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  • Thread Starter Three Heads Records


    Bom dia Alessandro, obrigado pela dica, vou testar sim, abra?o.

    Thread Starter Three Heads Records


    Pois é Claudio mesmo assim n?o sei o motivo ele n?o permite que o cliente finalize a compra, deixando em branco ou informando os 11 números aleatórios ou n?o, eu até cedi o meu CPF para ser informado ao cliente e mesmo assim n?o consegue concluir a compra, já está opcional, também, na configura??o do meu tema (Hello Elementor), o mais intrigante é que outros clientes conseguem comprar, do mesmo país e pelo mesmo gateway de pagamento (paypal principalmente). N?o teria como você desenvolver um plugin só para pagamentos de clientes fora do Brasil sem exigir muitas informa??es, seria interessante só o nome, sobrenome e email, esses sim obrigatórios, isso só para produtos digitais (no meu caso em vendo músicas no formato MP3) mas irei vender, também, discos de vinil e CD (físicos) mas isso é outra história, o que eu precisava mesmo era esse checkout simples para produtos digitais, mesmo que eu tenha que te pagar por isso, pense e me diga se interessa, obrigado.

    Thread Starter Three Heads Records


    Bom dia, Claudio, em contato com o meu cliente da Fran?a o mesmo mencionou que o problema persiste, ou seja, o campo CPF continua sendo exigido para ele e com isso a finaliza??o de compra n?o é concluída. Preciso enviar as telas do seu plugin e como as configuro mas por aqui n?o estou conseguindo, pode informar um email seu de contato para que eu envie as imagens das telas printadas por favor ?

    Thread Starter Three Heads Records


    Olá Claudio, acho que já descobri o problema, realmente n?o é o plugin, eu marquei como obrigatório no formulário de checkout, e isso estava sobrepondo seu plugin que está configurado corretamente conforme a documenta??o. Agora faltam os clientes fora do Brasil testarem para certificar que o problema n?o acontecerá mais, obrigado pelo retorno.

    Thread Starter Three Heads Records


    Thanks Juan, I made a modification just now and I’ll see if the problem was there.

    Thread Starter Three Heads Records


    2022-03-05T09:04:28+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Exception::getData() in /home/u762109044/domains/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/u762109044/domains/ include()
    #1 /home/u762109044/domains/ PayPal_Brasil_Plus_Gateway->payment_fields()
    #2 /home/u762109044/domains/ include(‘/home/u76210904…’)
    #3 /home/u762109044/domains/ wc_get_template(‘checkout/paymen…’, Array)
    #4 /home/u762109044/domains/threehead, em /home/u762109044/domains/, na linha 18

    2022-03-05T09:29:58+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Exception::getData() in /home/u762109044/domains/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/u762109044/domains/ include()
    #1 /home/u762109044/domains/ PayPal_Brasil_Plus_Gateway->payment_fields()
    #2 /home/u762109044/domains/ include(‘/home/u76210904…’)
    #3 /home/u762109044/domains/ wc_get_template(‘checkout/paymen…’, Array)
    #4 /home/u762109044/domains/threehead, em /home/u762109044/domains/, na linha 18

    2022-03-05T09:31:48+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Exception::getData() in /home/u762109044/domains/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/u762109044/domains/ include()
    #1 /home/u762109044/domains/ PayPal_Brasil_Plus_Gateway->payment_fields()
    #2 /home/u762109044/domains/ include(‘/home/u76210904…’)
    #3 /home/u762109044/domains/ wc_get_template(‘checkout/paymen…’, Array)
    #4 /home/u762109044/domains/threehead, em /home/u762109044/domains/, na linha 18

    2022-03-05T09:31:55+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Exception::getData() in /home/u762109044/domains/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/u762109044/domains/ include()
    #1 /home/u762109044/domains/ PayPal_Brasil_Plus_Gateway->payment_fields()
    #2 /home/u762109044/domains/ include(‘/home/u76210904…’)
    #3 /home/u762109044/domains/ wc_get_template(‘checkout/paymen…’, Array)
    #4 /home/u762109044/domains/threehead, em /home/u762109044/domains/, na linha 18

