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  • Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    One of my awesome users found the issue and I’m applying a fix to the next release (v1.7)! Here is the discussion on it.

    @roccons2, you are so awesome for finding that and commenting on how to fix it!

    I definitely would like to leave the sidebar names translatable, so what I’ve done is update all the calls to load the sidebar to use its “id” instead of its “name”. So “sidebar-1”, “sidebar-2”, etc. I would love to change the id’s to something more meaningful, but then everyone would lose their widget settings. So I’m leaving them the way they are.

    This fix will be in the next release! (v1.7)

    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    @amberlynnbenton, navbar-brand is definitely a Bootstrap class. You wouldn’t need it for your theme, but its fine to use it if you want since you’ll be styling it with inline CSS. I wouldn’t add a 25% margin, though, as your logo won’t be centered on smaller browser widths or mobile devices. Instead I’d use this technique to center the image. Note that you need to put this style on the <img> itself, not the container (navbar-brand).

    style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;"

    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    @b1mb4m, I’d need a link to your site. You should enable Developer Mode in your Browser, so you can view the page source and see what HTML code is being output.

    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    Oh, sorry I didn’t see this earlier. YES, I’d love to have Serbian and Dutch translations! I’ll include them in the next version of Flat Bootstrap (which will also work in all my child themes).

    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    Sorry I didn’t see this as the post was marked as resolved, but clearly it was still a problem. I haven’t heard of anyone losing drop-down menu items with Flat Bootstrap or any of my other themes that are based on it. Since they are Bootstrap-based, you have to click on the parent menu item to open the child menu (it doesn’t just display on hover), but it certainly shouldn’t have ignored submenu items.

    Do you guys have a test site where you could set the theme to Flat Bootstrap and let me look into the issue?

    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    Hi, Sorry I didn’t quite answer your question originally. If the featured image is 1170px or wider, it will be displayed as the post header and pull the title and subtitle from the image itself. That is what is going on with your second page above. For your first page above, the image must be <1170px wide and in that case, its not used in the post header at all. So the default blue background displays. I hope that clears things up!

    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    Hi. The above code will remove the sample widgets from the “Page Bottom” widget area. That should only turn off the sample widgets. You should still be able to add any widget you want to the Page Bottom (or Page Top) widget area. Try a simple Text widget first with just a sentence or two in it.

    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    Thanks for helping out here, cycas!

    Rick, the .pot file is in /flat-bootstrap/languages/. The documentation is in /flat-bootstrap/readme.txt. Its also available on our How to use our WordPress themes page. That may not cover everything, but I’ve tried to put as much info in there as I can. I’ll look to add some additional info based on various forum posts as well.

    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    Hi. The easiest way is to use a Bootstrap carousel (slider) plugin. However, if you want to manually add one to a page, you can use standard Bootstrap markup for that. Bootstrap Carousels.

    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    Well, that is all controlled by the Jetpack plugin, at least in Flat Bootstrap v1.5. In v1.6 I actually add some javascript specifically to make sure that it always does end up at the very end of all other content. If you want to look at the Flat Bootstrap v1.6 (Development Branch) you can see how I did that. You could probably figure out how to change the JS to put it at the top. Version 1.6 is pretty stable even though I haven’t pushed it to yet. Grab it now, though, while its stable. If this post gets old, it could be a beta version of v1.7 or something.

    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    That would be very hard to do with CSS overrides. The bootstrap.css file has a TON of CSS based on those breakpoints. But you could use their customizer to change them and then generate your own custom version of Bootstrap. You should use MY Bootstrap config.json file, though, so you have the tons of other changes I’ve made as a starting point.

    The file you need is in my “development” branch on github. That currently has the next version (v1.6) that has that file included. Flat Bootstrap – Development Branch

    Then upload it to Bootstrap Customizer and change the breakpoints. Download the resulting file and put it in the proper location in Flat Bootstrap.

    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    Hi. You can completely remove the page title and tagline in Appearance -> Customize, then Site Title & Tagline section. Or if you want both the site title and tagline you can do that. You can also turn off both and there will be no header… the top of your site will be the navbar. In that case, just your site title will display in the nav bar.

    I haven’t provided a way to disable the site title, but leave the tagline. I’m using standard WordPress theme code and it doesn’t provide for that. You can hide the site title with CSS, though. Something like:
    .site-title { display: none; }

    I don’t have the theme set up with a widget area above the navbar. Its a decent idea, though. Since you only want this on the front page, you may just want to copy over the index.php and name it frontpage.php. Then you can make edits there (remove site title if you want, hard-code in some text or whatever).

    All my themes use Bootstrap and they have CSS for a search section in the navbar. I’d actually like to figure out a way to put one on my site as well. I haven’t figured out an elegant way to do that yet. Plus, it would likely make the navbar too wide for portrait tablet screens. So then there is either figuring out how to make the search box expand or shrink or hide it altogether on tablets in portrait mode.

    If you want to experiment with it. You could edit header.php. Here is the documentation on how to do it from a Bootstrap perspective. Bootstrap Navbars. But I’m not exactly sure how you’d get that search button to get WordPress to perform the search.

    Sorry I wasn’t able to be more helpful. These are some good suggestions for me to see if I can figure out an elegant way to implement them.

    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    I’ve pushed v1.6 to github. The newer Bootstrap is in the development branch. I’m going to try to release it officially ( within a few weeks.

    Theme Author Tim Nicholson


    Hi, chofchof. I don’t know why WordPress doesn’t provide this feature out of the box. I wish they would. That setting you changed in Settings -> Reading is for whether to display the full text or a summary in the RSS feed, not on the blog. I’m trying to keep my themes as “pure” to WordPress core itself (so far), so haven’t added any non-standard theme settings.

    If you want to make the change yourself, you can do it in the file content.php. Search for the if-then logic around the_excerpt and the_content. You can change that if logic to display the full text there if you want. Unfortunately, if you update the theme when I release a new version you will have to redo your change.

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