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  • Thread Starter theozefrench


    Hi Neil,

    Sorry for a very late answer, your message was lost, I rediscovered it this morning.

    hidden-useremail is the user’s email and can be from any email domain, and normally NOT from the domain where my website is hosted.

    Thread Starter theozefrench


    here is the form :

    <h2>Informations sur la personne à qui est destinée l'appareil.</h2>
    <p>Prénom*<br />
        [text* dest-prenom] </p>
    <p>Nom*<br />
        [text* dest-nom] </p>
    <p>Votre lien de parenté avec le destinataire ? *<br />
        [text* dest-parente] </p>
    <p>Sa date de naissance *<br />
        [text* date-naissance] </p>
    <p>Son age (nous n'équipons pas les enfants avant cinq ans) *<br />
        [select* dest-age include_blank "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19" "20" "21" "22" "23" "24" "25" "26" "27" "28" "29" "30" "31" "32" "33" "34" "35" "36" "37" "38" "39" "40" "41" "42" "43" "44" "45" "46" "47" "48" "49" "50" "51" "52" "53" "54" "55" "56" "57" "58" "59" "60" "61" "62" "63" "64" "65" "66" "67" "68" "69" "70" "71" "72" "73" "74" "75" "76" "77" "78" "79" "80" "81" "82" "83" "84" "85" "86" "87" "88" "89" "90" "91" "92" "93" "94" "95" "96" "97" "98" "99" "100" "101" "102" "103" "104" "105" "106" "107" "108" "109" "110" "111" "112" "113" "114" "115" "116" "117" "118" "119" "120"]</p>
    <h2>Le destinataire est-il suivi par un ergothérapeute ou un spécialiste ?</h2>
    <p>e-Nable fournit de l'aide autour des ses appareils, mais il est très important d'impliquer un professionnel du domaine médical pour garantir le meilleur confort et surveiller régulièrement l'absence d'irritation ou d'autre problème. Travaillez-vous déjà avec un professionnel qui pourra réaliser ces contr?les ?*<br>
    [checkbox* dest-suivi exclusive use_label_element "Oui" "Pas encore" "Autre"][text dest-suivi-autre placeholder "Si autre, précisez"]</p>
    <p>Les photos doivent être au format GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG ou PDF et <B>faire moins de 2Mo chacune</B></p>
    <p>Photo N°1* : [file* dest-photo1 limit:2mb filetypes:gif|png|jpg|jpeg|pdf]</p> 
    <p>Photo N°2* : [file* dest-photo2 limit:2mb filetypes:gif|png|jpg|jpeg|pdf]</p> 
    <p>Photo N°3* : [file* dest-photo3 limit:2mb filetypes:gif|png|jpg|jpeg|pdf]</p> 
    <p>Si vous avez d'autres commentaires ou informations à nous communiquer, veuillez le faire ci-dessous</p>
    [textarea dest-commentaires placeholder "Commentaires"]
    <h2>Utilisation de votre histoire et de vos photos</h2>
    <p>Nous souhaitons votre permission pour utiliser l'histoire et les photos du destinataire et de son appareil dans la communication de l'association.*</p>
    [checkbox* dest-droits exclusive "J'accepte" "Je refuse"]
    <p>Vous comprenez et acceptez que les informations contenues dans ce formulaire seront partagées avec d'autres membres de l'association dans le but de réaliser l'appareil qui est demandé*.</p>
    [checkbox* dest-usage "J'accepte"]
    [submit "Envoyer"]
    [hidden hidden-username "user_name"][hidden hidden-userid "user_id"][hidden hidden-useremail "user_email"][hidden hidden-device-type "tbd"][hidden device-statut "A matcher"][hidden device-matcher-name "tbd"][hidden device-match-date "tbd"][hidden device-end-date "tbd"]

    Here is a link to mail and mail2 as an image :

    Thanks for your help.

    Thread Starter theozefrench


    Hi Anmari,

    Thanks for your answer.
    I agree with you there probably are some corrupt files in my config, that even prevent me from doing a clean install.

    Below is the results of running “;.
    Please note also that although using the above url works, clicking on any tab in AMR’s interfaces leads me to the main tab and I can’t change tab any more by clicking on the tab’s name.
    Tested on Mac High Sierra on Chrome, Firefox, and Opera latest stable versions.
    Thanks for your help.
    Compare the memory limits to the memory stats shown in your cache status go

    If the user and user meta numbers are large, you may experience problems with large lists.

    If this happens, try: increasing php memory, clean up users (get rid of the spammy users), clean up usermeta. You may have records from inactive plugins.
    This website with blog_id=1 and prefix=wor7045_ has:

    Plugin version: 4.24
    Php version: 5.6.38
    Wp version: 4.9.8
    Php maximum execution time is: 300
    WordPress Memory limit: 40M
    WordPress Max Memory limit: 512M
    Php Memory Limit: 512M
    Charset: UTF-8

    At debug only: At 0.000 seconds, peak mem= 17.25 mb real_mem=17.25 mb – Before count users:
    There are 1599 total users: 6 administrator, 1454 contributor, 790 subscriber, 5 bbp_keymaster, 1021 bbp_participant, 7 um_admin, 1 um_membre-actif, 161 um_custom_role_1, 34 um_membre-bienfaiteur, 414 um_destinataire, 982 um_maker, 0 none,

    Thread Starter theozefrench


    Thanks Mark,

    That setting wold maybe more visible at the top of the page.

    Thread Starter theozefrench


    Thread Starter theozefrench


    Thanks guys, I thought so but always better to ask.

    Thread Starter theozefrench


    Hi Michael

    Sorry for not being clear enough.
    I already use the [hidden hidden-userid “user_id”] to obtain the ID of the user.
    I need to gather other informations for that user ID, like postal code, postal address, etc, and was hoping to be able to do it by nesting a [cfdb-table] within the [cfdb-html], something like
    [cfdb-table form=”????” filter=”UserID=${hidden-userid}”] but of course I do not have a form to refer to since I am trying to address the user base.
    Also, all my users were created using ultimate members.

    So I believe my question is : knowing the user ID, how do I display within a [cfdb-html] tag other informations from that user record ?

    Below is the code I currently use :
    [cfdb-html form=”Demande d’appareil” filter=”device-statut=A matcher” show=”Submitted,dest-prenom,dest-nom,hidden-username,hidden-useremail,hidden-userid,dest-parente,dest-age,dest-suivi,dest-suivi-autre,dest-commentaires,dest-photo1,dest-photo2,dest-photo3,device-statut,device-matcher-name,device-match-date,device-end-date” role=”Administrator” permissionmsg=”true” filelinks=”url”]
    <table border=”1″>
    <td bgcolor=”#FFFFFF”>Date de demande : ${Submitted}
    Demandeur : ${hidden-username} – ${hidden-useremail} – ID# ${hidden-userid}
    Destinataire : ${dest-prenom} ${dest-nom} – Parenté : ${dest-parente} – Age : ${dest-age}
    photos : Photo 1Photo 2Photo 3
    Suivi : ${dest-suivi} ${dest-suivi-autre}
    Commentaires : ${dest-commentaires}</td>
    <td bgcolor=”#FFFFFF”><span style=”color: #ff0000;”>Statut : ${device-statut}</span>
    Maker : ${device-matcher-name}
    Date de matching : ${device-match-date}
    Date de livraison finale : ${device-end-date}</td>

    Thanks for your time,

    Thread Starter theozefrench


    please see the screenshot here :

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