    2022-03-05T09:31:56+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Exception::getData() in /home/u762109044/domains/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/u762109044/domains/ include()
    #1 /home/u762109044/domains/ PayPal_Brasil_Plus_Gateway->payment_fields()
    #2 /home/u762109044/domains/ include(‘/home/u76210904…’)
    #3 /home/u762109044/domains/ wc_get_template(‘checkout/paymen…’, Array)
    #4 /home/u762109044/domains/threehead, em /home/u762109044/domains/, na linha 18

    2022-03-05T09:32:01+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Exception::getData() in /home/u762109044/domains/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/u762109044/domains/ include()
    #1 /home/u762109044/domains/ PayPal_Brasil_Plus_Gateway->payment_fields()
    #2 /home/u762109044/domains/ include(‘/home/u76210904…’)
    #3 /home/u762109044/domains/ wc_get_template(‘checkout/paymen…’, Array)
    #4 /home/u762109044/domains/threehead, em /home/u762109044/domains/, na linha 18

    2022-03-05T09:32:02+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Exception::getData() in /home/u762109044/domains/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/u762109044/domains/ include()
    #1 /home/u762109044/domains/ PayPal_Brasil_Plus_Gateway->payment_fields()
    #2 /home/u762109044/domains/ include(‘/home/u76210904…’)
    #3 /home/u762109044/domains/ wc_get_template(‘checkout/paymen…’, Array)
    #4 /home/u762109044/domains/threehead, em /home/u762109044/domains/, na linha 18

    2022-03-05T09:32:05+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Exception::getData() in /home/u762109044/domains/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/u762109044/domains/ include()
    #1 /home/u762109044/domains/ PayPal_Brasil_Plus_Gateway->payment_fields()
    #2 /home/u762109044/domains/ include(‘/home/u76210904…’)
    #3 /home/u762109044/domains/ wc_get_template(‘checkout/paymen…’, Array)
    #4 /home/u762109044/domains/threehead, em /home/u762109044/domains/, na linha 18

    2022-03-05T09:32:49+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Exception::getData() in /home/u762109044/domains/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/u762109044/domains/ include()
    #1 /home/u762109044/domains/ PayPal_Brasil_Plus_Gateway->payment_fields()
    #2 /home/u762109044/domains/ include(‘/home/u76210904…’)
    #3 /home/u762109044/domains/ wc_get_template(‘checkout/paymen…’, Array)
    #4 /home/u762109044/domains/threehead, em /home/u762109044/domains/, na linha 18

    2022-03-05T09:43:11+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Exception::getData() in /home/u762109044/domains/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/u762109044/domains/ include()
    #1 /home/u762109044/domains/ PayPal_Brasil_Plus_Gateway->payment_fields()
    #2 /home/u762109044/domains/ include(‘/home/u76210904…’)
    #3 /home/u762109044/domains/ wc_get_template(‘checkout/paymen…’, Array)
    #4 /home/u762109044/domains/threehead, em /home/u762109044/domains/, na linha 18

    2022-03-05T09:43:39+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Exception::getData() in /home/u762109044/domains/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/u762109044/domains/ include()
    #1 /home/u762109044/domains/ PayPal_Brasil_Plus_Gateway->payment_fields()
    #2 /home/u762109044/domains/ include(‘/home/u76210904…’)
    #3 /home/u762109044/domains/ wc_get_template(‘checkout/paymen…’, Array)
    #4 /home/u762109044/domains/threehead, em /home/u762109044/domains/, na linha 18

    2022-03-05T09:43:50+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Exception::getData() in /home/u762109044/domains/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/u762109044/domains/ include()
    #1 /home/u762109044/domains/ PayPal_Brasil_Plus_Gateway->payment_fields()
    #2 /home/u762109044/domains/ include(‘/home/u76210904…’)
    #3 /home/u762109044/domains/ wc_get_template(‘checkout/paymen…’, Array)
    #4 /home/u762109044/domains/threehead, em /home/u762109044/domains/, na linha 18

