Forum Replies Created
The editor adds the <br/> tag when typing shift+enter. When I add this manually in the wysiwyg editor of the plugin then the lines are also show in two lines. I think the plugin could handle this in the same way as the wordpress editor does.
Please refere to
Line 1 and Line 2 are shown in two lines when using the wysiwyg editor.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Not working with PHP8Please refere to
Line 1 and Line 2 are displayes in two lines when using the wysiwyg editor.- This reply was modified 1 year, 12 months ago by theuwe.
I have the same issue.
Current Situation
When typing shift+enter in the wysiwyg editor both lines are shown correct.
Both lines are not shown correct when using the tab on the website. There only one line is shown.Desired Behavior
When typing shift+enter in the wysiwyg editor both lines should be shown as two lines on the website.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tabs Responsive - With WooCommerce Product Tabs Extension] Hide the titleYes. This works. The reason I couldn’t find this option was, that there is an error in your language file for German
Wrong: Dieses Plugin ist bereits installiert und aktuell
Correct: Titel der Zusammenstellung anzeigenThank you for your help
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tabs Responsive - With WooCommerce Product Tabs Extension] Hide the titleBut I can not find any option to do this in the gui. I have to change the code?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tabs Responsive - With WooCommerce Product Tabs Extension] Hide the titleIn the code this is handled by tabs_sec_title where the default is yes. How can I set this option to false?
$option_names = array( "tabs_sec_title" => "yes", ..... <?php if($tabs_sec_title == 'yes2' ) { ?> <h3 style="margin-bottom:20px ;display:block;width:100%;margin-top:10px"><?php echo get_the_title( esc_html($post_id) ); ?> </h3>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TTLive] TTLive-Plugin 0.97&0.98(Beta) – Error fwrite(): ArguIch habe das jetzt so gefixt.
In Zeile 111
if ($myhandle = fopen($params['filename'], "w")){ if (!fwrite($myhandle, $html)) { print "<br />Kann in die Datei ". $params['filename'] ." nicht schreiben"; exit; } }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TTLive] TTLive-Plugin 0.97&0.98(Beta) – Error fwrite(): ArguIch habe das gleiche Problem. Gibt es die angepasste Version irgendwo zum Download?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Tabs Responsive - With WooCommerce Product Tabs Extension] Hide the titlePlease look here.
“myTitle” is the title of the tab-sheet as shown in list of tab-sheets.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Category Wise Search] Include categories instead of exclude?I have the same problem. It would be great to have a include categories option
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End Users] Forgot password shows an empty pageAfter updating to the actual WP 4.8 and FE 3.16 the blank page issue is solved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End Users] Forgot password shows an empty pageI have deactivated all plugins but not the fe-users plugin. And I have assigned the default wordpress theme.
The issue remains.
One special thing, maybe it has to do with the impact. I have a multisite and the site where I use the plugin is a subdomain.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TTLive] Rangliste & GeburtsjahrIn den Settings kann man kein CSS einfügen sondern nur die CSS Klassen für die Tabelle festlegen.
Wenn das Beispiel in das CSS des Themes eingefügt wird, wirkt sich das auf alle Tabellen unabh?ngig von der angegebenen Klasse aus.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TTLive] Wünsche & Anregungen- Paramter runde=0 –> Gesamt, z.B. bei elementname=”Mannschaft”
- Bei elementname=”Mannschaft” eingesetzte Ersatzspieler aus anderen Mannschaften ausblenden
- Bei Spielplan mannschaft_id optional. Wenn sie fehlt, wird der Spielplan aller Mannschaften gemischt in einer Tabelle gezeigt.
- Alle Mannschaften in der Tabelle klickbar (nicht nur die eigene)