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  • Thread Starter thompsonaire


    Thank you (@simonc17) That worked great for shading the current day on the calendar. What would I use if I wanted only to shade the circle instead of the entire box?

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    Hi George Appiah

    (@gappiah) I sortof can read html. I get lost real easy and confused. I suffered a hemorrhagic stroke and spent 5 days in a coma. I am 65 and am unable to learn like I used to be able to. Heck I can not even remember the page I was working on when I asked about the page jumps. The explination that charlykingdev

    (@charlykingdev) supplied should work for me. I will be trying that on a page I am currently working on.

    I started doing web stuff back in 1998. Back then I was using Front Page to help with all the code. So I started to learn how to read it (Somewhat) but could never write it. Then I found the WordPress system. That made sense to me and allowed me to do stuff with my basic understanding. I was more or less a cut and paste hacker. But then they did the Blocks thing and that totaly lost me. I just do not have the brain power any longer to understand it. Just does not click in my brain. The progression and logic is not something I can grasp.

    While I admire those who have been able to learn this stuff I am just not capable any longer. I have to ask for help and I am OK with that. I do my best and that is good enough for me. I have stumbled through the page jumps on a couple of different sites but each time I have to go back and do it I can never remember how I did it. In the last few years I have been creating my own notes in word and saving them in a file so when I have to do something like page jumps or color a background for a video I can open them up and remind myself.
    Here is one of the pages where I have used the page jump feature.

    Thank you all for your help.

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    That is fantastic to hear. I would love to hear about it when you are ready to deploy.

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    I figured it out.

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    I do not believe this is specific to the events manager plugin. It’s a link to a page. I would like to be able to set the link so it appears only to a specific group of people who are assigned to specific user groups. Not sure what that has to do with Events Manager. It just a link. I am using beaver builder to do this. Maybe I should ask them..

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    While I am here. I found this in one of the Categoriy secitons. It clearly states you may access this by using #_categorycolor….. HOW. How do I use this information?

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    OK. I have tried a bunch of things and I just can not get the text on light colored categories to show in a darker color. The text is still white no matter what I do. However, I have noticed that if I make the background white the color of the text turns to black. Go figure.. Currently my solution is to put a shadow behind the text in the entire frame but I do not like that because it adds a shadow to ALL the text including the month and week days. Not what I want. So I am still waiting for guidance on how to fix.

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    I GOT IT!!! OMG.. The roll back thing. I went to try to do the code sindbits thing you talked about and noticed that there was a “Rollback” link now behind all of the apps. So I clicked on it for the events manager and selected the or what ever the last one was and POOF! It worked! So now i have to go check my other sites.

    Thank you for tolerating me.

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    I tried. Clicked on the roll back link. Took me to a site where I had to click on three more things to find a download link. Then I downloaded the file and moved it over into a folder from the download folder. The I went to the CP for the site and uploaded the zip file. I see the app in the list of apps but I do not know how to make it work. I clicked on the link “Roll back” and it wants to roll back my word press thing. So I do not understand how to get it to roll back a specific app or widget or plugin thing

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    just so you know. I am a 65 year old stroke survivor. I can barely remember how to find my way to the bathroom. I do not understand code and unless you give me a specific step by step set of instructions I can not do anything you are suggesting.

    So you gave a small piece of code above. You said I could use that but to do that I have to download another app. And then you also said about using a roll back app of some sort. But that is another app i would have to download.

    Too much. Brain hurts. Sorry.

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    I have been trying to figure out how to fix this issue. I have found many who have had problems and several talk about Rolling Back the version. How does that work? How do you “Roll Back” the update and get the old version back? Cause now I have two sites that are not working the way I want.

    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    I believe you may be correct. Too bad there is no way for me to be able to do as you have suggested. I wish I had an older version of the app that I could upload. When I open up the file you suggested by using my FTP there is no line numbers. I have tried to count the lines to get to 609 but loose track over and over. Then even if I could find that line I would more than likely mess it up. Is there a way I can download the working version from the site that works and upload that to the other pages that are not working?

    Thank you for trying to help.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [HD Quiz] Export a Quiz?
    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    I am currently going question by question looking for the ones that need images. I am also missing 10 questions. I have 57 Questions on the site, but when I uploaded the file to the site it only had 47 questions. I did not see an option for images but there are only 8 questions (or so) with images so that is not a big deal. BUT…. The questions are not in the same order so finding the 10 questions I am missing will be somewhat of a challenge. But I am still further ahead than I would have been without the Export Tool thing you explained.

    Thank you very much for helping.


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [HD Quiz] Export a Quiz?
    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    OK.. I now have the questions but none of the images came over. So now I need to go down the list and find all the questions that require images and upload them. At least that is better than having to re-write every one.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [HD Quiz] Export a Quiz?
    Thread Starter thompsonaire


    OK,, Found another method that does not work.

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