    2022-03-05T09:44:13+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Exception::getData() in /home/u762109044/domains/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/u762109044/domains/ include()
    #1 /home/u762109044/domains/ PayPal_Brasil_Plus_Gateway->payment_fields()
    #2 /home/u762109044/domains/ include(‘/home/u76210904…’)
    #3 /home/u762109044/domains/ wc_get_template(‘checkout/paymen…’, Array)
    #4 /home/u762109044/domains/threehead, em /home/u762109044/domains/, na linha 18

    2022-03-05T11:14:48+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Exception::getData() in /home/u762109044/domains/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/u762109044/domains/ include()
    #1 /home/u762109044/domains/ PayPal_Brasil_Plus_Gateway->payment_fields()
    #2 /home/u762109044/domains/ include(‘/home/u76210904…’)
    #3 /home/u762109044/domains/ wc_get_template(‘checkout/paymen…’, Array)
    #4 /home/u762109044/domains/threehead, em /home/u762109044/domains/, na linha 18

    Thread Starter Three Heads Records


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    ### Status report information ###
    Generated at: 2022-03-09 15:55:37 -03:00
    Thread Starter Three Heads Records


    OK Juan, I already contacted crocoblock via telegram

    Thread Starter Three Heads Records


    I speak of version 2.6.2

    Thread Starter Three Heads Records


    Hello Juan and everyone who was interested in helping me, I discovered the problem and it is already solved, it was the JetElements For Elementor plugin by Crocoblock, as soon as I deactivated the problem it was solved, this plugin was updated last week and the developers will probably fix it because other people must be facing the same problem. Once again thank you all very much.

    Thread Starter Three Heads Records


    The problem is more serious than I imagined, every time I update the site it doubles or triples the amount purchased. I don’t know what to do anymore.

    Thread Starter Three Heads Records


    Hi Maykato.

    Exactly that, on the BUY button there are no problems, the problem is only when I add an individual track from the tracklist below the album image when the client listens to the audio, I already tested it in another browser and the same problem happens, are you saying that you entered the site and added a track and the problem did not happen? That’s it ?. Follow the example

    Click on any track to add to cart and tell me if in a second it doubles or not, thanks in advance.

    Thread Starter Three Heads Records


    Igor, I noticed that when I add the complete album this does not happen, the BUY button but when it is an individual track it is added with the correct amount and then this amount is automatically doubled in, more or less, a second after the first addition to the cart. There’s some automatic process going on without me executing the command, very strange that.

    Thread Starter Three Heads Records


    Hi Igor, thanks for your attention, the problem occurs with all products. Here’s a copy of the report as you requested.

    ### WordPress Environment ###

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    ### Post Type Counts ###

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    product: 11369
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    wp_global_styles: 1
    wpforms: 1
    yith_wcan_preset: 2

    ### Security ###

    Secure connection (HTTPS): ?
    Hide errors from visitors: ?

