The Utterance Project
Forum Replies Created
Hi Danny!
I played around with it, but unfortunately I need to use another system to do my color blocks. I’m goign to have to use accordions, because I need to insert photographs above the text, and I need them also to have that same color background.
Please accept my apologies for bothering you!
PS: I still use your plugin every single day. It’s elegant and useful and best of all, easy to use!Oh that’s wonderful news!
I hope I get an answer on my other thread because I have not been able to backup my site for three weeks and I’m not sure what wiping settings will do. I sent the error log already. Thanks so much!
This is now the fifteenth time I try to request this feature. can you please pass it on to the team? I am unable to request the feature through the feature request website, every time I get this error:
Hi! can you please include a “download all” button in your next version? clicking on each of the FIVE buttons separately (Database, Plugins, Theme, Uploads, Other) first. THEN clicking “Download” on each Zip file that shows up is very time-consuming. Especially for people like me who have a media-heavy site. I have 8.6 Gb of photos, so I have 23 Zip files in “Others” and I have download each one separately.?Downloading my Updraft Backup takes me over an hour, because I cannot download more than four Zip files at a time, and they download slowly.?A “Download all” button would be amazing.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by The Utterance Project.
ACTUALLY. Now, even backing up normally (not sending to a cloud storage device) is also not working. I saw you recommend “wipe the settings” in this thread but I’m afraid I’ll erase something important, I don’t know if a menu pops up so you can see what settings you’re about to erase if you press on the button that says “wipe settings”.
I just pasted the lines from the backup logs that showed errors
722.315 (0) Error (table=wp_rich_web_timeline_manager, type=BASE TABLE) (table_details_error): (Incorrect key file for table 'wp_rich_web_timeline_manager'; try to repair it) 0722.316 (0) An error condition has occurred for the first time during this job 0722.317 (0) Errors occurred during backing up the table; therefore the open file will be removed 1205.438 (1) Errors occurred whilst backing up the tables; will cease and wait for resumption
- This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by The Utterance Project.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by The Utterance Project.
@bcrodua Hi there!
I’m using the free version, but it’s not downloading at all to my Google Drive. I tried it all afternoon. I started at noon, for four hours, and I had cancel that backup, then I tried again at 18:00 until 22:00 and it didn’t work. Both times, I kept getting errors in the backup when it was compiling tables and it would “resume” after 3000 seconds (50 minutes), then when that was up, start the same countdown again.
So I revoked my Google Drive authorization and am trying to do a regular backup to see if it it will complete.
My problem is that I have 27 backup ZIP files, because I have 8 Gb of photos on my website, and everytime I have to download them manually it takes so long. I thought that backing up to Google Drive would solve it but it didn’t even work once.
Thanks for letting me know!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why are there three font titles in CSS codes for Headings?Ian….
Thank you so much. Wow.
So if I can impose on your knowledge and your time for just one further question.
I’m dealing with a really complicated situation here, and I really want an elegant solution.
The website I manage has blockquotes in both English and Arabic.
If I understand you right, this code:
`blockquote p {}
blockquote cite {}
Is to be entered site-wide in this box:
As I have two languages, a RightToLeft and a LeftToRight language, setting the blockquote site-wide will leave me with the same problem I currently have.
What I am wondering is this:
Is it possible to create two customized blockquote styles WITHIN the CSS for the individual blockquote block I have opened using this CSS box:
And in it, specific the following:
-Right to left or Left to Right Text alignment
-Position and size of the open quote icon (Top Left for English Top Right for Arabic)
-Color of the open quote icon
-Font of the open quote icon
-Font family, font size, font weight for blockquote p
-Font family, font size, font weight for blockquote p
-Border size and weight for top border and removing bottom border for English reusable block
-Same border size and weight for bottom border and removing top border for Arabic reusable blockThis is a mockup post where I show what the blockquotes look like on WordPress by default right now, and how I want to customize them to look in reusable custom CSS blockqote blocks for English and for Arabic (the mockups were made with a graphic design program so they are PNG’s)
Is what I want to do even possible?
Sorry to ask such a long question. It’s very hard to work with web design in both LTR and RTL languages and I am not a programmer, which sucks, because I really need to be one to accomplish what I need to.
-Font family, font size, font weight for blockquote cite
-Line spacing for blockquote p
-Line spacing for blockquote cite
-Distance from text of the top separator
-Distance from text of the bottom blockquote separator
-Weight and color of the top and bottom separators
-Removing bottom separator for English blockquote
-Removing top separator for Arabic blockquoteForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can I style a Paragraph block with CSS so it resembles a blockqute?Thank you very much for your kind help, Steven. I really appreciate it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why are there three font titles in CSS codes for Headings?Perfect, thanks that helps a TON.
But if I know the font is installed, then I can just write that one font, right?
Second question, if I want to add CSS to the blockquote but I want the body of the text to be different from the citation/author line, is there a way to indicate that?