Tiago ADPS
Forum Replies Created
Oh great, that solved it. Doing it manually by ftp wasn’t working, but that did it, thank you.
That doesn’t do it, sorry. That line only affects the other images, not the centered one.
I tried removing it just in case and it only made the other images smaller, as you can see.Hi, thank you but I really wanted the previous and next slides at least partially visible.
So I’m guessing it’s not possible to have the 3 (at least partially) visible slides with really big images, because the images will always scale down to fit 3 whole images on screen. Is that it?
Thanks again
Thanks, here it is:
Meanwhile I did a small edit to the css, but only to the non centered slides, so it shouldn’t interfere.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ajax Pagination and Infinite Scroll] Plugin works except on the homepageSupport quickly realised the problem was in the template pointing me to the right direction!
Just for possible future reference, applying the regular “paged” pagination to a static front page doesn’t work (as per WP logic).
Used “page” instead, in my case like so:
$paged = ( get_query_var( ‘page’ ) ) ? get_query_var( ‘page’ ) : 1;Many thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ajax Pagination and Infinite Scroll] Plugin works except on the homepageYep, I’ve defined a static page in Reading -> Settings as my front page. And that’s where it doesn’t work.
Sending you an email right now, thank you so much!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YITH Infinite Scrolling] Execute function after ajax loads contentHi,
Is there some sort of example you could point me to?
I googled ‘yith_infs_added_elem’ but found nothingThx
I want to do display some HTML wrapping the placeholder #_CATEGORYNOTES only if #_CATEGORYNOTES exists for the current event.
So I could do something like this, for example:
{has_categorynotes} <a>#_CATEGORYNOTES</a> {/has_categorynotes}
With that example I can only use category related placeholders, it doesn’t give me control over the event format, correct? Using #_EVENTNAME for e.g. will not return the names of the events.
Is there any other example? Or am I missing something?
I want to edit the category page. It sounds very simple and with WP it usually is, but I can’t do it with EM.
I feel terrible for not understanding but unfortunately I don’t know what to take from those links. To me, the sample code from categories.php seems to generate a list of category links. Is that what it does?
I really don’t know how to use that to create the conditional code I’m looking for.
Thanks a lot for the answer! It ended up being more complicated than it seemed though.
Those wp_dropdown_categories snippets were creating urls based on the IDs of the event categories (e.g https://www.mysite.com/?event-categories=3) which don’t exist. Fortunately I also found this answer that complemented yours.
In case someone stumbles upon this, here’s what worked for my drop down events category menu that submits on select.
<?php function replace_id_for_slug($option){ $categories = get_categories("taxonomy=event-categories&hide_empty=0"); preg_match('/value="(\d*)"/', $option[0], $matches); $id = $matches[1]; $slug = ""; foreach($categories as $category){ if($category->cat_ID == $id){ $slug = $category->slug; } } return preg_replace("/value=\"(\d*)\"/", "value=\"$slug\"", $option[0]); } $select = wp_dropdown_categories("taxonomy=event-categories&hierarchical=1&hide_empty=0&echo=0&show_option_none=Select category"); $select = preg_replace_callback("#<option[^>]*>[^<]*</option>#", "replace_id_for_slug", $select); echo $select; ?> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- var dropdown = document.getElementById("cat"); function onCatChange() { if ( dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value != -1 ) { location.href = "<?php echo get_option('home');?>?event-categories="+dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value+"/"; } } dropdown.onchange = onCatChange; --></script>
Thanks for the fast answer.
I looked into the code and I suppose it would be something similar to the snippet below, but I don’t know what would go in place of the suspension points
function my_cat_desc($replacement, $condition, $match, $EM_Event){ if( is_object($EM_Event) && preg_match('/^has_catdesc$/',$condition, $matches) ){ if( ... ){ $replacement = preg_replace("/\{\/?$condition\}/", '', $match); }else{ $replacement = ''; } } return $replacement; } add_action('my_cat_desc_condition', 'my_cat_desc', 1, 4);
Could you please help me on that missing part?
Here’s the link: https://buranstudio.com/projects/mb/web15/ (top green box)
Maybe there’s a way to loop through the category names (only names without formatting)? That way maybe I could wrap my code around it.
Oh, I guess I can copy calendar-full.php into my child theme directory, switch the ‘td’ bit for a div and that’s it ??
I just hope it doesn’t bring me weird bugs later on.Hey, thanks for your answer.
Theoretically, could I use the default calendar behaviour, which links to a page with all the events for the day, except that page would also have pagination for the following days, just like the events page?
Maybe I’ll have to think a bit hard on this.