    ### Active Plugins (34) ###

    FiboSearch – AJAX Search for WooCommerce: por FiboSearch Team – 1.16.0
    Akismet Anti-Spam: por Automattic – 4.2.2
    Async JavaScript: por Frank Goossens (futtta) –
    Audioburst Podcast Highlights Player: por Audioburst – 1.22.1
    AudioIgniter: por The CSSIgniter Team – 1.7.2
    Widgets Clássicos: por Colaboradores do WordPress – 0.3
    Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA: por – 2.2.2
    Duplicate Page: por mndpsingh287 – 4.4.8
    Elementor Pro: por – 3.6.2
    Elementor: por – 3.5.5
    Google Language Translator: por Translate AI Multilingual Solutions – 6.0.13
    InCuca Tech – Pix for WooCommerce: por InCuca Tech – 1.3.6
    JetBlocks For Elementor: por Crocoblock – 1.3.0
    JetElements For Elementor: por Crocoblock – 2.6.2
    JetEngine – dynamic tables builder: por Crocoblock – 1.0.1
    JetEngine: por Crocoblock – 2.11.4
    JetSmartFilters: por Crocoblock – 2.3.10
    JetWooBuilder For Elementor: por Crocoblock – 1.12.0
    JetWidgets for Elementor and WooCommerce: por Crocoblock – 1.1.3
    LiteSpeed Cache: por LiteSpeed Technologies –
    Mighty Addons: por MightyThemes – 1.7.4
    PayPal Brasil para WooCommerce: por PayPal – 1.4.2
    Reveal IDs: por Oliver Schl?be – 1.5.4
    WassUp Real Time Analytics: por Michele Marcucci
    Helene Duncker –

    Webpushr Push Notifications: por Webpushr Web Push Notifications – 4.28.0
    Payment Gateway for PayPal on WooCommerce: por easypayment – 5.0.4
    WooCommerce Breadcrumbs: por Anthony Hortin – 1.0.8
    BEAR – Bulk Editor and Products Manager Professional for WooCommerce: por realmag777 – 2.0.9
    Brazilian Market on WooCommerce: por Claudio Sanches – 3.7.2
    CURCY – WooCommerce Multi Currency Premium: por VillaTheme – 2.1.25
    WooCommerce Product Table: por Barn2 Plugins – 2.8.2
    WooCommerce: por Automattic – 6.2.1
    AeroCheckout: Custom WooCommerce Checkout Pages: por WooFunnels – 2.9.2
    WPFront Scroll Top: por Syam Mohan –

    ### Inactive Plugins (0) ###

    ### Dropin Plugins (1) ###

    object-cache.php: object-cache.php

    ### Must Use Plugins (1) ###

    p3-profiler.php: por –

    ### Settings ###

    API Enabled: –
    Force SSL: –
    Currency: BRL (R$)
    Currency Position: left
    Thousand Separator: .
    Decimal Separator: ,
    Number of Decimals: 2
    Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)
    grouped (grouped)
    simple (simple)
    variable (variable)

    Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)
    exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)
    featured (featured)
    outofstock (outofstock)
    rated-1 (rated-1)
    rated-2 (rated-2)
    rated-3 (rated-3)
    rated-4 (rated-4)
    rated-5 (rated-5)

    Connected to –

    ### WC Pages ###

    Base da loja: #3026 – /
    Carrinho: #3027 – /carrinho/
    Finaliza??o de compra: #6716 – /finalizar-compra/
    Minha conta: #3029 – /minha-conta/
    Termos e condi??es: #3030 – /termos-e-condicoes-de-uso/

    ### Theme ###

    Name: Astra
    Version: 3.7.7
    Author URL:
    Child Theme: ? – Recomendamos você utilizar um tema filho no caso de você estiver personalizando o WooCommerce em um tema ascendente. Veja como criar um tema filho
    WooCommerce Support: ?

    ### Templates ###

    Overrides: –

    ### Action Scheduler ###

    Concluído: 392
    Oldest: 2022-01-23 06:48:23 -0300
    Newest: 2022-02-22 21:16:36 -0300

    Pendente: 13
    Oldest: 2022-02-23 05:20:23 -0300
    Newest: 2022-02-24 21:02:18 -0300

    ### Status report information ###

    Generated at: 2022-02-25 09:17:56 -03:00

    Uma vergonha esse plugin arrebentar meu site em vários lugares depois da atualiza??o para a vers?o 5.6.0, só consegui resolver depois de voltar backup, inaceitável uma irresponsabilidade dessa. N?o efetuaram todos os testes antes de liberar a vers?o. Estou muito revoltado com isso. A Stripe é culpada também por n?o checar tais atualiza??es em seu departamento de desenvolvimento. Vou encerrar minha conta na STRIPE por isso.

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)