Tim Vergara
Forum Replies Created
This seems to a theme issue because the error is pointing you on your themes functions.php, I would suggest checking the functions.php around line 249.
Can you you make sure that you’re selecting a Start and End Date of Event? (Top right of screen when Creating an Event.
Can you also check the Events > Settings > Formatting > Date/Time > Date Picker Format > Please this to “mm-dd-yy” then try again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] Problems with MapsHello,
Are you using DIVI? If you are, You would nneed to check their documentation on how to Add Googlemaps API.
Can you also make sure that you have also enabled the following API’s and added the Billing Info?
1, Make sure that you have also added your BILLING ADDRESS, This is because google maps requires billing information now.
2. Geocoding API
3. Geolocating API
4. Directions API
5. Distance API
6. Elevation APIAfter you have made sure that you have activated those, You might need to re-enter the addresses again on the Field for the map to show.
Are you using DIVI? If you are, You would nneed to check their documentation on how to Add Googlemaps API.
Can you also make sure that you have also enabled the following API’s and added the Billing Info?
1, Make sure that you have also added your BILLING ADDRESS, This is because google maps requires billing information now.
2. Geocoding API
3. Geolocating API
4. Directions API
5. Distance API
6. Elevation APIAfter you have made sure that you have activated those, You might need to re-enter the addresses again on the Field for the map to show.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] Can’t InstallHello,
I would suggest trying it on your localhost if you have or maybe try and Install a Fresh WP Install from your Server.
Currently the only supported map of Events manager is Google Maps. What you might be able to do is, Insert the Map locations on events using an iframe or maybe create a Custom Field where you can insert the map code and display the field anywhere you want.
1) We will be able to display events by Organizers.
– Events Manager have an option where users could Submit Events of their own. You could create different accounts on each Organizers and they could submit events that they want.2) Each user who submits an event, if the event allows RSVP will be able to check very easily who has registered.
– The Admin or anyone with permissions to view the bookings for an event can see the Attendees of an Event. At same time, There is also a placeholder that would allow you to display the attendees of an Event.Hello,
You might be able to do it with other plugins that handles memberships. Other method is to create multiple user roles and limit the Output based on user roles. Both cases would require you to do some custom coding also, You might going to need to hire a Developer in case you’re not familiar with PHP, HTMML and CSS.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] event searchHello,
What do you mean by events are not Filtered? Could you perhaps give us a link of the search page? Please do try and change theme to any twentyseries or perhaps disable all plugins and only activate the EM and EM Pro. This is to isolate the issue and make sure that the issue is indeed from plugin and not a conflict from others.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] Month archives?Hello,
You could just create a Page and add a shortcode that shows the Past Events.
[events_list_grouped mode="monthly" scope="past"]<p>#_EVENTLINK - #_EVENTDATES at #_EVENTTIMES</p>[/events_list_grouped]
More information here: https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/shortcodes/
Are you referring to the Submitting of Events or Guest Booking an Event? From what I understand you’re referring to the 1st one.
Here is a complete documentation for it:
1. https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/user-event-guest-submissions/
2. https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/event-approval/Then for initial Settings: Under Events > Settings > Event Submission Forms
1. Allow anonymous event submissions? [YES]
2. Create a new User with Subscriber Role
3. Select that User on the Field Guest Default User
4. Create a new PAGE and add the shortcode “[event_form]”
5. Proceed to Events > Settings > Pages > Other Pages > Front-end management pages
– Create a new PAGE > Publish and Select that Page as [Edit events page]I think another approach is to Add the Events you want to be removed on a Category.
If you want to Remove the Events A, B and C. Add them to a Category (ie: Special Events)
Then Just create a shortcode like the following. Please do note that the “-1” means that you would not display any Events with that category.
[events_list scope="future" category="-1,100,200,300"]
More information here: https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/event-search-attributes/
- This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Tim Vergara.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] Map UnavailableHello,
You could go to Events > Settings > Formatting ? Event > Single Event Page format > Then you the text area you can remove the code/placeholder for the Google Map. By default it’s the #_LOCATIONMAP including the opening and closing div before and after it.
Sorry, but I’m confused with what you mean by default fields. Are you referring to the Booking Forms Fields? (ie: Name, Email, Postal and others?) If yes then EM Pro have an Options to manage and Edit those. If you’re referring to other stuff please do provide a link or a screenshot. This way users from this forum could properly help you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Calendar, Bookings, Tickets, and more!] PriceIf you don’t want to use the Ticket Feature, then you could just create a Custom Field to display the Price. Event Manager uses Tickets to manage the Prices and number of Attendees. However, If you’re using any Tickets then users would just see the Event and won’t have any place to register.