‘clean install’ decent or doomed to create such issues? If so, where are the clean install instructions.Thanks folks. And know that someone else is having a similar error message assaulting them as well:
This blog isn’t launched yet. I had a post in it that I removed from viewing. You shouldn’t be able to see it, but my Mac’s Firefox browser REFUSES to clear it from cache. This makes me wonder if I have a cookie issue, and if– perhaps– this cookie issue is what makes the sites have a login error message. I’m going to test this by attempting to login to my blogs from an alternative browser.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade/Clean Install Instructions– where?Damn! I got coffee in me, good sleep, all prepared to attempt a reinstall and IT’S A NO GO. Feel like a cancelled shuttle launch. Hmm. Plan B? Go buy a charcoal grill maybe.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: wp-login errorGreetings Zach. I have had the same problem/error messages with my sites:
I’ve learned doing little patches doesn’t work (as people here suggest). I’m no code guy, but everytime I fix a something.php file (as shown in the error messages) it produces a new somethingelse.php file that is now the problem. It’s a loop, like patching holes while new ones open in a sinking ship.
The suggestion I was offered was to do a clean install. I’m about to do that now, but what I did first was create a new ‘fake’ blog on my server space to see if that one came with the error messages as well. It didn’t, and I could post to it, and that’s what is encouraging me to do a reinstall of my existing blogs.
Good luck and I’ll try to keep you posted.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sites visible, but adding posts brokenThanks for you’re help y’all. I’m having something in the real world being fixed today (my plumbing), but after that I’ll try some clean installing. See what’s what.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sites visible, but adding posts brokenVkaryl:
Just heard back from iUselessWeb. Whoops, sorry, I mean iPowerWeb. Their response: since WordPress is 3rd Party, they could careless. Normally I’d understand, but this is rather unique. Again, I was away on vacation when suddenly all 3 blogs on 1 server stopped working properly. Since I hadn’t changed anything, and iPW was in the midst of a change over, the finger kinda points their way. There are even two different versions of WP between my 3 blogs, which again would suggest something universal has changed.
TG: Haven’t recently upgraded or installed anything.
So what’s the next step guys? Do I try installing a new WP on my server space and moving things over to it?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sites visible, but adding posts brokenBut TG:
What are the odds that three blogs on one server suddenly develop this ‘space’ issue of yours* while I (the only one that can alter them) is on vacation? To have three go at once indicates either:
1. Something intentional and malicious (unlikely)
2. Something universal changed with my server folks (although I’m not sure how likely that is either)* (I did find that one of the three files indeed had your space issue. Correcting it didn’t change anything. Strangely: all sorts of notation within the file indicating a lost password…)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sites visible, but adding posts brokenI tried this and it replicated the situation immediately. Weird, ey? I should say I have three WP blogs, and they all went this way at once. My pea brain therefore believes something ‘bigger’ happened, up a directory. I’m going to speak with my hosting company. If anyone else has any ideas, please feel free.
Thanks for your efforts Podz.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Simple (?) Header question 1.5 FrameFake ThemeThanks guys and gals. Will give this a try in about 9 hours! LOL… off to work. Thanks for fast response though…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cool Topic Fonts I’m seeing in 1.5: How?Thanks!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cool Topic Fonts I’m seeing in 1.5: How?Tavarish,
I gave your plugin in a try. Got halfway through the process with no help (amazing for me) and then I saw this:
“IMPORTANT NOTE! As of version 1.4 of the WordPress Plugin Manager, TTF font files are not allowed elements of plugins. Hence, the bundled font is not installed correctly. You will need to download the tarball or ZIP file and install the font into the WordPress installation’s ‘wp-content/image-headlines directory.”
The message presumes I know what they mean by ‘the font’. Of Course I know what a font is, but not which one they are talking about OR where to get it. Once I’ve got it I can manage the rest.
Also, the directory the make reference to (wp-content/image-headlines) isn’t there.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Cool Topic Fonts I’m seeing in 1.5: How?Thanks… wow… this could be cool.