Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wBounce] status options are not workingHi, Kevin.
I Installed the version and it worked perfectly, the problem is with the version. I’m using the 4.6.1 version of WordPress.
Thank you for your help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wBounce] status options are not workingCan anybody help?
Hi, Jeremy.
I understand this plugin only facilitates the work of inserting the code manually in functions.php, right?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] How do I exclude the extension "?Lang=pb" from URL?Okay, John. I made the following settings: [], and now, the urls are displayed as follows:
Portuguese (default):
English (secondary): is the possibility of both being displayed in this way: [], or obligatorily will be added the slug in secondary languages?
Thankyou so much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] How do I exclude the extension "?Lang=pb" from URL?Hi,
I have found no line for the “URL Modification Mode” option in the options-general.php file, I need to add some line? If so, where should I put? You can see the file at this link:
Thanks in advance!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [qTranslate X] How do I exclude the extension "?Lang=pb" from URL?Hi, John
I read the Startup Guide, but I don’t understand how to configure for that the URL to be displayed in the same way in both languages. Can you help me?
Many thanks!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Circumference Lite] How do I translate the theme?Hi,
As I explained, the .mo file is absent in the languages folder, and thus can not do the translation with the poedit. I used a plugin called “CodeStyling Localization”, that generates the .mo file, however, appeared the following message:
“Error: The content translated and currently loaded does not match the textdomain: circumference-lite any text to be translated will not appear while the textdomain is different!
This is a coding problem in the source files that are trying to translate, please contact the author and explain this error.”
Thanks in advance!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Circumference Lite] How to display media boxes in the home?It worked!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Add class in paragraph inside the_contentcan anyone help?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Add class in paragraph inside the_contentok, I have the following html structure formed by a loop
<section id="post-205" class="post-205 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-destaques"> <h4> <span> Xbox 360 </ span> </ h4> <img alt="" src="https://localhost/roxgames/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/xbox36012.jpg"> <ul class="desc-destaques"> <li> </ li> <li> </ li> <li> </ li> <li> </ li> </ ul> <p> 799.00 </ p> <form method="post" action="" target="pagseguro"> <input type="hidden" value="CC104BD80909378664BE1F92F93907F6" name="itemCode"> <br> <input type="image" alt="comprar" name="submit" src=""> <br> </ form> <p> <a class="more-link" know href="https://localhost/roxgames/?p=205#more-205"> + </ a> </ p> </ section>
The content inside the tags h4, img, ul and <p> 799.00 </ p> are generated by the plugin Advanced Custon Fields, and the contents of the tag “<form>, and the paragraph below is inserted into the resulting content wysiwyg editor which appears on page via the_content ().
I would like to add a class just for the tag “form” and the paragraph below.
Thanks for the help!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Add class in paragraph inside the_contentalchymyth, regarding the link you posted, I do not know exactly which function to use to add the class, could you explain more specifically?