Forum Replies Created
Thank you Esmi! But, as I said 2 hours ago, “I figured it out!!! Thanks for the support!”
^–look it up
It was in the footer.php, I was wrong, code looked corect but I fixed it! It now points to the correct social media profiles.!
Wow thanks Otto! thats helpful I will enable the “Revisions” thank you!
The content sentence I added was: “This auto refinance application takes only a few minutes and within 24-48 hours, Quick Auto Funding can put you on the road to saving thousands by refinancing your car, truck or SUV.”
I didnt purchase this theme, Im simply taking over from the last guy.
Im in America theme company is in London (time zone issues)
I added it to a post in the WYSIWYG, in the “wp-admin” database,
If you go to the site: There should be a Loan application on the AOut Refinance Online Qoute page,Somehow I made it dissappear.
and if youre so smart “index.php” or “index.html” should always come to your head first when looking at a URL..
We all learn that day#1 of web… Shouldnt have to be “figured out”
I will give back when I have mastered it like you, and everyone else who masters everything but can never share the knowledge!
All Im ever asking for is the same thing the internet was created for!!
So share your knowledge!!
Ok no worries! I am just a person full of passion and emotions!
Heres something new:
I was adding just one line of content to a page and it made my loan application dissapear… Now I dont know how to get it back on my page..
DAMNITTTT!!!! lol It never ends!Anyway I tdont know why it dissapeared I didnt touch it move it, or do anyhting to the pages but add one line of text/content for SEO.
No clue!
@ Josh – You must not know your code, or your website structres or databases or structures, otherwise you would know how to bypass the sign up.
You simply typ “index.php” at the end of the URL…
ALright no more free lessons.
Thanks for your concern though JOSHY!!
The site is a clients and they had already had someone else build it!!
So I was not going to create an entirely new websites, as they already like this one, just doing some maintenance and SEO for them..If I was going to create my own theme I wouldnt do it… Ill just use my Adobe Suites, and Dreamweaver, get into the code and really create it MYSELF FROM SCRATCH, not using any kind of WordPress anything.
I just need a teacher, Theres gotta be someone or some community that wants to get other web lovers, computer proggrammers some assistance, some help understanding how to use every part/ piece of Worpress.
The thing is I usually have questions that I cant answer myself(hince why im on here) If I could figure everything out on my own I wouldnt be on here.
I need to be able to ask questions, something that you cant do when reading , watching a Vimeo, or YouTube.
I get daunted by how much I still have to learn, same with Joomla, Magento , and the rest of the CMS’ out there, its like before I can fully grasp everything theres a new version with new options being released…
How can I keep up better, Where can I find a tacher to show me “this does this, this does this, this doesnt do this, this will do this, this button does this, and explain the thinking behind it!!
I figured it out!!! Thanks for the support!
Sorry about my harshness of words, I get worked up with programming stuff nothing more taxing on my mind, body, and soul!! LOL AnywayIt was in footer.php and the code was wrong so I changed it to the correct code, man I feel like a newbie sometimes even doing this website thing for years now.. Sucks…Still getting schooled…
Hey is there a school or some sort of class offered that will provide a human I can ask questions to? and interact with? A human that can showe me everything about WordPress, so I dont have to stumble through and waste time learning slowly by myself when I know there are people out there who can just tell me , this doe thi, this does that… Thats what I need…
Any suggestions???