Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: questions regarding as-pdfI love this plugin – but have a problem – I get a lot of extra spaces – it seems to be doublespacing the paragraph breaks.
Any idea how I can change this? Can I adjust the paragraph space height?
I can send you an example, but as it’s my CV with personal details I’d rather not here.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: RSS empty feed – 2.5 upgrade issueI’ve reverted back to 2.3; I’ve tested it again – you don’t lose RSS posts until you update the database.
Also quite scarily I got locked out and had to use emergency.php when I downgraded…first time that’s ever happened. I got database errors also.
Oh and my categories no longer work. Sigh.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Inconsistent behavior when giving WordPress its own directorySod it I’m rolling back to my previous version.
2.5 will be nice, when it works…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Inconsistent behavior when giving WordPress its own directoryI’m having the same problem with empty feed and the RSS not working.
I run WP in a different directory too – and RSS feed, but they’ve changed how the RSS feed works, they include it now from wp-includes rather than before, and it’s totally stuffed my feed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I take out an enclosure?It’s not the podcasting platforms which are broken; some work, some don’t. I just want control of which file links *I* include in *my* feed.
Is that so hard?
Although if you really want to talk to a developer rather than a lowly user, you can go and speak to Dave Winer of audio.weblogs.com https://blogs.law.harvard.edu/dave/ – audioblogs doesn’t work with more than one enclosure; as he came up with RSS enclosures he might know whether they should have 1 or more for podcasting?
I can guess his reponse tho; I think podcatcher.com or the old iPodder.org has an interesting FAQ about it where it says podcatching clients shouldn’t download more than 1 enclosure…if they do it’s something else…there was a big argument about it last year. But I don’t know if anyone decided whether it should be single or multiple; hence the confusion I expect.
But just because you CAN include multiple enclosures doesn’t mean you WANT to or CHOOSE to.
Anyway if you’re NOT supposed to delete an enclosure; why does it have a bloody big DELETE button next to it? That when pressed, doesn’t work?
Very hitchhikers – you really should have a sign saying ‘please do not press this button again!’ appear when you do…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I take out an enclosure?you still can’t take out an enclosure in You click the delete button and it just doesn’t do it – so another ‘downgrade’ to my unsupported nightly. Sigh.
So do I need to find a better podcasting platform? Web Application of the Year don’t make me laugh…
a disappointed ex-fan.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: RSS feed enclosuresThis is still not fixed in
I know that the specs say you *can* have multiple enclosures, but a) many of the podcatching clients hate them and b) I do actually want to select what I include in my feed – I think it’s bad netiquette to bombard my listeners with the source tracks I link to, and drain other’s bandwidth.
I’m still using the old pre 1.5 nightly, and will continue to do so until a) you fix this or b) a better blogging podcasting system comes along.
I’m really disappointed – you can see I and others raised this 2-3 months ago, and I’m not the only one (quite a few other (bigger than me) podcasts such as Tracks up the Tree have had this problem – they’ve had to resort to posting their links into the comment fields!!!
C’mon developers…can’t we actually have the functionality the users request? Is that such a crime? To be able to delete an enclosure if you don’t want to include it in your feed?
Or is that too much?
Or am I just a luser to you? >:-o
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I take out an enclosure?As you can see in the other thread this is still an issue for me and others and still no response.
Quite a lot of the podcasting community chose WordPress to podcast from, a few in part from my personal recommendation.
I can’t recommend WordPress anymore because not being able to delete the automatically generated multiple enclosures is a major issue, and podcasting clients will just ignore the feed or ignore the extra files, probably ignoring your podcast.
A month later and I hear nothing – and sadly I think the podcasting community using WP will go elsewhere eventually. I’m quite disgusted at the lack of support, even for a free product.
Developers used to post here before Strayhorn’s lauch…even a short one line post of ‘we’re looking at it’ or ‘we wont fix this’ will let us know what to do next.
I’m patient, have been for a month since this was raised…but I’m starting to lose patience.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: RSS feed enclosuresI’m still using my 1.5-gamma 2005-02-03 because it lets me delete enclosures. Yes I updated to Strayhorn, Yes it worked on the third try of fiddling, but yes the enclosures ‘delete’ button then didn’t work. ??
So I downgraded back to my old nightly. Still waiting for this issue (discussed in other threads) to be sorted or even acknowledged by anyone out there? Anyone? It must be a bug as the delete button works great in my nightly (still have the annoying adding-too-many-RSS-feature which as someone said earlier totally against what most podcatching clients accept) but at least I can delete them. The proper release won’t let me do that.
It’s weird support was 110% before the release of Strayhorn; now it seems very quiet…and if anyone says ‘upgrade’ in the future I’ll just direct them here.
Will this be fixed in 1.5.1 I wonder?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I take out an enclosure?oops sorry I didn’t know it could do that!
thanks! ??
sadly won’t get over the deleting enclosures issue unless I create podcasts with show notes with no other links….:-(
But really cool it ca do that ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I take out an enclosure?It’s not a feature when you’re leeching other people’s bandwidth accidentally because WP is adding enclosures to any linked media in your post?
I don’t want to kill people’s bandwidth constraints because I can’t delete an enclosure…still having problems with this, and using the gamma version because to be honest the proper version*doesn’t work properly*
It’s not a feature, it’s a bug that you can’t delete enclosures! Otherwise why is there a ‘Delete’ button in the first place?
Unless WP want to create the ability to have separate feeds according to category for me? I doubt those subscribing to my podcast really want to download everything I ever post…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Getting 404s on comments…yes this worked great and it’s been working fine now for a month.
thanks! ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I take out an enclosure?hmm bit a major bug deleting unwanted enclosures – just upgraded from 1.5 nightly (not sure which one – early Feb, 02 or 03 I think?) to 1.5 proper – you can’t delete enclosures from a Published post. You have to goto draft first. But then when you publish they come back again…. aaargh!
You get the message ‘Custom Field Deleted’ while trying to delete enclosures from a published post, but they don’t go away and stay in the feed and on the page…
For your information you could at least delete Published enclosures in my 1.5 nightly – just switched back and yes it does still work.
Also is there anyway you can restrict or limit the types of enclosures being automatically created?
I put a MP3 on a new line but also have anchor links to other media in the copy- WordPress is still (in this latest version) making several of them enclosures, even when the link is only in the href, not in the body of the page.
hmm….rather than piss everyone off by leeching their bandwidth by RSS feeding other people’s files I’ve had to switch back…for the *second* time! ??
I’ve had less trouble with the 1.5 Nightlies (RIP) than upgrading to the new version…:-( But I won’t get support if I don’t upgrade, but to be honest my nightly seems much more stable than the full version and does everything I want to do…the only reason I’ve tried to upgrade unsucessfully twice is the ‘no support’ thing.
Oh well…least I saw more than a white page this time :-?|
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Getting 404s on comments…strangely the first doesn’t work (I’d tried that one first) but the latter works perfectly…weird! Just seems a bit more clunky to me to have a URL like this:
a lot of slashes! But it works, thanks!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: SPG integration into Kubrick Theme on WordPress 1.5that’s so cool – thanks for this!